English 1 Flashcards


Surpass (v)

Synonym : Beat

To do or be better than somebody/something


Khá hơn: trội hơn; vượt
EX: Don’t be limited by what you think is possible; always aim to surpass your limits.
Honestly, my performance surpasses all the expectations of my team, and I am very proud of it.
From my perspective, the enemy that we have to surpass is ourselves.

Surpass oneself/surpass expectations/ surpass comparisons

From my perspective, the most beautiful thing about a person is their kindness, which surpasses all beauty in comparison.
I think on a beautiful day, my kindness will surpass all of the things in the world.

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Stride (n)

Synonyms: Advance; Improvement

An improvement in a situation or in the development of something.


Sự tiến bộ
EX: I’ve gradually made some significant strides in learning English and other soft skills.

Made significant strides/In full stride/ Break one’s stride

I’ve gradually made some significant strides in learning English, and I realize that.
I realize that I just want to feel peaceful in my deep soul, just like I don’t let anybody or anything break my stride of emotions.

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About (adv)

Synonyms: Nearly,Almost

Nearly; very close to


Gần như; sắp, đến lúc

It’s about time we return to our inner soul because it needs help, love, and understanding. It is dead in the present, but it will be reborn on a new day with stronger bravery.
It’s about time to learn something instead of scrolling down your smartphone.

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Quadruple (v,n,adj)

A size, amount, piece, ect, four times as big as something else


Gấp 4; gồm 4 phần; lượng gấp 4

My neighbor’s house is quadruple the size of my house.
I don’t want to be the richest person; I do not want to be the most beautiful girl. I just want to have a compassionate heart and a peaceful mind, which means I will not be sensitive anymore. I wish my heart would quadruple my beauty.

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Volume (n)

Synonym: Amount,quantity

The total amount of something, especially when it is large or increasing


Số lượng; khối lượng; lưu lượng

So I’m a third-year student at this university. Recently, the volume of deadlines has made me hectic and tired. However, I feel so happy and satisfied with everything I have.
The volume of my pens is increasing because I love to collect different pens, which makes me interested.

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On-off (adj)

Synonyms: Up and down

( Of a relationship) interupted by periods when the relationship is not continuing

Ex: I’m 21 years old, and in my whole life, I’ve had a lot of relationships, which are called on-off ones. It’s like sometimes we meet and talk about dozens of things, but sometimes we don’t even contact or talk to each other anymore. It’s weird, right?


Mối quan hệ bất ổn; gián đoạn; không liên tục

Have an on-off relationship; be in an on-off relationship/Break off/end

Omg, I can say I have a lot of on-off relationships. It’s just like we sometimes talk about a lot of things, and sometimes we don’t even talk anymore.

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Lip-synch (v)

Synonym: Dub( long tieng)

To move your lip at the same time as a recording in being played, in order to pretend that you are singing or saying the word


Hát nhép

Lip-synch to a song/ lip-synch to a video/lip-synch along with music

I’m a person who is extremely interested in music, because every time I suddenly hear a song, I will sing or lip-synch it automatically.
Lip-syncing to a song can be the best way to increase your confidence. It sounds weird, but it’s true.

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Halt (n,v)

Synonyms: Stop; End; Pause

To stop something or to bring something to a stop


Sự tạm nghỉ; sự tạm dừng lại; tạm thời dừng lại
EX:We had a fight over the wonderful cake, so my parents call for a halt.
The lecturer brought our class to a halt because her téléphone suddenly rang and she had to answer.
While having an altercation with my younger brother, my parents always bring it to a halt because it is a noisy and unpleasant thing.

Bring something to a halt/ come to a halt/ call a halt to something

The traffic came to a halt due to a fierce altercation between two people in a car collision.

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Virtually (adv)

Synonyms: Nearly; Bassically

Almost or very nearly, so that any slight difference is not important


Hầu như; gần như

My mind is virtually wondering all the time, and so I find it so difficult to focus on something.

Virtually nothing is impossible in this world if you just put your mind to it and maintain a positive attitude.

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Evasion (n)

Synonym: Avoidance

The act of avoiding somebody or of avoiding something that you are supposed to do


Sự tránh; sự lãng tránh; sự lẩn tránh

Honestly, I want to tell you the truth about my fearful avoidance/evasion symptoms. And at this moment, I have to be braver to face it.

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Intake (n)

Synonyms: Input; Consumption

(uncountable; countable) the amount of food. drink,ect… that you take into your body


Lượng lấy vào; Sự lấy vào
EX: I need to ensure my water intake to stay hydrated because I think my body is lacking almost all water, and therefore I love drinking water. Water plays an important part in my life.

Increase/reduce/Monitor/ Nutrion intake

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Synonym: High blood pressure

Blood pressure that is higher than is normal


Chứng lên máu; chứng tăng huyết áp

Ex: Losing weight, eating a healthy diet, or going somewhere instead of just sitting still can help you manage hypertension.

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Cardiovascular (adj)

Relating to the heart and the blood vessels.


Tim và mạch máu; tim mạch
EX; From my point of view, I think some simple exercises, such as swimming, jogging, and running, can help you manage your cardiovascular disease. And these exercises are some of my favorites.
‘ I found that cardiovascular exercice boosts my mental performance. If I have a problem to solve, like an engineering one,and I get on a treadmill, then time disappears; all I know is an hour later I’m all sweaty and the problem has been solved.’

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Accumulate (v)

Synonyms: Gather, collect

To gradually get more and more of something over a period of time


Tích lũy; gom góp lại; chồng chất; tichs trữ
EX: From time to time, toxic chemicals from food or beverage intakes accumulate in our bodies and cause some risky diseases.
‘ Facebook can be an accumulation of different intelligences. Ask a question, translated into many languages and somebody, somewhere in the world, will have an answer.’

Accumulate- Accumulation of …… knowledge/evidence/ garbage

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Decompress (v)

Synonyms: Take it easy; chill; settle down



Thả lỏng; thư giãn
EX: After a long day,I need to decompress by meditating and listening to positive music.

