This class was created by Brainscape user Hannah L. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

E1: Ch2
Water molecules result when one o...,
Mass and boiling points are a ___...,
Fructose is different from glucos...
64  cards
E1: Ch3
Glycolysis ___ etc,
___ inhibition not every step is ...,
Feedback inhibition determines th...
32  cards
E1: Functional groups
0  cards
E2: Ch 5
If something is non polar does it...,
G protein takes a small ___ and c...,
4 types
44  cards
E2: Ch 6
__ ___ form direct cytoplasmic co...,
__ ___ __ require interaction bet...,
__ ___ act on the same cell that ...
40  cards
E2: Ch 7
The chemical class of the pineal ...,
Chemical class of hypothalamus,
Chemical class of posterior pitui...
30  cards
E3: Ch 8
Sodium and potassium pumps are ___,
__ axons offer less resistance to...,
__ myelinated axons conduct actio...
74  cards
E3: end of Ch8/Ch 9
Sensory receptors respond to a ___,
Sound is an example of a ___ rece...,
Touch sensitivity can detect even...
38  cards
E3: 3/6 lecture
Pupillary light reflex,
Pupillary light reflex is influen...,
____ stimulation causes the
13  cards
E4: Kiera's notes
___ hemoglobin has a higher affin...,
Chemoreceptors measure oxygen ___...,
4 important groups in breathing
9  cards
E4: Respiratory
4 functions of respiration,
What creates the pressure gradient,
Mass flow
16  cards
E4: Ch15
Arteries have ___ receptors,
Which artery subtype is known as ...,
Arteries contain ___ muscle and a...
48  cards
E4: Ch 16
Name of clotting protein,
Name the 5 types of wbc,
All blood cells develop from a pl...
15  cards
E4: CH 18
Gas exchange from high to low con...,
What does cellular respiration pr...,
Partial is equal at what points
30  cards
E4: CH 14
Bp ___ over increased distance fr...,
The pressure created when the ven...,
Which of the following factors ha...
17  cards
Final: Ch 20
3 homeostatic reflexes caused by ...,
How does the cardio system respon...,
How do the kidneys respond to a d...
28  cards
Final: CH19
Is gluconeogenesis a excretory sy...,
Nephron s contain what 2 fluids,
Functional unit of the kideny
34  cards
Ch 19 Summary
__ __ homeostatic regulation of w...,
Extracellular fluid volume ecf de...,
The kidneys work with what other ...
89  cards
Ch 20 Summary
Ecf ___ as a result of excess wat...,
Homeostatic compensation by the k...,
Most water is lost from the body ...
36  cards
Ch 21 Summary
What are the 3 structures that ad...,
___ is a soupy substance created ...,
The __ is the outer connective ti...
45  cards
Final: Open response questions
Nervous system communication depe...,
Discuss all factors which affect ...,
Compare and contrast the sympathe...
3  cards

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