management of neuropsychiatric disorders

This class was created by Brainscape user Jessica Tingle. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Neuropsychiatric Sequelae Of Stroke
What increases speed of recovery ...,
Why would ct be preferable over mri,
What can the montreal cognitive a...
8  cards
Principles Of Cognitive And Behavioural Psychology
What is the rationale behind iapt,
What is the rationale for cbt,
What disorder specific protocols ...
18  cards
What are the barriers to adherence,
What are the levels of insight,
What are the considerations when ...
26  cards
MDT Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Disorders
What does physiotherapy work to do,
What s the outline of the physiot...,
What would be covered in the inte...
6  cards
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation of Stroke
What might be evaluated in attention,
What are the types of apraxia,
What side of space does the left ...
33  cards
Epilepsy Surgery and Psychiatry
What features of epilepsy may fav...,
What might be an alternative to s...,
What potential surgeries may be u...
23  cards
Women And Epilepsy
What are the implications of bone...,
Which asms have strongest associa...,
What are the three commonly recog...
16  cards
What are obsessions,
What are the elements of obsessio...,
What are compulsions
11  cards
What is the immunological pathoge...,
What systems are affected by lupus,
What s the m f ratio of lupus
25  cards
Autoimmunity And Mental Health
What are the four stages of syphilis,
When might cns syphilis symptoms ...,
What are symptoms of neurosyphilis
18  cards
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
What types of neurodevelopmental ...,
What are the criteria for tourette s,
What measures are used to assess ...
8  cards
What are the most common types of...,
What is the neurooncology team co...,
What is the incidence of brain tu...
36  cards
Nutrition Psychiatry
What is malnutrition,
What are the two routes to malnut...,
What are the two major categories...
29  cards
What is depersonalisation,
What is derealisation,
How is depersonalisation managed
7  cards
Psychoactive Drugs In Neuropsychiatry
What is a psychoactive drug,
What is the synthetic cannabis na...,
What cannabis based treatment is ...
10  cards
Brain injury management
What are the risk factors for tbi,
What are the types of tbi,
What are the two types of cerebra...
45  cards
Rehabilitation medicine
What is rehabilitation,
What does rehabilitation serve to...,
What are the benefits of rehabili...
13  cards
Sleep investigations
What is the utility of a sleep diary,
What is the scoring system of the...,
What is actigraphy
34  cards
Neuropsychiatry Of Parkinson’s
When might neurodegeneration in n...,
How common are delusions visual h...,
How common is lack of insight wit...
32  cards
Managenent Of Dementia
What is an abc chart,
What is the underlying cause of b...,
I m what does the newcastle model...
6  cards
Management Of Medically Unexplained Symptoms
What is the preferred term for me...,
What is the prevalence of unexpla...,
What is the misdiagnosis rate dia...
8  cards
What is psychoeducation composed of
1  cards

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management of neuropsychiatric disorders

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