To calm down and relax

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Alertness (n)

Synonyms: Awareness; deep concentration,mindfulness

Giving all your attention to what is happening or being said


Sự tỉnh táo

EX;My mind always wanders, so I need to maintain alertness all the time.

Maintain/ highten alertness/ Stay/be alert

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Odour (n) ( Odor)

Synonyms: Smell; Aroma,scent

A smell, especially one that is unpleasant


Mùi thơm, huơng thơm: mùi ( nghĩa đen- nghĩa bóng)
EX: After strong exercise, my body odor is extremely unpleasant, especially in the armpit area.

Strong/ Unpleasant/ Distintive/ Body/ Food odour

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Cage (n)

A structure made of wires or bars in which birds or animals can be kept.


Lồng; chuồng;củi
EX: Sometimes I feel trapped in a cage that I make for myself. I’m stuck with my emotions all the time, and I try to find new ways to overcome them. It takes a lot of effort.
Whenever I see animals in the cage, I feel that pure animals yearn to escape and want to come back to nature.
Don’t be a prisoner to your own fear, break free from its cage.

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Lift (v)

Synonym: Raise,Carry,Pick up, Boost

To take hold of and raise something in order to remove, carry, or move it to a different position.


Giơ lên; nhấc lên; giương cao; nang lên
EX: Can you help me lift these boxes? It’s too heavy for me.
In my dream, I saw that she hugged me and virtually lifted me off the ground.

So, I was learning English, and later I lifted my head, and suddenly I looked at him.
Sometimes all you need is a couple of kind words to lift your spirits.

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Bend (v)

Synonym: Curve

( especially of somebody’s body and head) to lean or make something lean in a particular direction


Cúi xuống; cong xuống; uốn cong; làm cong
EX:I’m a careless person who always drops my stuff in the class, and I have to bend over to pick it up.
Everything starts with yourself, with you making up your mind about what you’re going to do with yout life. I tell kids that it’s a cruel world, and that the world will bend them either left or right, and it’s up to them to decide which way to bend.

Bend over to/ Bend the knee/ Bend+ ADV/PREP

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Frame (N,V)

Synonym: Border

Noun-A strong border or structure of wood, metal,ect.. that holds a picture, door, piece of glass, etc.. in position
Verb-(usually passive) to put or make a frame or border around something


Khung; đóng khung
EX:When I was a child, I really wanted to have some vintage painting frames on the walls of my house because I loved living in the vintage atmosphere.

Frame a picture/painting;photo/bike/ Picture/Bicycle/Door frame

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Clearance item (n)

Synonym: Sale item

Goods that are being sold at a discounted price to be cleared out of stock


Đồ thanh lí; đồ giảm giá
EX: I cannot count how many times I have bought clearance items that have made me have a lot of interesting experiences. So next time, let’s join with me to enjoy ourselves together.

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Filing cabinet (n) = Fine cabinet

A large piece of office furniture that is used for storing files.


Tủ đựng hồ sơ
EX: Make sure to label your documents before putting them in the filing cabinet. Therefore, it makes them easy to check the client’s invoices.

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Plug into (phrasal verb)

Synonym: Connect

To connect a piece of electrical equipment to the main supply of electivity or to another piece of electrical equipment.


Cắm điện; sạc; gắm; cắm
EX: My passion for music has grown recently, to the point that I could probably listen to it nonstop. So, I usually just put on my headphones, enjoy some music, and ignore everything.
-Is the printer plugged in?
-This Bluetooth speaker plugs into any standard outlet.

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Unplug (v)

To remove the plug of a piece of electrical equipment from the electricity supply.


Rút; tháo; gỡ bỏ
EX: From now, I should unplug electronics when I leave the boarding house. Because I think it can save my money on electricity bills.
-Can you unplug the computer’s power lead for me?
-Hey, can you help me unplug my charger?

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Monitor (n)

Synonym: Screen

A television or a part of computer with a screen, or which you can see pictures or information


Màn hình
EX: When I was a kid, I believed that is inside the TV monitor, there are some people acting inside this., and I just wanted to break it up into pieces.
My smartphone ‘ s monitor is easily to be damaged, so I have to protect it as able as possible.

TV/Television/computer monitor/ on the monitor

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Synonym: Change

a small change that makes someone or something slightly different, or the process of this change


Sự thay đổi;
EX: To be honest, some of the bad experiences that I went through, which make me accumulate minor alterations in every day in a positive alteration.
Meditation’s impact has given me a lot of significant alteration in my inner child.
‘Love is not love that alters when it alteration finds.’- William Shakespeare

Alteration of plan/clothing/ Minor/Major/Significant altercation

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Block off (Phrasal verb)

Synonyms: Hold; Reserve; Book

To make a reservation for something


Đặt chỗ; dành chỗ
EX: On the Sunday next week, do you have free time ? I will block off the table in famous restaurant that we used to eat once, but I forget the name.
Be comfort, I will block off that time for you.

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Dealership (n)

Synonyms: Distributor, garage

A business that sells a particular company’s product, esp car


Đại lí; nhà phân phối bán lẻ
EX:Owning a jewelry luxury dealership is a dream for many people.
If you’re looking for reliable car, make sure to visit a trustworthy dealership.

Car/motorcycle/furniture/boat/jewelry/real estate dealership;
Visit a car dealership/work at a car dealership
Luxury car dealership

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Computation (n)
Computational (adj)

Synonym: Calculation

The process of calculating or the result of calculating


Sự ước tính; sự tính toán
EX: Nowaday, artificial intelligence (AI) can perform complex computation per second.
The computation of the total costs took several hours.
-Many workers lacked skills in language and computation.
- It will cost 5000 at the lowest computation.
- I believed that any process of learning something might involve some computations about the outcome and who we will become.

