other gi drugs (chapter 80) pharm

This class was created by Brainscape user Alexis Thomas. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

GI drugs
Antiemeticsantidiarrhealsdrugs fo...,
Laxative stimulants stimulate mot...,
Laxative stimulants include
15  cards
Antiemetics are used to supress _...,
The emetic response of an antieme...,
What are the several types of rec...
34  cards
prokinetic agents
Prokinetic agents increase ___ an...,
Prokinetic agents treat,
Prokinetic agents metoclopramide ...
9  cards
management of chemotherapy CINV
3 types of emesis when on chemoth...,
When emesis occurs before drugs a...,
When emesis occurs onset within m...
7  cards
nausea and vomiting of pregnancy
Hyperemesis gravidarum during pre...,
There are _______ measures for na...,
First line therapy to treat nause...
4  cards
drugs for motion sickness
Drugs for motion sickness include,
Scopolamine is a ______ antagonist,
Side effects of scopolamine include
7  cards
__________ is characterized by st...,
Diarrhea is a symptom of _______ ...,
What are the causes of diarrhea
6  cards
nonspecific antidiarrheals
Nonspecific antidiarrheal example,
Diohenoxylate lomotil is formulat...,
9  cards
management of infectious diarrhea
Variety of ___ and ___ can be res...,
Infections are usually ___ limited,
Many cases of infectious diarrhea...
7  cards
pancreatic enzymes
Deficiency of enzymes compromises,
____ is a pancreatic enzyme for c...,
Pancrelipase is a mixture of ____...
4  cards
questions for chapter 80
A patient is experiencing chemoth...,
Which statement about metoclopram...
2  cards

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other gi drugs (chapter 80) pharm

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