jetstar a320/321

This class was created by Brainscape user Allan Dude. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

What is the theoretical minimum p...,
What is the max elevation for tak...,
What is the max demonstrates cros...
9  cards
Doors And Windows
How long will the buzzer sound of...,
After a continuous 45sec of buzze...,
Under what conditions does the co...
11  cards
Equipment And Furnishings
How many flight attendant seats d...,
Where is the fap located,
Where are the two power outlets l...
4  cards
Emergency Equipment
What does the white light on the ...,
If the slide on a passenger door ...,
If the slide is armed and the doo...
17  cards
How is the first officer dome lig...,
How are the flood lights main pan...,
How is the lighting and brightnes...
7  cards
How many oxygen cylinders are ins...,
If the green disc oxygen indicato...,
On the door oxy page what happens...
12  cards
Fire Protection
How is fire detected in the engines,
How many fire extinguishing bottl...,
How many fire extinguishing bottl...
12  cards
Flight Instruments And Displays
How many adiru does the a320 have,
Where does the adr receive inform...,
Where does the ir receive informa...
15  cards
What does the a320 electrical pow...,
Where can power be sourced from o...,
In what priority are the ac bus s...
7  cards
How is the apu controlled,
Where does the app you source its...,
When shut down and after the apu ...
13  cards
Air Conditioning
What computer controls the air co...,
What conditions cause the pack fl...,
What flow rate is selected when t...
9  cards
What type of engines does the a32...,
How much power do the engines of ...,
What are the engine egt limitation s
7  cards
How is the pneumatic system contr...,
What does the pneumatic system pr...,
What are the limitations with reg...
4  cards
How is depressurization system co...,
Which areas of the aircraft and n...,
When do the cabin pressure contro...
10  cards
Which areas of the aircraft a ven...,
Are the cargo compartments heated...,
What system controls the avionics...
7  cards
Ice And Rain Protection
How is anti icing provided to the...,
Which components of the aircraft ...,
When do icing conditions exist
10  cards
How many fuel tanks does the a320...,
How is fuel transferred from the ...,
What is the fuel tank capacity
9  cards
How many hydraulic systems does t...,
What is the hydraulic system pres...,
How is normal hydraulic pressure ...
25  cards
Up to what distance does the weat...
1  cards
Landing Gear And Brakes
How are the landing gears controlled,
How is nose wheel steering and br...,
What happens if lgciu1 fails
32  cards
How are the interphone and inner ...
1  cards
Flight Controls
How many flightcontrol computers ...,
Which three flight control comput...,
If one flight control computer fa...
57  cards
Warning Systems
How can the gpws system be tested,
On approach if you hear too low g...,
When does ta occur
11  cards
How many fma modes are there what...,
Do the f d need to be engaged to ...,
At what bank angle and pitch atti...
20  cards
If one fmgc fails what happens,
How can a fast alignment of the a...,
What modes can the mcdus be opera...
5  cards
What happens when the navigation ...,
What is the cost index range in t...,
What happens if v2 is not entered...
9  cards
A320 Limitations
What are the flights maneuvering ...,
What is the aircraft service ceiling,
What is the altitude range for ta...
82  cards
Memory Items
What are the memory items,
Loss of braking,
Emer descent
15  cards
Technical Exam Questions
On the ohp what is signified by a...,
Regarding the lights on the overh...,
Where in the cockpit are the seco...
292  cards
Memory Items Verbatum
Loss of braking,
Emergency descent,
Stall recovery
5  cards
A321 Limitations
Flight maneuvering load accelerat...,
Max flight altitude,
Max altitude for takeoff and landing
52  cards
RVSM Airspace
Between what altitudes is rvsm ai...,
When transitioning to another fli...,
When maintaining flight level wha...
10  cards

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jetstar a320/321

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