Computational error/ model

Perform/make computation

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Intranet (n)

Synonyms: Private network; internal network

A computer network used for exchanging of seeing information within a company


Mạng nội bộ
EX: Besides other tools, intranet is also one of the most important things that helps some institutions a lot.
-Your competitors may have access to the company intranet, so never discuss commercially sensitive issues on-line.
- Other problems related to intranet security are also discussed.
- More than 160,000 employees worldwide use the tool via the company’s intranet.

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Synonyms: Free, Empty: absentminded

If a job in a company is vacant; nobody is doing it and is available for somebody to take it
(of a seat, hotel,room, boarding house,ect) empty, not being used
( of a look, minf, expression, eye..) showing no sign that the person is thinking anything/ Lacking thought or awareness/Not fully present or focused. (e.g., A vacant smile, lost in a daydream)


Trống chỗ; bỏ không; khuyết; không có người
EX:Surprisingly, this well-known company has several vacant positions, and I will apply to it as fast as possible.
-I have looked for an economic company for the upcoming intern. Surprisingly, there are some famous companies that still have vacant positions that I also want to apply to.
-Sometimes, I have received a lot of nuisance calls from spam callers. And the fist sentence that they said is to introduce me about vacant lot or building, real estate, and so on.
-To be honest, I spend dozens of time to myself in daydream or imagination, so that I can escape the reality and have some illusions. Therefore, when somebody looked at me and saw that my eyes are vacants all the time.
‘I like black because it is vacant space.’ -Lady Gaga

Vacant job/position/role
Vacant lot/room/house/apartment/field/land
Vacant stare/ thought/smile/eyes/mind/expression/gaze ( ngơ ngác-ngờ nghệch/mông lung/ trống rỗng/ đờ đẫn/ không tập trung)

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Prescribe (v)
Prescription (N)

Synonym: Instruction

to say what medicine or treatment a sick person should have
an official piece of paper on which a doctor writes the type of medicine you should have, and which enables you to get it from a chemist’s.
To mean to recommend or suggest something.


( Y học) kê đơn (thuốc)/ đơn thuốc, thuốc được kê/ chỉ định/ đưa ra
EX: don’t just sit back and wait for a solution to be presented: think of innocative ways to prescribe solutions yourself. ( tự mình đưa ra giải pháp)
-Her disease is prescribed as hypertension.
-The doctor prepared to prescribe a receipt.
-He wouldn’t prescribe anything - just recommended rest.
-The doctor prescribed some medicine and told her to have a week’s rest.
-These drugs are only available on prescription (= with a prescription from a doctor).

  • The doctor prescribed some medicine and told her to have a week’s rest.
  • He didn’t need a prescription, just some rest and over the counter pain medication.

Tenant (n,v)

Antonym: Landlord

A person who pays rent for the use of land or building
Live or work in a place as a tenant


Người thuê; người mướn
EX:I’m a tenant of the boarding house where the landlord is very friendly to other tenants. Therefore, I feel very close to talk and comfortable.
A tenant of respect should always be respected.
-The decorating was done by a previous tenant.
-The age and gender profiles of tenants in the different areas were similar.

The landlord is responsible for repair, not the tenant.


Plethora (n)

Synonyms: Abundance; Many; Variety

A very large amount of something,especially a larger amount than you need, want, or can deal with
Describing a vast amount of options or choices
Highlingting a great variety or diversity


( nghĩa bóng) Nhiều; trạng thái quá thừa thãi, vô số, muôn vàn; vô vàng; dư thừa; cực kì nhiều
EX: My emotion has a plethora of ambivalents, and sometimes it goes up and down in my own way. It leads me to feel down all the time.
After a hectic day, I’ve had a plethora of interesting experiences that I want to share with you.
A plethora of joy can be found in the simplest of moments.
-There’s a plethora of books about the royal family.
-The plethora of regulations is both contradictory and confusing.
-I have a plethora of negative thoughts that hold me back.


Diagnose (v)
Diagnosis (n)/ˌdaɪəɡˈnəʊsɪs/

To say exactly what an illness or the cause of problem is

to find out what illness someone has, or what the cause of a fault is, after doing tests, examinations etc
the act of discovering or identifying the exact cause of an illness or a problem


( Y học) chẩn đoán; phép chẩn đoán ; sự chẩn đoán
EX: My mother used to have weird symptoms in her chest, and when she met the doctor, she was diagnosed with cancer.
-It can be easy to jump to conclusions, but the best practice is to tke time to diagnose the issue before taking action.
- The illness was diagnosed as cancer.
-He was diagnosed (as) a diabetic when he was 64.
-His illness was later diagnosed as stomach cancer.
-They are waiting for the doctor’s diagnosis.
-~~An accurate diagnosis was made after a series of tests.
-They are using new methods of diagnosis.

Diagnose an illness/ disease/ make an diagnosis/ Diagnose something as/ with something


Exacerbate (v)

Synonym: Worsen

To make something worse, especially a disease or problem


6Làm tăng; làm trầm trọng hơn( bệnh; sự tức giận; sự đau đơn)
EX: My sensitive emotions exacerbated the pain I was already experiencing. I know it is so hard, but I will try my best. huhu
Loss of trust in other people exacerbates my existing
health conditions, like anxiety and fearful avoidance.
A lack of preparedness can exacerbate issues that was one manageable.
-His aggressive reaction only exacerbated the situation.
The symptoms may be exacerbated by certain drugs
-I don’t want to exacerbate the situation.
-This attack will exacerbate the already tense relations between the two communities.

