p1 - management accounting done

This class was created by Brainscape user Chane' Botha. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

What are the three purposes of ma...,
What is the definition of a cost ...,
What is the definition of a cost ...
9  cards
Full Cost Techniques
What is the definition of absorpt...,
What are the 4 advantages of abso...,
What are the 4 disadvantages of a...
17  cards
Marginal Cost Techniques
What is the definition of margina...,
What are the 4 advantages of marg...,
What are the r disadvantages of m...
14  cards
Rationale For Budgets
What is the purpose of preparing ...,
What is incremental budgeting,
What are the advantages of increm...
19  cards
Budgeting Concepts
What are the limitations of linea...,
What is the definition of the tre...,
What is the definition of seasona...
15  cards
Short-term Decision Making
What is the definition of relevan...,
What are the 5 characteristics of...,
What are the characteristics of n...
10  cards
Models for decision making
What is the single product breake...,
What are the 3 assumptions made i...,
What are the 5 limitations of a b...
9  cards
Limiting Factor Analysis
Name 5 examples of limiting factors,
What are the 3 steps to maximise ...,
What is the definition of shadow ...
12  cards
Risk and Uncertainty in decision making
What is a risk seeker attitude to...,
What is a risk neutral attitude t...,
What is a risk averse attitude to...
17  cards
Budgetary Control
What is the definition of a fixed...,
What is meant by the term fixed,
What is the definition of a flexi...
16  cards
Standard Costing and Variance Analysis
What is a standard cost,
What are the 5 purposes of standards,
What are the four bases of standards
9  cards
Further Variance Analysis
When can should the sales volume ...,
Give a definition of the sales mi...,
Give a definition of sales quanti...
9  cards
Profit And Volume Chart
What is a profit volume chart,
What is the c s ratio and what ca...
2  cards
The CGMA Cost Transformation Model
Why was the cgma cost transformat...,
Name the 6 suggested changes acco...,
What is meant by creating a cost ...
8  cards

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p1 - management accounting done

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