research methods in molecular genetics & biochemistry

This class was created by Brainscape user Charlie Davies. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Lecture 1 - Statsitics, Data & Graphics
What do statistics help with
17  cards
Lecture 2 - Describing & Summarising Data + Normal Distribution
Measures of central tendency,
What measure of central tendency ...,
How do you round with your mean v...
26  cards
What can r be used for and and wh...,
What type of language is r,
What do we do before we start pro...
52  cards
Lecture 4 - Distributions, Introduction to Experimental Design & Statistics
Assumption of distribution in the...,
Assumption of distribution in the...,
Shape of normal distribution curve
29  cards
Lecture 5 - Statistical Tests I: Chi-Squared
What is the mean and standard dev...,
How can we compare all normal dis...,
What type of experiments can test...
18  cards
Lecture 6 - Statistical Tests II: Linear Regression
In what instance would we select ...,
Linear regression is a statistica...,
What questions should we be askin...
34  cards
Lecture 7 - Statistical Tests III: Correlations & Comparing Two Groups
What are the two statistical test...,
What will pearsons correlation be...,
What does correlation describe
50  cards
Lecture 8 - Statistical Tests IV: ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, ANCOVA
The three statistical tests used ...,
What does anova stand for,
What sort of variables are presen...
19  cards
Lecture 9: Statistical Tests V: ANCOVA, Complex Models & Simplification
Is anova parametric or nonparametric,
What assumptions are identical to...,
Why not have many models with jus...
19  cards
Lecture 10: CRISPR & Genetic Manipulation I
Forward mutageneis,
Reverse mutagenesis,
How easy is it to knock out a gen...
18  cards
Lecture 11: CRISPR & Genetic Maniplation II
Examples where crispr knock ins c...,
Different types of tags
6  cards
Lecture 12 - Genetic Manipulation I
Genetic manipulation is interpret...,
What does genetic manipulation al...,
Cloning a specific gene allow us to
35  cards
Lecture 13 - Genetic Manipulation II
What is pcr based on,
How is polymerisation initiated i...,
What do primers provide in pcr
26  cards
Lecture 14 - Genomes & Karyotypes
Methods for studying genomes,
Two types of dna sequencing,
What is sanger sequencing
18  cards
Lecture 15 - Protein Interactions I
Functional product of genes,
Proteins interaction allows them to,
28  cards
Lecture 16 - Protein Interactions II
0  cards

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research methods in molecular genetics & biochemistry

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