Exacerbate the situation/ the problem/circumstances// exacerbate the pain/injury/suffering//exacerbate existing conditions


Excessive (adj)

Synonyms: extreme, too much;unreasonable

much more than reasonable or necessary


quá mức; thừa
EX: From my point of view, budgeting can help manage finances and prevent excessive spending, and it leads me to save a lot of money in the right way.
My routine’s excessive use of technology can lead me to social media addiction and have a fomo.
Diving into excessive emotions can lead to depression or anxiety.
-Don’t eat an excessive amount of candy - it’s bad for your teeth. (Đừng ăn quá nhiều kẹo - nó không tốt cho răng bạn.)
-The police were accused of using excessive force during the arrest. (Cảnh sát bị buộc tội sử dụng vũ lực quá đáng trong quá trình bắt giữ.)
-Driving at excessive speed is dangerous.
-It’s good to be careful, but there’s no need for excessive caution. (Cẩn thận là điều tốt, nhưng không cần quá thận trọng.)
-We couldn’t sleep because of the excessive noise from the party next door. (Chúng tôi không thể ngủ được vì tiếng ồn quá lớn từ bữa tiệc bên cạnh.)

-Excessive amount (Số lượng quá nhiều)
-Excessive force (Vũ lực quá đáng)
-Excessive speed (Tốc độ quá nhanh)
Excessive caution (Sự thận trọng quá mức)
Excessive noise (Tiếng ồn quá lớn)


Longevity (n)

Synonym: Life-expectancy

Long life, the fact of lasting a long time


Tuổi thọ
EX: Watering the tree in a proper way can help extend its longevity.
Building a healthy lifestyle, like meditation, exercise, or getting enough sleep, can help some of you enhance your longevity.
Healthy habit lead to greater longevity in life.
- A healthy diet and exercise are key factors in promoting longevity.

Promote/extend/enhance/ ensure longevity


Compensate (v)

Synonym: Make up for; Refund

To replace or banlance the effect of something bad
To pay someone money because they have suffered injury, loss or damaged


đền bù; bồi thường; bù đắp
EX: Sometimes, my appearance is just like ignoring everything, but inside my soul, it compensates for the sensitive emotions.
My girlfriend missed our date, and she said that she would compensate for me with another romantic day, adding a big gift from her.
“ What I lack in talent, I compensate with my willingness to grind it out. That’s the secret of my life.”
-Compensate for your weekness by building up your strengths.-
The harder you work, the more you compensated.
What I lack in intelligence, I compensate for with hard work and determination.
What I lack in intelligence, I make up for with hard work and determination.
-I will compensate for your losses.


Eyesight (n)

Synonyms: Vision, Sight

The ability to see


Thị lực; sức nhìn
EX: The root cause of my poor eyesight was watching TV from a close distance when I was a kid. Gradually, I’ve worn thicker glasses.
- A person with good eyesight can distinguish distant object.
- My grandmother’s sight/eyesight is still good.
-Wearing sunglasses can protect your eyesight from harmful UV rays.Vietnamese: Đeo kính râm có thể bảo vệ thị lực của bạn khỏi tia UV có hại.
-My eyesight has gotten worse as I’ve gotten older.
- Eating carrots is good for your eyesight, but it’s not a miracle cure.Vietnamese: Ăn cà rốt tốt cho mắt, nhưng nó không phải là thuốc tiên.
- - Scientists are constantly researching new treatments and cures for eyesight problems.

Good/poor/bad eyesight/ loss of eyesight/Lose your eyesight/ Sharp/blurred eyesight


Not ( adv)


To be honest, I’m not an optimistic girl like you always see. I’m an extremely sensitive girl who sometimes falls into a dark hole and sometimes feels like being reborn.
Not all of my emotions are negative, but they’re about compassion and kindness. Do I feel too satisfied with myself? lmao
Not all difficult problems are impossible to deal with. Therefore, we just need to calm down and have a clear mind. The solutions will come to us automatically.


No (noun, adverb, determiner)

Not one, not any, not a
used, for example on notices to say that something is not allowed


I almost have no deadlines for the next week. So, no problem can make me hectic right now.
I often believe that there is no expectation or hope in real life, and later I allow myself to dive into the imagination
Sometimes I look at the sky and dive into my deep emotions, and I think about the past due to the fact that I’ve set no boundaries for myself towards other people’s needs.


Retina (n)
Retinal (adj)

The area at the back of your eye that receives light and sends an image of what you see to your brain.


Võng mạc
EX: The best way to protect your eye or even your retina from harmful UV rays is to wear sunglasses.
So, when we have our eyes checked by a doctor, they diagnose whether they are good or bad. I wonder if they will check our eyesight or just something outside the eyesight.
-The retina is the light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye. (Võng mạc là lớp nhạy sáng ở phía sau mắt.)
-Damage to the retina can lead to vision loss. (Tổn thương võng mạc có thể dẫn đến mất thị lực.)
-Protecting your eyes from UV rays can help to prevent retinal damage. (Bảo vệ mắt khỏi tia UV có thể giúp ngăn ngừa tổn thương võng mạc.)
-Eating a healthy diet can help protect your retina. (Ăn uống lành mạnh có thể giúp bảo vệ võng mạc của bạn.)

The retina is a light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye that allows us to see.


Placebo (n)

A substance that has no physical effects, given to the patients who do not need medicine but think they do; or use when testing new drugs


Giả dược
EX: I think in some special cases, therapists have to prescribe the placebo to patients who have serious symptoms of depression or anxiety.
Some studies have shown that the placebo effect can be even more effective than some medications.
Right now, a lot of placebos are produced that serve the needs of people across the country.
-Some people believe that placebos can have a powerful effect on the mind. (Một số người tin rằng thuốc giả dược có thể có tác dụng mạnh mẽ đến tâm trí.)
-Scientists are still trying to understand exactly how the placebo effect works. (Các nhà khoa học vẫn đang cố gắng hiểu chính xác cách thức hoạt động của hiệu ứng giả dược.)
-There is growing interest in the use of placebos in medical research. (Sự quan tâm ngày càng tăng đối với việc sử dụng giả dược trong nghiên cứu y tế.)
-Laughter can be a powerful placebo, boosting mood and overall well-being. (Tiếng cười có thể là một loại thuốc giả dược mạnh mẽ, giúp cải thiện tâm trạng và sức khỏe tổng thể.)
-The ethics of using placebos in research can be a complex issue. (Tính đạo đức của việc sử dụng giả dược trong nghiên cứu có thể là một vấn đề phức tạp.)

