This class was created by Brainscape user . .. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: . .

Decks in this class (17)

What does efficiency mean,
What does power mean,
Conservation of energy
33  cards
How do objects become charged,
Do like charges attract or repel,
What happens if there is a potent...
38  cards
Energy Definitions
Closed system,
Conservation of energy,
18  cards
Is energy ever used up,
Which are the energy stores,
How is energy transferred
135  cards
What is needed for charge to flow,
What is current,
What is the current like in a sin...
112  cards
Particles of Matter
What is density,
What is the density equation,
What is volume
35  cards
Atomic Structure and Radiation
What is the charge of a proton,
What is the mass of a proton,
What is the charge of a neutron
92  cards
Work done,
Kinetic energy,
Elastic potential energy
24  cards
Y11 Mock Energy
What is a system,
Energy sources 8,
What is specific heat capacity
16  cards
Y11 Mock Electricity
What is needed for electrical cha...,
What is electrical current,
What does the current through a c...
31  cards
Y11 Mock Particles of Matter
Density of a regular object pract...,
Density of an irregular object pr...,
How can substances change state
17  cards
Y11 Mock Atoms and Radiation
What is mass number,
What is atomic number,
What are isotopes
30  cards
Physics prefixes
5  cards
What are forces,
What does a scalar quantity have,
What does a vector quantity ahve
112  cards
What do all waves do,
What is a transverse wave,
What is a longitudinal wave
145  cards
Magnetism and Electromagnetism
Features of magnets,
What are the poles of a magnet,
What happens when two magnets are...
90  cards
Space Physics
What is in our solar system,
Example of natural satellites,
What is our solar system a small ...
21  cards

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