science biology

This class was created by Brainscape user Jah-zion Sow. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

Biology photosynthesis
Where does photosynthesis takes p...,
What is a sub cellular structure ...
2  cards
Cells And Cell Types
What are cells,
Which cells are multicellular,
What are sub cellular structures
12  cards
Kingdoms Of Life
What are the 5 kingdoms of life,
Which are eukaryotes,
12  cards
Define an object,
What is an image,
What is magnification
13  cards
Cell Cycle
What does cell cycle mean,
When a cell is not dividing,
How much chromosomes are in a hum...
6  cards
Stem Cells
What stem cells are there,
What are stem cells 2 features,
How human life starts
4  cards
Specialised Cells & Differentiation
Specialised cells are,
Sperm cell,
4  cards
Stem Cells In Medicine
What can be used to cure diabetes...,
What are medical conditions due to,
Type 1 diabetes
9  cards
If particles are left alone randomly,
Diffusion can happened in both ga...
3  cards
What is osmosis,
What is water concentration,
What are dissolved solubles called
4  cards
Active Transport
Active transport,
Where is active transport used ex...,
What is root hair cell for and ho...
3  cards
Surface Area
What do single celled organisms h...,
What happened when an organism ge...,
How to calculate surface area
10  cards
Specialised Exchanged Surfaces
What is an specialised exchange s...,
What are the 2 main specialised e...,
11  cards
Cell Organisation-Tissues, Organ
Cell organisation,
What organ systems are there,
What is a tissue
4  cards
What is a catalyst,
What is an enzyme,
How enzymes work
4  cards
Factors Effecting Enzyme Action
What affects affects an enzyme,
What is the optimum temperature
5  cards
Balanced Diets (Nutrients)
Biological molecules nutrients,
Where are carbohydrates found and...,
10  cards
Biological Molecules
What are biological molecules,
What are carbohydrates made from,
There are different carbohydrates...
8  cards
Digestive Enzymes
How does bike help,
What is carbohydrates broken down by,
Where is amylase made
9  cards
Digestive System
What are the 3 main groups of foo...,
How does the mouth physically bre...,
Digestive system routes
13  cards
Food Tests
How to do practical test,
What are the 2 types of sugars,
Starch test
5  cards
Lungs And Gas Exchange
In order to get energy what do ou...,
Order of,
What is a single alveoli called
7  cards
Circulatory System
What is the role of a circulatory...,
What does the circulatory system ...,
Why is a circulatory system calle...
16  cards
Circulatory System 2
3  cards
Equation for photosynthesis,
Where does photosynthesis take place,
What are the 5 things glucose for...
3  cards
Diferent Types Of Respiration
Is cellular respiration endotherm...,
What is metabolism,
What is aerobic respiration
5  cards
Independent variable,
Dependant variable,
Control variable
3  cards

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science biology

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