This class was created by Brainscape user Khient Leonard Limpag. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Osteopenia and Osteoporosis
Risk factors for osteopenia and o...,
A conditi,
Give medications that imposes the...
6  cards
It is termed as defective bone mi...,
Signs and symptoms of osteomalacia,
Dx of osteomalacia
8  cards
Primary hyperparathyroidism 1 inc...,
Secondary hyperparathyroidism 1 c...,
Role of parathyroid glands
5  cards
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
1 a genetic disorder of connectiv...,
Characterized by abnormal flatten...,
Milder manifestations of osteogen...
20  cards
0  cards
Metabolic Bone Manifestations of GI Diseases
Give conditions of gi diseases th...,
2  cards
Osteonecrosis & Osteochondrosis
1 insidious disorder leading to d...,
1 a condition which a degeneratio...,
Potential etiologic factors for o...
21  cards
Charcot Neuropathic Osteoarthropathy
It is seen in the lower extremity...,
Pathogenesis of this condition,
16  cards
Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy
A syndrome characterized by a com...
2  cards
Hematologic Disorders with Associated Arthropathies
It is marked by flawed hemoglobin,
The osteoarticular involvement in...,
The deoxygenation and polymerizat...
12  cards
Hereditary Disorders with associated arthropathies
A disorder in which the body can ...,
1 a rare autosomal recessive diso...
3  cards
A heterogenous group of diseases ...,
Type of amyloidosis
2  cards
1 poorly understood disease of no...,
1 bilateral hilar adenopathy with...,
A self limited condition and reso...
5  cards
An autoimmune disease in which th...,
Age and sex affected,
Pathogenesis of sle
5  cards
Systemic Sclerosis
A group of rare diseases that inv...,
Two types of scleroderma,
Age affected
7  cards

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ors 3

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