friendship in j&h Flashcards


good friendship in j&h thesis statement


Throughout his novella stevenson presents the traits of scoiability and trust to one another as proportional to being socially respectable and highlights the need for loyalty

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good friendship in j&h

  • as there are no women in the novella it focusses on the importance of bachelor relations and how they can aid a man in victorian contempoaray society if correctly upheld by men
  • jekylls conflict with his freudian id is an ongoing theme throughout, however we can see through his relations with others the respectability and morality he has at parts of the novella- in the beginning him and utterson frequently meet and he is a known host of dinner aprties, post murder of carrew he is seen to be ‘renewing relations’ by hosting large events and is ‘no less distinguished to religion’ in contemporary society the idea of being a christian draws connotations to graciousness and morality, sot he fact that him reintroducing himself socially is proportional to this shows how having friends and loyalties proved you to be moral and trusted, the alliteration of r in renewing realtions highlights the importance of regaining trust
  • in contrast to this mr hyde the symbolism for a deeply non conformist evil attitude ‘had few familiars’ similarly the frickative alliteratio of the f i used to highlight just how shockingly lonesome he is, as this could btoh be because his charcater is so vile that he is not pleasent to be around but also shows how his immorality is directly linked to his lack of human rapports
  • he also uses jekylls strong relations between humans to highlight the importance of building rapports as it builds genuine caring bonds- both utterson and poole go out of their way to aid him when they sense a shift in his persona, despite poole being lower class which subverts typical ideas of friendship. He says utterson is “He was the first to come forward in my support, the first to help me’
    The novel centers around uttersons moral need to aid his friend- subverting his own ideas as he claims to incline to ‘caines herasey’ and to not be an inquisitive character
  • finally we see through utterson and enfields walks the extent that friendship links to respectability
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bad side of victorian friendship thesis


Through the estranged relations between lanyon and jekyll stevenson highlights how the changing soceity and the conflcit in the war of attitudes between science and religion was drawing damaging rifts between both soceity as a whole and the rapports in it

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science vs religion in friendships paragraoh structyre

  • In the industrialist era of society there was a huge technoligical growth thatalighted fears of the unknown and drove rifts between those ambitious and driven by advancements and those minority now of church goers who felt new theories were decontructing the basis of their beliefs- this conflict is summarised in the broken friendship between lanyon and jekyll
  • Lanyon, a man who balances w=his physical sceince with his relationship with god, believes that his soured relations with jekyll are because jekyll ‘become too fanciful for me’- the temporial delexis in became implies the rift between the two was a long coming thing and exentuates the length of which conflicting opinions can destory any bond, whilst the frickative alliteration in ‘fanciful for’ implies both a sense of falsity and highlights the disgust lanyon holds for his once friend. Here he also depicts his interest in physcoligcal sceince as a ‘cerberal disease’ this imagery implies a distain for new sceintificn findings as if it is polluted and mnetally warped. As well as this he seems to pass it off as ‘unscientific balderdash’- these are rude and damming words tha clearly portray a lack of respect
  • the twos relations, and hence the rift between science and religion, couldve ‘estranged damon and pythias’- this is mythical allusions to two greek characters like them in a bachelor socety whom were inseperable, its clear its viewed that ideological differences such as those between them are unmendable
  • shaken to its roots, oh god oh god
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