ms1 - molecules to medicine

This class was created by Brainscape user Walter The-Cat. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (35)

What molecule stimulates polymeri...,
What protein induces branching of...,
How does arp2 3 stimulate new fil...
13  cards
Cell Signaling
Which type of cell signal is faster,
What type of cell signal can be s...,
What is the function of the ryano...
12  cards
Receptor Tyrosine Kinase
What drives tyrosine phosphorylation,
What serves as the gef guanosine ...,
What two proteins inactivate ras
11  cards
Serine/Threonine Kinases
Phosphorylation is a nucleophilic...,
There are many more types of ____...,
The ______ state of the glycine l...
7  cards
Calcium Signaling
What is the typical cytosolic con...,
What is the typical concentration...,
List three cellular sources of ca...
12  cards
Stem Cells
Ips cells are ______,
Treatment for epidermolysis bullosa,
Describe the steps for msc homing...
8  cards
Androgen Receptors
Most of prostate cancer is treate...,
______ is an anti fungal medicati...,
What are the three methods of hor...
11  cards
Extracellular Matrix
Glucosaminoglycans gags are compo...,
List three types of cell movement...,
Other than cells and water what d...
11  cards
Over _____ percent of mitochondri...,
Tim23 uses atp to ______ proteins...,
_____ and ______ are crucial in m...
10  cards
The ______ is the epithelia of th...,
Connective tissue blood vessels a...,
High concentrations of _______ in...
8  cards
Signaling Receptors
The ___ terminus of the g protein...,
_______ stimulate enzymes while _...,
The _____ subunit of the g protei...
12  cards
Cystic Fibrosis Vignette
What is the function of the cftr ...,
What kind of protein is the cftr,
The most common mutation for cf i...
12  cards
The axoneme comprises nine _____ ...,
Basal bodies are made up of nine ...,
The _______ does not have a centr...
10  cards
Numerical Chromosomal Abnormalities
Cystic hygromas appear in childre...,
Microcephaly and rocker bottom fe...,
Roughly ____ percent of people wi...
7  cards
Structural Chromosomal Abnormalities
The three types of balanced trans...,
Which kind of segregation leads t...,
_____ segregation leads to trisom...
8  cards
Genetic Imprinting
Less than ___ percent of the huma...,
Prader willi syndrome is characte...,
Between prader willi syndrome and...
7  cards
Connective Tissue
Smooth muscle comes from _____ a ...,
Osteoblasts which give rise to __...,
Chondrocytes develop from _____ o...
20  cards
Down Syndrome Vignette
Those with down syndrome often ha...,
Approximately ___ percent of thos...,
Opthalmologic issues common among...
4  cards
Lung Cancer Vignette
Why does lung cancer have such a ...,
Roughly ___ percent of lung cance...,
Screening high risk patients ie f...
11  cards
The nerves in the walls of arteri...,
The vessels in the walls of arter...,
List the layers of tissue in an a...
6  cards
Prader-Willi Vignette
Undescended testes is called ____...,
______ and _______ are common oph...,
____ is used to treat obesity and...
7  cards
Molecular Cytogenetics
In acute lymphocytic leukemia all...,
What treatment is used for leukem...,
Those with down syndrome have a 2...
5  cards
Define pharmacogenetics,
Define pharmacogenomics,
What enzyme converts codeine to m...
11  cards
Population Genetics
Define population genetics
1  cards
Sex Development
Girls with turner syndrome 45 x h...,
Turner syndrome occurs in approxi...,
______ is required for turner syn...
12  cards
______ muscle cells are multinucl...,
Muscles are composed of _____,
Muscle fasciculi are made up of _...
32  cards
Muscle Dystrophy Vignette
The majority of muscular dystroph...,
Symptoms of hypertrophic cardiomy...,
Sometimes hcm patients present wi...
11  cards
Multifactorial Inheritance
Locus heterogeneity is ________,
Phenocopy is _______,
Heritability is _______
4  cards
Autosomal Recessive Disorders
P 2 represents _____,
Q represents _______,
Q 2 represents _______
13  cards
Molecular Genetics of Hemoglobinopathies
Fetal hemoglobin is _____ while a...,
There are three kinds of hemoglob...,
Sickle cell is caused by a missen...
7  cards
Thalassemia Vignette
What is hemoglobin a2 and what pr...,
Hemoglobin c another qualitative ...,
Cooleys anemia is _______
6  cards
Autosomal Dominant Disorders
Achondroplasia is a mutation in t...,
The highest rate of de novo mutat...,
______ neurofibromas can infiltra...
3  cards
Membrane Potential
The concentration of potassium wi...,
The sodium potassium pump moves _...,
The main anions within cells are ...
13  cards
Epithelial Transport
What drives the process of epithe...,
How do epithelial tissue get meta...,
What are some of the functions se...
46  cards
Describe the appearance of connec...,
4 extracellular components around...,
Describe simple columnar epitheli...
20  cards

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ms1 - molecules to medicine

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