This class was created by Brainscape user Olivia Walsh. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

microbiology 1 - bacteria
What are the 3 micro organisms,
Cocci bacteria what is its shape,
Where is streptococcus mutans found
23  cards
microbiology 2- Fungi & Viruses
What is the most common fungi in ...,
What does candida albicans cause,
What causes candidiasis
8  cards
infection control 1
Three main sources of transmissio...,
Three ways which transmissions ma...,
3 stages of infectious diseases
8  cards
infection control 2
There are 3 main blood borne viruses,
What does hepatitis mean,
How can hep b be transmitted
9  cards
plaque 1
Definition of plaque,
What is pellicle,
Where are the main areas of denta...
12  cards
plaque 2 colonisation
Immature plaque is formed,
Is immature plaque gram ve or gra...,
What bacteria is found in immatur...
12  cards
plaque 3 inter bacterial substances
What are the inter bacterial subs...,
What is a protein,
What do glycoproteins do
17  cards
What is extrinsic staining,
What is intrinsic stating,
Intrinsic staining related to too...
29  cards
appearance of calculus
What is the composition of plaque,
What are the 4 inorganic salts in...,
Calcium brushite is more common i...
8  cards
What is calculus,
What is the apperance of calculus,
What is the consistency of supra ...
7  cards
periodontal disease aetiology
What is the term that describes h...,
In many mouths and many sites of ...,
This interaction can be modified ...
35  cards
What are the 4 stages of histopat...,
What happens at the initial lesion,
What happens at the early lesion
5  cards
What are the 5 probes,
What does a bpe of 0 indicate,
What does a bpe of 1 indicate
10  cards
Hygine Phase Therepy- Treatment
What is the aim of hpt,
What are the 3 phases of periodon...,
What oral hygiene instruction adv...
5  cards
Healing Response To Treatment
1 2 weeks after treatment what ha...,
1 2 weeks continued,
3  cards

More about
plaque related diseases

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