sociology - education

This class was created by Brainscape user Joy odiogor. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Functionalist theories of the role of education
Durkheim 1903 how it helps societ...,
Durkheim 1903 how it helps to str...,
Parsons help society function eff...
5  cards
Marxist theory of the role of education
How does the education system mai...,
Bowles and gintis 1976 ruling cla...,
What is the correspondence principle
7  cards
Feminist theories of the education system
Stanworth 1983 teachers behaviour...,
More stanworth 1983,
Heaton and lawson 1996
4  cards
Interactionist theory of education
Self fulfilling prophecy,
Self refuting prophecy
3  cards
Cultural factors - CLASS
Language codes middle class,
Language codes working class,
Parents attitudes middle class
8  cards
Material factors
Cost of education
4  cards
Internal factors
Labelling and self fulfilling pro...,
Labelling and sfp,
Setting and streaming
9  cards
cultural factors - Ethnicity
Language skills,
Values and attitudes,
Family structure and aspirations
3  cards
Material factors- ethnicity
Cost of educations
2  cards
Internal factors- ethnicity
Setting streaming,
Setting streaming disadvantage
5  cards
External factors - GENDER within females
Female achievement,
Changes in family,
Changes in womens employement
6  cards
Internal factors - GENDER within girls
Equal opportunities policies gist...,
Positive role models in schools,
Gcse and coursework
6  cards
External factors - GENDER within boys underachievement
Socialisation and literacy levels,
Globalisation and the decline in ...
2  cards
Internal factors - GENDER within boys underachievement
Feminisation of education,
Shortage of primary school teachers,
Laddish subculture
5  cards
Educational policy
Social political influence,
1870 education act,
1902 education act
5  cards
Key reforms/policies
The development of comprehensives...,
Evaluation of the development of ...,
Vocational work based education a...
8  cards
New labour education policies
Sure start,
Meritocratic policies,
Marketisation policies
9  cards
Conservative policies
Convertor academies,
Pupil premium,
Gcse reform
3  cards
What is privatisation,
Businesses used by schools,
How has globalisation impacted th...
3  cards

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sociology - education

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