
This class was created by Brainscape user Rosie Mitchell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Definitions of abnormality - Statistical infrequency
What is the statistical infrequen...,
Is the statistical infrequency de...,
Is the statistical infrequency de...
5  cards
Definitions of abnormality - Deviation from social norms
What is the deviation from social...,
Does the deviation from social no...,
Is the deviation from social norm...
5  cards
Definitions of abnormality - Deviation from ideal mental health
What is the deviation from ideal ...,
Who came up with the six characte...,
What are the six characteristics ...
13  cards
Definitions of abnormality - Failure to function adequately
What is the failure to function a...,
Who created the features of perso...,
What are the features of personal...
14  cards
Characteristics of disorders
What is a phobia,
What are emotional characteristic...,
What are behavioural characterist...
12  cards
Explaining phobias
What is the behaviourist approach...,
What is classical conditioning,
What is operant conditioning
11  cards
Treating phobias - Systematic desensitisation
What is the systematic desensitis...,
What are the stages of systematic...,
What is a fear hierarchy
11  cards
Treating phobias - Flooding
What is flooding,
What is the exposure of flooding,
What is the key principle of floo...
8  cards
Explaining depression
What is beck s negative triad,
How do negative schema relate to ...,
What are cognitive biases in term...
11  cards
CBT for depression
What are the general principles o...,
What is meant by an umbrella term,
14  cards
Genetic explanation for OCD
What does the genetic explanation...,
What are candidate genes in terms...,
What are the candidate genes in t...
11  cards
Neural explanation for OCD
What are the factors of the neura...,
How does the role of the damaged ...,
How does the role of low serotoni...
8  cards
Treating OCD
What is the basics of drug therap...,
How are neurotransmitters removed...,
What is the thinking behind using...
10  cards

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