inorganic sem 2

This class was created by Brainscape user gabby dimi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

book coordination chemistry
D block metals are,
Ligands are,
Ligands are usually
53  cards
topic 4
What changes across a node,
Which d orbitals lie between the ...,
Which d orbitals lie on the carte...
26  cards
topic 5
Octahedral disturbance in degener...,
Between t2g and eg what has the l...,
What gets filled first t2g or eg
38  cards
topic 6
Explanation for why metals prefer...,
What is a lewis acid,
What is a lewis base
31  cards
topic 7
Cu h2o 6 2 shape,
Jahn teller distortion,
Examples of degenerate orbitals
24  cards
topic 8
In a redox equation what is on th...,
In a redox equation what is on th...,
Redox equations are written as
37  cards
topic 3
How many valence orbitals does a ...,
If there are 9 atomic orbitals it...,
Compounds with 18e are said to be
12  cards
coordinate complexes and isomerism
List the 5 types of isomerism,
Ionisation isomers similarities,
Ionisation isomer differences
19  cards
topic 1🅱️
What is solid state chem,
Ionic bonding
98  cards
topic 2🅱️
Coordination number,
Coordination number of ccp or fcc...,
Bcc coordination number
37  cards
Ionic solid brief,
What is a binary solid,
Some binary solids can be what
33  cards
topic 5🅱️
Ionic solids,
What does the ionic model assume,
How do we determine the ionic radii
33  cards
topic 4🅱️
Describe rutile tio2,
Describe rutile fully,
Describe caesium chloride briefly
8  cards
lecture 6🅱️
Reasons as to why solids may cont...,
What external factors can damage ...,
Are defects always bad
18  cards

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inorganic sem 2

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