Placebo effect( the effect of taking placebo and feeling better


Diligently (adv)
Diligent (adj)
Diligence (n)

Synonyms: Hard-working, dedicated( tận tâm)

Someone who is deligent works hard and is careful and thorough


Miệt màil cần cù; siêng năng
EX: What I lack in intelligence, I compensate for by diligently improving our aspects.
When I was in high school, I was a diligent and hard-working girl who expected to reach high grades. And let’s see. It was like a crazy thing in my life, but I respect it.
In terms of achievement, diligence is one of the major factors that contribute to it.
-Diligence is key to achieving your goals.
-Our team’s leader is the kind of person who is very delicate, dedicated, and diligent. He wants to inspire other people and help us recognize something valuable within ourselves.


Superb (adj)

Synonyms: Good at; Excellent; Outstanding

Extremmely good


Tuyệt vời; xuất sắc
EX: From my point of view, a superb presentation does not just require good preparation or fluent speaking; it also attracts the audience by making people laugh or enjoy being on stage, so that you can show your energy or perspective in a proper way.
She gave superb strategies to our group and encouraged us to make it right away.
-He gave a superb performance in the play. (Anh ấy đã có một màn trình diễn tuyệt vời trong vở kịch.)
-It was a superb idea to go hiking in the mountains. (Đi bộ đường dài trên núi là một ý tưởng tuyệt vời.)
-On the night of the play, my leader gave a superb answer to the examiners. It was an excellent thing for him that made me feel excited.


Oriented (adj)
Orientation of (n)

Synonym: Direct,Guide, Prioritize

Directed towards something or made or accepted for a aprticular purpose


Định hướng, Đặt hướng
EX: I try to be goal-oriented and diligent to complete it as soon as possible.
In terms of love, I will prioritize emotion over appearance.
Speaking of love, I will be more oriented towards emotion than appearance.
In terms of love, I tend to be more emotional-oriented than material.
-She is very detail-oriented and never misses a single mistake.
-The teacher made sure the lesson was student-oriented, encouraging participation.
-The doctor will give you a brief orientation on what to expect after surgery.
Vietnamese: Bác sĩ sẽ cung cấp cho bạn một bản định hướng ngắn gọn về những gì có thể xảy ra sau phẫu thuật.
-They are looking for volunteers with an international orientation.
Vietnamese: Họ đang tìm kiếm tình nguyện viên có định hướng quốc tế.
-The flowers orient themselves towards the sun.

Vietnamese: Hoa hướng về phía mặt trời.
-I’m not sure how to orient this paper in the printer.

Vietnamese: Tôi không chắc chắn cách đặt tờ giấy này vào máy in.
-In Viet Nam, there are some common quotes that express love for someone, like the quote that ‘the flowers always orient towards the sun, and I always orient towards you.

Oriented towards/



Synonyms: Attract, catch the eye

To attract or interest im something


Thu hút; lôi cuốn
Draw somebody to something
I’m a weird girl who always imagines that I will draw attention to people all the time.
I want to use humor to draw the audience’s attention during my presentation.
-The new restaurant draws in a big crowd every night.
- The bright colors of the painting draw my eye every time I see it. (Những màu sắc tươi sáng của bức tranh luôn thu hút ánh nhìn của tôi mỗi khi nhìn thấy.)
- The scholarship program draws talented students to the university. (Chương trình học bổng thu hút những sinh viên tài năng đến trường đại học.)
- The comedian’s jokes drew loud laughter from the audience. (Những câu chuyện cười của diễn viên hài đã thu hút tiếng cười lớn từ khán giả.)
- -I know that my team’s performance draws the big audience’s attention because of its fun.


Audiovisual (n)- AV

Synonym: Multimedia

AV is like a movie or music video, when you see and hear things at the same time


-Nghe- nhìn
EX: In some universities, teachers now use audiovisuals to teach students, thanks to social and technical development.
-The language learning app offers audiovisual lessons to improve listening and speaking skills. (Ứng dụng học ngoại ngữ cung cấp các bài học nghe nhìn để cải thiện kỹ năng nghe và nói.)
-The online course platform offers a variety of audiovisual resources for students. (Nền tảng khóa học trực tuyến cung cấp nhiều tài nguyên nghe nhìn cho sinh viên.)
The school invested in new audiovisual equipment for enhanced learning experiences.

Audiovisual aids/equipment/software


Insecure (adj)

Antonym: Secure ( an tâm)

Synonyms: Unsafe

  • Not feeling at all confident about yourself, your abilities, or your relationships with people
  • A job, invesment,ect, that is insecure does not give you a feeling of safety, because it might be taken away or lost at any time
  • Abuilding or structure that is insecure is not safe, because it could fall down

**Không an toàn, không vững chắc, bấp bênh*
Không ổn định
-To be honest, I always feel insecure about my appearance, my body, my voice, my gesture, and so on, when I stand in front of the person that I have a crush on.
-Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy is in turmoil, and many people fear that their jobs are becoming increasingly insecure.
-I remember that I used to experience a risky situation. This is when I went across the road and something small but heavy fell down on me. But, luckily, I was safe and continued to look above the building. So, I believe this is an insecure building.
-Using a public Wi-Fi network can be insecure, so it’s best to avoid online banking or financial transactions on these networks. (Sử dụng mạng Wi-Fi công cộng có thể không an toàn, vì vậy tốt nhất là tránh giao dịch ngân hàng trực tuyến hoặc giao dịch tài chính trên các mạng này.)
-The password is weak and insecure; choose a stronger one with a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.
-The country’s borders are insecure due to the ongoing conflict. (Biên giới của đất nước không an toàn do cuộc xung đột đang diễn ra.)

