This class was created by Brainscape user Jessica Howell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

EPISTEMOLOGY: What is Knowledge
What are the three types of knowl...,
What is ability knowledge,
What is an example of ability kno...
12  cards
ETHICS: Normative Ethical Theories
What is the core of bentham quant...,
What is hedonism,
What does psychologically hedonst...
13  cards
GOD: Concept and Nature
What is god described as hint 3 omni,
What does it mean if god is omnip...,
What does it mean if god is omnis...
11  cards
What is a deductive argument,
What is an example of a deductive...,
What is a deductive argument if i...
8  cards
Exam Question Tips
5 mark explaining argument structure
1  cards
EPISTEMOLOGY: Innatism (rationalism)
What is knowledge concept innatism,
What is innatism,
What is the aim of platos innatis...
17  cards
GOD: Cosmological arguments
What is the gist of the kalam arg...,
What is a cosmological argument,
What is the standard form for the...
26  cards
GOD: Teleological/Design arguments
What is the aim of the design arg...,
What is the standard form of the ...,
What is spatial order
14  cards
GOD: Problem of evil (logical and evidential)
What is the aim of the logical pr...,
What is the logical problem of ev...,
What type of argument is the logi...
11  cards
ETHICS: Kantian deontological ethics
The distinction between acting in...,
The distinction between acting in...,
What is an example of acting out ...
21  cards
EPISTEMOLOGY: Direct and indirect realism (with primary/secondary qualities)
What is the aim of direct realism,
What is direct realism key points,
What are examples of direct realism
20  cards
EPISTEMOLOGY: Tripartite definition of knowledge (and objections)
What is the aim of the tripartite...,
What is the tripartite theory of ...,
What are examples analogies of th...
14  cards
MIND: Arguments for property Dualism
What is the gist for property dua...,
What are the main claims for prop...,
What is the aim of the jacksons k...
13  cards
Epistemology: Basics
What is direct realism and its si...,
What is the argument from illusio...,
What is the argument from percept...
54  cards
Ethics: Basics
What is utilitarianism,
What is bentham s quantitative he...,
What is mill s qualitative hedoni...
58  cards
God: Basics
What is the meaning of god being ...,
What does it mean if god is etern...,
What is the paradox of the stone
38  cards
Mind: Basics
What is qualia,
What is intentionality,
What is substance dualism
49  cards

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