respiratory anatomy & disease mechanisms

This class was created by Brainscape user Jonas Repkewitz. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Anatomy of Breathing (ANATOMY)
What makes up the upper respirato...,
What makes up the lower respirato...,
What is the division between the ...
84  cards
Clinical Aspects of Bronchial Carcinoma (DISEASE MECHANISMS)
What are the general features of ...,
What aspect of cancer causes non ...,
What are para neoplastic symptoms
63  cards
The Coughing Reflex (ANATOMY)
Coughing occurs in response to th...,
From which cranial nerve will the...,
From which cranial nerve does the...
72  cards
Treatment of Lung Cancer (DISEASE MECHANISMS)
What is treatment of choice for s...,
Why is sclc suitable for chemothe...,
Why is surgery rarely an option f...
25  cards
Respiratory Tract Infections (DISEASE MECHANISMS)
What is included under upper resp...,
What is included under lower resp...,
What is coryza
55  cards
Consequences of chronic coughing (ANATOMY)
What is a pneumothorax,
How can dynamic airway compressio...,
By which mechanism is a pneumotho...
42  cards
Pleural Malignancy (DISEASE MECHANISMS)
What is the plural cavity,
How much fluid does the pleural c...,
How much fluid is approximately n...
52  cards
Chronic Pulmonary Infection (DISEASE MECHANISMS)
What are the risk factors for dev...,
In which ways can innate host def...,
What are the two types of immunod...
43  cards
Upon exposure with t the pathogen...,
Tb pathogens are kept in prisons ...,
After infection _ remain well50 _...
48  cards
Interstitial and Occupational Lung Disease (DISEASE MECHANISMS)
What is interstitial disease,
What are the symptoms of ild,
What type of ild would a viral in...
66  cards
Stridor and Sleep Apnoea (DISEASE MECHANISMS)
What is stridor,
What are supraglottic laryngeal c...,
What can cause stridor in children
38  cards
Breathlessness and Disease (DISEASE MECHANISMS)
What causes breathlessness,
What are the anatomical categorie...,
What are the functional categorie...
27  cards
Clinical Aspects of Pulmonary Hypertension (DISEASE MECHANISMS)
What is included in thromboemboli...,
What is a pe,
If blood flow ad oxygen to a lung...
29  cards

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respiratory anatomy & disease mechanisms

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