Insecure about/insecure feeling/ connection

Insecure job/venture

Insecure ladder/ footbridge


Worth (adj)

Synonyms: Rewarding, Valuable, Price

-Used to recommend the action mentioned because you think it maybe useful
- Important, good, or pleasant enough to make somebody feel satisfied, especially when difficulty or effort is involved
- Worth something/having a value in money


Đáng, bỏ công
-Spending time alone to recharge your thoughts and energy is definitely worth it.
-Drinking water is one of the most important habits that is definitely worth it, especially for your body and your health.
-Learning some languages is definitely worth the effort. It opens up many doors.
-Healing ourselves takes a lot of effort and time, but it’s worth it
- I spend a lot of time exploring myself, and later, I understand myself a bit, but it’s worth it.
- I’m not saying that love always takes you to heaven. Your life can become a nightmare. But that said, it is worth taking the risk.
- I’m not saying that love always takes
-My house is worth about 2 billion VND.
-Is this book worth reading?Vietnamese: Quyển sách này có đáng đọc không?
- It’s worth celebrating her success.Vietnamese: Thành công của cô ấy đáng được ăn mừng.
- -=There’s no point arguing, it’s not worth it.

Vietnamese: Cãi nhau thì chẳng được gì, không đáng.

Definitely/ really/ worth the effort


Worthless (adj)

-Something that is worthless has no value, importance, or use
- A worthless person had no good qualities or useful skill


Không có giá trị; vô ích; vô giá trị; vô dụng
-My dreams seem to be worthless compared to the harsh reality of life. So I want to escape this illusion.
-My insecurities convinced me that I was a worthless person sometimes, and later I felt like I was sinking deep into the ocean.
-That old phone is worthless now. (Chiếc điện thoại cũ đó giờ chẳng còn giá trị gì.)
-Her negative attitude made her feel worthless. (Thái độ tiêu cực khiến cô ấy cảm thấy mình vô dụng.)
-Diamonds may be valuable, but true friendship is priceless, not worthless. (Kim cương có thể có giá trị, nhưng tình bạn chân chính thì vô giá, không hề vô dụng.)
-Don’t listen to people who try to make you feel worthless.
-Knowledge is never worthless, it can always be useful.


Surge (v)
{always +adverb/preposition) to suddenly move very quickly in a particular direction
( of prices,profit, ect…) to suddenly increase in value

Topic: Change, cause and effect

Synonym: Increase; skyrocket, Rush


tăng lên/tăng xuống/tăng đột biến đáng kể để di chuyển cực nhanh chóng trong hướng nào đó
The COVID-19 pandemic has surged forward during the year 2021 and caused a lot of people to fall into poverty.-2
I had a chance to experience this when I was at the concert, where the crowd surged forward to reach the stage when the famous singer appeared.-1
The outcome surged ahead of our expectations.-2
-The crowd is surging forward when they see the famous singer appear.
- The crowd surged forward when the concert began.
Vietnamese: Đám đông xô tới phía trước khi buổi hòa nhạc bắt đầu.
- The use of social media can surge emotions during a crisis.
Vietnamese: Việc sử dụng mạng xã hội có thể làm dâng cao cảm xúc trong khủng hoảng.
- Her popularity surged after she won the award.
Vietnamese: Sự nổi tiếng của cô ấy tăng vọt sau khi giành được giải thưởng.
-: The internet use surged during the peak hours.
Vietnamese: Lưu lượng truy cập internet tăng vọt vào giờ cao điểm.
-The speaker’s voice surged with emotion as he delivered his speech.

Vietnamese: Giọng nói của người nói dâng trào cảm xúc khi ông ấy phát biểu.

Surge forward/upward; Surge ahead/ Through


Skyrocket (v)

Synoym: Surge,increase

To rise extremely quickly or make extremely quick progress towards success


Tăng vọt; tăng vụt
When I was 15 years old, it coincided with the time when I was in high school. At that time, the price of gas tanks skyrocketed, so my family could not afford this.
Nowadays, online gambling has skyrocketed in popularity, causing a lot of people to be thieves and unemployees.
With his determination and diligence in his career, his work skyrocketed to the top of his field
-Her song skyrocketed in popularity, thanks to her luck and determination in the music area.
-Sales skyrocketed after the company launched its new marketing campaign. (Doanh số tăng vọt sau khi công ty khởi chạy chiến dịch tiếp thị mới.)
-The use of social media has skyrocketed in the past decade. (Việc sử dụng mạng xã hội đã tăng vọt trong thập kỷ qua.)
-My heart rate skyrocketed when I saw the spider. (Nhịp tim tôi tăng vọt khi nhìn thấy con nhện.)
-My stress levels skyrocketed when I realized I forgot my presentation at home. (Mức độ căng thẳng của tôi tăng vọt khi nhận ra mình quên bài thuyết trình ở nhà.)

Skyrocket in price/cost; skyrocket to success; skyrocket in popularity


Criterion (n)
Criteria (plural)

Synonyms: Standard, Requirement; Factor, Principle

A standard of priciple by whicj something is judged, or with the help of which decision is made


Tiêu chuẩn; tiêu chí
From my point of view, a team or group should consider that it is important to refer to the evaluation criteria before performing any project or presentation.
To be honest, I am a student who does not meet any criteria for my university scholarship.
I sent you a document in which the teacher will evaluate our presentation based on some criteria written on it.
The teacher will evaluate us based on the criteria written on the paper.
-My team’s performance met the examiner’s criteria. Therefore, we won the first prize of the drama night.
-We need to establish clear criteria for evaluating student performance.
-What are the criteria for getting a promotion in your company?
-The new product doesn’t meet the safety criteria.

Selection/evaluation criterion; Meet/satify criteria; apply/based on criteria


Onset (n)

Synonyms: Beginning; Start

The begiining of something, or something unplesant


Sự bắt đầu mạnh mẽ
Any relationship, like friendship or love, fades away through the gradual onset of misunderstandings and changes.
The onset of symptoms of depression is usually accompanied by some negative thoughts, states of emotional turmoil, or being reminded of the past.
So, you know, I sometimes traced the origin of my fear back to a specific point of onset in my childhood or during the time I was growing up.

