This class was created by Brainscape user Karabelo Pettunia. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

4.2.5 Pulmonary embolism
Appraise your medical history in a patient presenting with respiratory complaints once pulmonary hypertension has been found on clinical examination. Outline aspects (positive and negative findings) on clinical examination to narrow down the possible causes of pulmonary hypertension. Prioritize and interpret special investigations guided by the differential diagnosis. Narrow down the differential diagnosis through clinical reasoning to reach the most appropriate diagnosis.
3  cards
2.6.3 Pulmonary VQ:Nuclear medicine
Briefly describe how studies are performed and radiopharmaceuticals used Briefly explain common indications Briefly mention the advantages and disadvantages of VQ scans vs CTPA
5  cards AND CXR reading
Identify normal structures on CXR. Describe and interpret the CXR finding associated with Pneumonia and differentiate between broncho- and lobar pneumonia. Identify and describe a pleural effusion on a CXR. Identify and describe lobar collapse, and look for possible causes: mass lesion, lymph nodes, foreign body. Identify and describe the common features of pulmonary tuberculosis. Identify mass lesions.
1  cards Haemoptysis
Conduct a focused history and physical examination to formulate a differential diagnosis in a patient presenting with hemoptysis. Recognize a "must not miss" diagnosis in your differential diagnosis. Prioritize request and interpret special investigations guided by the differential diagnosis in a patient with hemoptysis. Narrow down the differential diagnosis through clinical reasoning to reach the most appropriate diagnosis.
6  cards
4.2.7 Pulmonary Hypertension
Appraise your medical history in a patient presenting with respiratory complaints once pulmonary hypertension has been found on clinical examination. Outline aspects (positive and negative findings) on clinical examination to narrow down the possible causes of pulmonary hypertension. Prioritize and interpret special investigations guided by the differential diagnosis. Narrow down the differential diagnosis through clinical reasoning to reach the most appropriate diagnosis.
1  cards
4.2.3 Danger Signs
ist the danger signs in pulmonary disease and for each: discuss the pathophysiology, determine the significance of danger signs and the causes. Appraise your history and physical examination to formulate a differential diagnosis in a patient presenting danger signs. List the demographics and risk factors contributing to respiratory diseases resulting in danger signs. Select and interpret special investigations to conclude the cause of the danger signs.
3  cards
4.3.1 Approach to common infectious diseases
Recognize common community and hospital acquired infections Formulate a differential diagnosis and Appropriately investigate and diagnose the cause of infection. Conduct a focused history and physical examination to formulate a differential diagnosis in different clinical scenarios. Explain aspects (positive and negative findings) on history and clinical examination to formulate a differential diagnosis. Prioritize and interpret special investigations guided by the differential diagnosis. Narrow
1  cards
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22  cards
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
3  cards
Haematology practical 1
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14  cards
Haematology practical 2
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4  cards
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
4  cards
Paeds: 5.2.2 Cerebral Palsy
Define Cerebral Palsy and describe its various clinical presentations and classifications Discuss common causes and risk factors of CP Discuss the approach to a child with suspected CP (history, clinical examination, special investigations Discuss associated co-morbidities of children with CP
1  cards
5.3.2 Coma in the pediatric patient
Discuss the most common causes of a depressed level of consciousness in children Differentiate between different causes based on history, clinical examination and special investigations Explain appropriate special investigations based on suspected underlying pathology Recognize indications for imaging (red flags)
8  cards
Peads: Pallor in the child
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1  cards
Peads: Bleeding disorders in children
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
2  cards
Peads: Infectious...
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
27  cards
Fever in children What is occult bacteraemia What are the causes? Children <3months Children 3mo -3yrs Influence of Conjugate vaccines Take home points
9  cards
Peads: 5.8.1 Diagnosis of TB in children
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
3  cards

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mbchb iii

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