This class was created by Brainscape user Karleen Ehlert. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

sig codes
Aq dist,
A a line on top,
92  cards
sig codes
Aq dist,
A a line on top,
50  cards
controlled substance schedules
Schedule 2 drugs,
Schedule 3 drugs,
Schedule 4
5  cards
medications 11-20
What is the class for omeorazole,
What is the major use for omeprazole,
What is the brand name for gabape...
30  cards
medications 21 - 30
What is the class for prednisone,
What is the major use of prednisone,
What is the brand name for furose...
31  cards
Med Cards 1-10
What is the class for acetaminoph...,
What is the major use for acetami...,
What is the brand name for lisnio...
30  cards
Med Cards 31-40
What is the class for fluoxetine,
What is the major use for fluoxetine,
What is the brand name for pantop...
30  cards
medications 41- 51
What is the class for warfarin,
What is the major use for warfarin,
What is the schedule for warfarin
53  cards
medications 51 - 60
What is the class for naproxen,
What is the major use for naproxen,
What is the schedule for naproxen
56  cards
Med Cards 61 - 70
What is the class for methylpredn...,
What is the use for methylprednis...,
What is the brand name for amitri...
34  cards
med cards 71-80
What is the class for lovastatin,
What is major use for lovastatin,
What is the brand name for valacy...
33  cards
Med Cards 81 To 90
What is the class for insulin gla...,
What is the major use for insulin...,
What is the brand name for insuli...
38  cards
med cards 91-100
What is the class for estradiol,
What is the major use for estradiol,
What is the black box warning for...
36  cards
med cards 101 - 110
What is the class for finasteride,
What is the major use for finaste...,
What is the brand name for benzon...
33  cards
Med cards 111 - 120
What is the class for mirtazapine,
What is the major use for mirtaza...,
What is the black box warning for...
7  cards
Med cards 111 - 120
What is the class for mirtazapine,
What is the major use for mirtaza...,
What is the black box warning for...
7  cards
Federal Pharmacy laws
What was the pure food and drug a...,
What was the sherely amendment of...
2  cards

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Karleen Ehlert's pharmacology flashcards for their IBMC class now!

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