’ It’s very important that we re-learn the art of resting and relaxing. Not only does it help prevent the onset of many illnesses that develop through chronic tension and worrying; it allows us to clear our minds, focus, and find creative solutions to problems.’
I think the onset of love is when you feel strange and weird. Right?
-So speaking about the onset of love is very complicated and weird. You know? It’s like you will fly in the sky in high space, and later you will fall into a dark hole in an unknowable place.
-The onset of winter brings shorter days and colder temperatures.
- Many people experience anxiety at the onset of a public presentation.
- We noticed the early onset of symptoms in the patient.
Vietnamese: Chúng tôi nhận thấy các triệu chứng xuất hiện sớm ở bệnh nhân.
-The medication helped to delay the onset of the disease.

Vietnamese: Thuốc giúp trì hoãn sự khởi phát của bệnh.
-Be aware of the early signs and symptoms of the onset of illness.
- He described the gradual onset of the pain.

Gradual/early onset; Onset of symptoms/ Point the onset ( thời điẻm khởi phát)


Coincide (v)
Coincidence (N)

Synonym: Fall on the same day/ time

(of two or more events) to take place at the same time
( of ideas, opinions, ect) to be the same or very similar
(Of objects or places) to meet; to share the same place


( Về các sự kiện ) xảy ra cùng thời gian với các sự kiện khácl xảy ra đồng thời; trùng với
Unfortunately, my sister’s marriage coincides with my examination’s day. So I am very upset about this, so I will miss either of these events.
Our views on these matters coincide closely with yours.
Hey, I see the new cafe shop coincides with the privious house where we dropped in before.
Our plan coincides with yours. Omg, it’s amazing.
-Do you think it’s just a coincidence, or is there something more going on?
-Our meeting surprisingly coincided with her presentation.
-It’s a coincidence that we both chose the same restaurant! (
-Do you think our plans will coincide?

Happens to coincide/ planned/timed/arranged to coincide


Adversity (n)

Challenge; difficulty

a situation in which you have a lot of problems that seem to be caused by bad luck


Nghịch cảnh,sóng gió,khó khăn, thử thách, tai họa
EX:-She faced adversity with courage and determination.
-He overcame adversity in his childhood and became a successful businessman.
-Experiencing challenges can help you build resilience in the face of adversity. (
-They are working on programs to help children build resilience in the face of adversity.
-Sometimes I wonder if I could better build resilience in the face of adversity because my emotion is extremmely sensitive.
-With my determination and courage, I finally overcame the adversities in my life.

Face/Overcome/Learn adversity/ Build resilience in the face of adversity( xây khả năng chống chọi trước những khó khăn)


Deform (v)
Deformed (adj) [bị biến dạng, bị méo mó]
Deformity (n) [ y học - dị dạng]

Get out of shape; change

to change or damage the usual or natural shape of something; to become changed in shape


Biến dạng, biến đối
EX:-The accident severely deformed his face.
-The heat deformed the plastic container.
-The hot iron accidentally deformed the fabric.
-I’ve had braces for over nine months. Dentists use braces to deform my teeth and make them more beautiful.
-The constant pressure of water can be a deforming force on rocks over time. (Áp lực nước liên tục có thể là lực biến dạng của đá theo thời gian.)
-The child was born with a deformed hand.
- She was born with a deformity of the spine) cot song).
- The girl looked out the window and saw three women with strange deformities.
- -The child was born with a deformed heart.( di dang)
- -They deform your body, but they also transform your soul. They break you and damage you, but they mold you into the best version of yourself.
- -Recently, Ho Chi Minh City’s temperature has increased so much that it has deformed a lot of plastic containers outside.**

Deform shape/force


Mold (v)


to strongly influence the way somebody’s character, opinions, etc. develop


đúc; nặn; hun đúc;rèn giũa; định hình
EX:- Her strict parents molded her into a disciplined and hardworking person. (Bố mẹ nghiêm khắc đã rèn giũa cô ấy thành một người kỷ luật và chăm chỉ.)
-Growing up in poverty molded her into a resourceful woman. (Lớn lên trong nghèo khó đã rèn giũa cô ấy thành một người phụ nữ tháo vát.)
-His character was molded by the challenges he faced during his childhood. (Tính cách của anh ấy được hình thành bởi những thử thách anh ấy phải đối mặt trong thời thơ ấu.)
-Her artistic talents were molded by years of practice.
-Their opinions were molded by the media they consumed. (Ý kiến ​​của họ được định hình bởi phương tiện truyền thông mà họ tiếp thụ.)

Mold someone into something/Be molded by something/


Serenity (n) /səˈrenəti/
Serene (adj)

Peacefulness; calmness

​the quality of being calm and peaceful
very calm or peaceful


Sự yên bình; cảnh trời quang mây tạnh;sự thanh bình
EX:-Spending time in nature filled her with a deep sense of serenity. (Dành thời gian ở thiên nhiên khiến cô ấy tràn ngập cảm giác thanh thản sâu sắc.)
He sought a sense of serenity in the quiet beauty of the garden. (Anh ấy tìm kiếm cảm giác thanh thản trong vẻ đẹp yên bình của khu vườn.)
-Through meditation, he was able to achieve a state of inner serenity. (Thông qua thiền định, anh ấy có thể đạt được trạng thái thanh thản nội tâm.)
-She found serenity in the simple act of reading a good book.
+We sat on the beach, listening to the serene sound of the waves.
+After a long day, a cup of tea helped me feel serene.
+ We hope to find a serene place to retire.
-Sometimes, you can find serenity through the simple act of being completely in the present and recognizing something that is happening without any judgement.

