This class was created by Brainscape user 22 22. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Chapter 1- Sociology: Perspective, Theory and Method
how does socio pov help us understand that society shapes out indv lives? What are the advs of socio thinking for developing public policy, encouraging personal growth, and for advancing in a career? What are socio's major theoretical approaches? Can you describe socio's 3 research orientations? What is the importance of gender and ethics in socio research? Why might researchers choose each of socio's research methods?
36  cards
Chapter 3- Socialization: From Infancy to Old Age
How are social interaction the foundation of personality? What are the 6 major theories or Socialization? How does the family, school, peer groups, the mass and social media guide the socialization process? How does our society organize human experiences into distinctive stages of life? Can you characterize the operation of total institutions?
40  cards
Chapter 4: Social Interaction in Everyday Life
How does social structure help us make sense of everyday situations? What is the importance of status to social organization? What is the importance of role to social organization? How do we socially construct reality? Can you apply Goffman's analysis to several familiar situations? Can you construct a sociological analysis of 3 aspects of everyday life: emotion, language, and humour?
25  cards
Chapter 5.1-5.2- Groups and Organizations
What is the importance of various types of groups to social life? Can you describe the operation of large, formal organizations?
28  cards
Chapter 13.1-13.3- Family
What are families and how do they differ around the world? Can you analyze the diversity of family life over the life course? Can you analyze the importance of divorce, remarriage, and various family forms?
19  cards
Chapter 14.1-14.3- Education
What are the comparisons between high-, middle-, and low-income societies? Can you apply sociology's major theories to education? Can you discuss dropping out, school choice, and other issues facing todays schools?
11  cards
Chapter 16.3- Modernity
Can you apply the ideas of Tonnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx to our understanding of modernity?
9  cards
Chapter 8- Social Stratification
Can you apply the concepts of caste, class, and meritocracy to societies around the world? Can you apply sociology's major theories to the topic of social inequality? Can you analyze the link between a society's technology and its social stratification? Can you describe the distribution of income and wealth in Canada? Can you assess the extent of social mobility in Canada? Can you discuss patterns of poverty and increasing economic inequality in Canada?
48  cards
Chapter 9.1-9.2 Global Stratification
Can you describe the division of the world into high-, middle-, and low- income countries? Can you discuss patterns and explanations of poverty around the world?
14  cards
Chapter 6 Sexuality and Society
Can you describe how sexuality is both a biological and cultural issue? Can you explain changes in sexual attitudes in Canada? Can you analyze factors that shape sexual orientation? Can you discuss several current controversies involving sexuality? Can you apply sociology's major theories to the topic of sexuality?
29  cards
Chapter 10- Gender Stratification
Can you describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification? Can you explain the importance of gender to socialization? Can you analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions? Can you apply sociology's major theories to gender stratification? Can you contrast liberal, radical, and socialist feminism?
27  cards
Chapter 11- Race and Ethnicity
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
18  cards
Chapter 3.4- Socialization: From Infancy to Old Age
Can you discuss how our society organizes human experience into distinctive stages of life?
9  cards
Chapter 2- Culture
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
33  cards
Chapter 16.1, 16.2, 16.4- Social Change: Modern and Postmodern Societies
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
29  cards
Chapter 12.4, 12.5, 12.6- (Economics and) Politics
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
29  cards

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