This class was created by Brainscape user camille carn. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (54)

AIC context
Overview of the popularity of the...,
How did pirestley form his social...,
Vicotrian view of the poor
16  cards
shiela birling
Initial description of shiela,
Symbolism of her engagement,
Sheila saying pretty about eva ex...
16  cards
aic quotes
Is it the one you wanted me to have,
Now i really feel engaged,
Oh how horrible
54  cards
eva smith
Evas role as a symbol,
Use of the name eva,
Use of the name smith
14  cards
eric birling
Role of eric in inspector calls,
How moral is eric initially,
Eric as an initial symbolism of s...
10  cards
gerald croft
Purpose of gerald,
Man about town early descriptions...,
Geralds feelings towards eva
12  cards
mr birling
Mr birlings role,
Mr birlings new money,
Mr bs oposition to change
11  cards
j&h context
Significance of religous imagery,
Transmorphism in religion,
Stevensons relationship with reli...
11  cards
poetry pairs
0  cards
poetry quotes
Antique land,
Shattered visage,
Frown wrinkled lip sneer
38  cards
Context for hyde,
It was like some dammed juggernaut
15  cards
Jekyll main purpose,
Context of jekyll,
My devil had been long caged he c...
15  cards
If we knew all we should be more ...,
Lanyon in context,
Cerberal disease
12  cards
enfield poole and carrew
Enfield main point,
Make his name stink from one end ...,
I was coming home from some place...
5  cards
Utterson main point,
Utterson in context,
His imagination was enslaved
13  cards
gender in r&j
Importance of act 1 scene 1,
Ancient grudge,
I will push montagues men from th...
14  cards
generational divide in aic
Mr b paragraph ideas,
Mr bb patronising quotes,
Aim of priestley through mr b
9  cards
class in aic
Steroetypes of lower class intro,
Sterotyps of lower class pargapra...,
Mr b paragraph starter and context
6  cards
capitalism v socailism in aic
Mr b and capitlism context and pa...,
Mr b capitalism paragraph structure,
Inspector paragraph starter and c...
4  cards
exploitation in aic
Mr b paragraph starter,
Mr b and workers paragraph plan,
Gerald and erics exploitation of ...
4  cards
responsibility in aic
Ospenskys theory paragraph opener,
Ospenskys theory paragraph plan,
Inspector and responsiblity opener
5  cards
wealth in aic
Mr b and greed paragraph starter,
Mr b,
Sheilas engagement thesis statemnt
4  cards
gender in aic
Gerald and eric on women thesis,
Gerald and eric on women thesis,
Sheila as a women thesis
5  cards
mrs birling
Three mrs b thesis statements,
Mrs b as a backwards character pa...,
Mrs b and other women paragraph
3  cards
Inspector vs mr b thesis,
Mr b vs inspector paragrpah,
Inspector as omniscicne
3  cards
All human beings are comingled ou...,
Three duality paragraphs,
Reasoning for the light and dark ...
13  cards
appearance vs reality in j&h
Jekyll vs hyde physical thesis,
Jekylls appearance vs hydes struc...,
Gentlemen appearance vs reality e...
5  cards
friendship in j&h
Good friendship in j h thesis sta...,
Good friendship in j h,
Bad side of victorian friendship ...
4  cards
religion in j&h
Hell devil through hyde thesis,
Hell devil through hyde paragraph,
Sceience vs religion thesis
5  cards
repression in j&h
Repression of mans id through jekyll,
Repression of mans id through jek...,
Repression of victorian gentlemen...
4  cards
science in j&h
Science vs religion thesis,
Science vs religion paragraph,
Devolution and sceince thesis
5  cards
secrecy and reputation in j&h
Jekylls reputation motif thesis,
Jekylls reputation paragraph,
Importance of socialness as propr...
5  cards
Gothic in j&h
Hyde as a gothic thesis,
Hyde as a gothic villain paragraph,
Setting as gothic thesis
6  cards
setting in j&h
Houses thesis
4  cards
mystery and suspense
Pathetic fallacy to build suspense,
Thesis on pathetic fallacy buildi...,
Jekylls reputation thesis
4  cards
friendship in r&j
Male friendship thesis,
Male pride paragraph,
Friendship between adult and chil...
6  cards
Romeo at first thesis,
Romeo as masculine thesis
6  cards
Julliet and femenitinity thesis,
Julliet and femininity structure,
Initial portrayal of julliete
3  cards
Mercutios masc paragraph,
Mercutio as a foil thesis
7  cards
love in r&j
Ideas f,
Parental love paragraph,
Mercutios warped idea of love for...
4  cards
j&h quotes
Something troglodytic,
It was like some dammed juggernaut,
Something downright detestablei s...
36  cards
Friar and romeo bond paragraph,
Friar as a religious figure
2  cards
Lord Capulet
Lord capulet as a good parent,
Lord capulet as good paragraph,
Lord capulet as bad thesis
6  cards
Violence In R&j
Violence due to masculinity parag...,
Vioence due to honour thesis,
Juliet and violence thesis
6  cards
Death In R&j
Death as foreshadowed for tragedy,
Death as fated,
Death and love paragraph
4  cards
Fate In R&j
Death as fated,
Free will as lacking through fore...,
Julliet and fate
3  cards
R&j Quotes
Underneath the grove of a sycamore,
Got of my idolatrypilgrimholy shr...,
Newly baptised
29  cards
Tybult as foil or confrontational...,
Tybult as a representitive for th...
2  cards
violence in j+h
Three violence pargraphs,
Hydes violence,
Setting as violent
4  cards
Nurse quotes,
2 nurse paragraphs
2  cards
Structure In Poems
Structure in exposure,
Structure in ozimandias,
Structure in storm on the island
14  cards
Perspective In Poems
Perpective in exposure,
Perspective in ozimandias,
Perspective in storm on the island
13  cards
Structure of exposre,
How power is conveyed through lan...,
How is nature depicted through la...
57  cards
Ozimandias context,
Exposure context
2  cards

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