virology frcpath part 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Kelly Bicknell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Virology Fundamentals
Baltimore group i,
Baltimore group ii classification,
Baltimore group iii classification
55  cards
Research Studies and Evidence
Bhiva adopts the grade system for...,
In bhiva guidelines the quality o...,
What are the different phases of ...
26  cards
What is pritelivir used to treat ...,
What is lencapavir used to treat ...,
What is letermovir used to treat
60  cards
Resistance Mechanisms
What mutation in hsv causes acicl...,
What mutations in influenza cause...,
To which hcv agents are most clin...
11  cards
HEV + some hep A
Hev family and baltimore group,
Species genotypes and associated ...,
Hev historic outbreaks genotype 1...
20  cards
What percentage of individuals wi...,
Which 2 htlv genes are associated...
2  cards
What things need to happen for in...,
List order of flu types in suscep...,
What exact ppe is required for su...
7  cards
List viral infections causing ret...,
Viral infections causing conjunct...,
Viral infections causes arthralgia
28  cards
How does the sars cov 2 nasal vac...,
Which covid therapeutics can not ...,
Which monoclonals used for covid ...
4  cards
Which hepatitis virus is consider...,
Where and how does hdv replicate,
Percentage that have hdv rna dete...
5  cards
Vectors and transmission and emerging diseases
List 4 infections spread by aedes...,
List infections spread by culex m...,
What is the vector for oropouche ...
26  cards
HIV including (incl pregnancy guidelines) + HBV
If not already on art what are th...,
1 when should you do cd4 counts a...,
At what gestation is the viral lo...
36  cards
Immunology and vaccines
What is the cut off for rabies an...,
List options for dengue vaccinati...,
What are methods of assessing vac...
48  cards
Lab stuff!
sequencing, PCR, standard curves , serology, quality, safety
55  cards
CMV (includes congenital)
In europe how many ccmv infection...,
Describe possible approaches of i...,
Where is cmv latent
19  cards
PAINFUL GUIDELINES (BBV healthcare worker, BBV in dialysis, HAV)
A healthcare worker with hep b is...,
With regards to a bbv exposure wh...,
What is the name of the assessmen...
23  cards
Polioviruses and enterovirus
Where is polio not currently erad...,
When was the last uk derived case...,
What is the difference between sa...
15  cards
Pandemic stuff (preparedness) IPC stuff and outbreaks
What is gisrs,
Which genetic groups of h1n1 pdm2...,
Describe which flu viruses have h...
24  cards
Sabto and transplant stuff
Pml is an absolute contraindicati...,
Hev is a contraindiaction to orga...,
Influenza is a ci to organ donation
17  cards
Pregnancy and infections
When in pregnancy is the highest ...,
Consequences for baby in maternal...,
15 minutes face to face is consid...
15  cards
Exam question ideas
Describe potential vaccine strate...,
What should be the strategy for r...,
Describe screening strategies
24  cards
Whole Genome Sequencing
Name 4 roles of wgs in microbiology,
What are the two most widely used...,
Illumina sequencing uses a revers...
11  cards
HCID Stuff
What is in acdp algorithm for vhf...,
Mers case fatality,
Mers case definitions there are t...
8  cards
Measles guidelines
Rate of sspe,
Complications of measlestypes of ...,
Types of vaccine failure for measles
14  cards

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virology frcpath part 2

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