This class was created by Brainscape user Evelyn Kingdon. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

component 1: voting behaviour
Long term factors affecting voting 1,
Long term factors affecting voting 2,
Class and partisan dealignment
5  cards
component 1: media
What is media,
Media bias,
Does the media have influence
4  cards
component 1: political parties
Functions and features of parties,
Uk parties lib dems,
Uk parties conservatives
6  cards
component 1: devolution
Devolution has solved more proble...,
Devolution has solved more proble...,
Devolution has solved more proble...
6  cards
component 1: electoral systems
First past the post,
Supplementary voting,
Additional members system
4  cards
component 1: pressure groups
Types of pressure groups,
Outside methods by pressure groups,
Outsider methods used by pressure...
3  cards
component 1: rights
What are rights and how are they ...
1  cards
component 1: liberalism
Core principles,
Areas of agreement,
Areas of disagreement
4  cards
component 1: conservatism
Core ideasand principles 1,
Core principles and ideas 2,
Traditional conservatism
7  cards
component 1: socialism
Varities of socialism revolutiona...,
Varieties of socialism social dem...,
Varieities of socialism third way
4  cards
component 2: the constitution
What is a constitution,
Codified and uncodified constitut...,
Strengths and weaknessesof uk con...
5  cards
component 2: parliament
Comparing composition of hoc hol,
The power of hoc hol,
House of lords peer appointment
14  cards
component 2: prime minister and the executive
Pime minister and executive,
Selection of cabinet,
Does the prime minister have power
6  cards
component 2: supreme court and soveriegnty
The role and nature of the suprem...,
Powers of the supreme court,
Is the supreme court independent ...
3  cards
component 2: feminism
Core ideas and principles 1,
Areas of disagreement,
Liberal feminists
8  cards
component 3:comparative theories
Main ideas of realism,
Main ideas of liberalism,
Divisions between liberalism and ...
5  cards
component 3: power and developments
Different types of power,
Significance of states in global ...,
5  cards
component 3: the state & globalisation
What drives globalisation,
Cultural globalisation,
Economic globalisation
5  cards
component 3: political global governance
United nations,
United nations security council,
Councils and bodies of the united...
4  cards
component 3: economic global governance
International monetary fund and w...
1  cards

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