pm1b medicines discovery and development

This class was created by Brainscape user Samantha Hughes. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

What is dissolution dissolution rate,
Why do we study dissolution,
What is the process of dissolution
33  cards
What is the difference between a ...,
Define the term block copolymer a...,
Explain how the addition of elect...
22  cards
Analytical techniques - UV/Vis spectroscopy
Define the terms in the beer lamb...,
How do we calculate a concentrati...,
Define a chromophore
16  cards
Analytical techniques - IR spectroscopy
What is ir,
What is the wavenumber region of ...,
What is the wavenumber region of ...
8  cards
Key concepts in colloids and interfaces
Define an interface,
Define surface tension,
Units of surface tension and surf...
45  cards
carbonyl chemistry
Is the carbonyl bond polar and why,
Shape and bond angle of carbonyl,
What is the reactivity of the car...
20  cards
What is internal energy,
What if the change in internal en...,
What is the total change in inter...
30  cards
Aliphatic reaction mechanisms
Define an electrophile,
Define a nucleophile,
What is a leaving group and what ...
11  cards
What do alkenes act as,
What happens in reactions of unsy...,
How to make bromoalkanes and alco...
20  cards
structure and function
What are electrostatic interactions,
What is hydrogen bonding,
What can increase a hydrogen bond...
15  cards
Structure and function - L2
What does an agonist do,
What is a receptor,
What are the 3 types of membrane ...
21  cards
Chemical Kinetics
Using the arrhenius equation if w...,
How is product storage life calcu...,
For concentration time graphs wha...
17  cards
mechanisms of alkenes
Mechanism of m cpba with alkenes,
Mechanism of converting alkenes t...,
Mechanism of converting alkenes t...
6  cards

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pm1b medicines discovery and development

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