Sense of Serenity (Cảm giác thanh thản)/Inner Serenity (Sự thanh thản nội tâm)/Find Serenity/feel secrene


Short-lived (adj)

Fleeting( thoáng qua), short-time

existing or happening for only a short time


ngắn; tồn tại trong thời gian ngắn
EX:-Her success was great, but short-lived.
-The feeling of euphoria after winning the lottery was short-lived.
-Material possessions can bring short-lived happiness
- Online dating often leads to short-lived relationships.
- * The ice cream melted quickly in the summer heat, its existence short-lived.**
- Don’t worry, the pain will be short-lived.
- -Their friendship seemed strong, but it turned out to be short-lived.
Vietnamese: Tình bạn của họ có vẻ bền chặt, nhưng hóa ra lại ngắn ngủi

Short-lived hapiness/success/relationship


Fleeting (adj)


lasting for only a short time


Lướt nhanh; thoáng qua; phù du
EX:-The butterfly’s beauty was a fleeting moment captured in my memory. (Vẻ đẹp của con bướm chỉ là một khoảnh khắc thoáng qua ghi lại trong ký ức của tôi.)
He offered a fleeting smile before disappearing into the crowd. (Anh ấy nở một nụ cười thoáng qua trước khi biến mất vào đám đông.)
Don’t miss the fleeting opportunity to apply for the scholarship. (Đừng bỏ lỡ cơ hội thoáng qua để nộp đơn xin học bổng.)
-Don’t let fleeting thoughts of doubt hold you back. (Đừng để những suy nghĩ thoáng qua về sự nghi ngờ cản trở bạn.)
-The cherry blossoms offered a fleeting beauty that lasted only a few weeks. (Hoa anh đào mang đến vẻ đẹp thoáng qua chỉ kéo dài vài tuần.)
-I saw a fleeting glance of sadness in her eyes. (Tôi thoáng thấy một tia buồn trong mắt cô ấy.)

a fleeting glimpse/smile/moment/glance ( cái nhìn)/thought/life/beauty


Right from the start

Fron the begining

From the very beginning: This is the most common use. It means that something existed, happened, or was planned in this way since the very beginning of something.


Ngay từ lúc bắt đầu
EX:-Right from the start, I knew this project would be a challenge.”
-They were the perfect team, right from the start.”
-The instructions were confusing right from the start.”
-Right from the start, I knew that my relationship with her was one of heartbreak.
-They were destined to be friends, right from the start.
-They were a perfect match right from the start.
I knew I was in trouble right from the start of the test.
We right from the start decided to be honest with each other
-Right from the start, I knew that our friendship was an on-off relationship, but it has given me a lot of interesting memories that I’ve ever had in my life.”
-Right from the start, I knew that my relationship was short-lived.
-Right from the start, I knew that our team would be destined to win.


Stick around ( Phrasel verb)

to stay somewhere for a period of time:
Stick around” means to stay in a particular place for a while. It can also imply waiting for something or someone.


Nán lại, ở yên một chỗ ; ở lại;
EX:- He’s late, but I’ll STICK AROUND for another few minutes before I leave.
-Stick around after class if you have any questions.” (Ở lại sau giờ học nếu bạn có bất kỳ câu hỏi nào.)
-Don’t just stand there, stick around and help me!” (Đừng chỉ đứng đó, ở lại và giúp tôi!)
“I’m leaving now. Don’t stick around if you don’t want to.” (Tôi sẽ đi ngay bây giờ. Đừng ở lại nếu bạn không muốn.)
-“The movie starts in 20 minutes, but you can stick around if you want to chat first.” (Phim bắt đầu sau 20 phút, nhưng bạn có thể ở lại đây để nói chuyện trước nếu muốn.)
“I’m almost done with this task. Do you want to stick around and help me with the next one?” (Tôi sắp hoàn thành nhiệm vụ này rồi. Bạn có muốn ở lại và giúp tôi việc tiếp theo không?)
“I’m heading out soon, but I can stick around for a few more minutes if you need something.” (Tôi sắp ra ngoài, nhưng tôi có thể ở lại thêm vài phút nữa nếu bạn cần gì.)


Resonate (v)
Resonance (n)


The word “resonate” means to evoke or produce a strong, positive feeling or response**, often suggesting a deep emotional connection or significance. **In this context, it implies that the belief in someone has a lasting impact, motivating and inspiring them.
If you resonate with something, it feels true or has meaning for you:
-To have a deep and lasting impact: This meaning is often used when something connects with your emotions or ideas on a personal level.


Vang vọng;phản ánh; gợi lại; sâu sắc,liên quan; ảnh hưởng
-Her experiences resonate powerfully with me, living, as I do, in a similar family situation.
-What exactly is it about that music that resonates with you?
-The speaker’s words resonated with the audience. -
-I hope my story resonates with others who have struggled.
- Her words resonated with my own experiences.( gợi lại)
- The pain of loss still resonates with her.
Vietnamese: Nỗi đau mất mát vẫn in hằn trong lòng cô ấy. (in hằn: resonate)
-We found a deep connection that resonated between us.
Vietnamese: Chúng tôi tìm thấy một sự kết nối sâu sắc giữa chúng tôi.
-There seems to be a lack of resonance between the team members. ( Có vẻ như các thành viên trong nhóm đang thiếu sự ăn ý.)
- There’s a certain resonance between music and emotions
- The music has a powerful resonance.

Vietnamese: Âm nhạc có sức lay động mạnh mẽ
-There wasn’t much resonance between our ideas. Vietnamese: Không có nhiều điểm tương đồng (điểm tương đồng - point of similarity) giữa các ý tưởng của chúng tôi.

Resonate deeply/strongly (Gây được tiếng vang sâu sắc)/
Find resonance


Fuel (n) (v)


anything that keeps people’s ideas or feelings active, or makes them stronger
to increase a feeling or a type of behaviour or make it stronger:


Động lực; tiếp thêm, truyền thêm đôngj lực
EX:-“Her encouraging words were **the fuel **that kept me going.”
“The success of his first novel fueled his desire to write more.”
“Seeing the progress you’ve made **should fuel **your motivation to continue.”
“The crowd’s cheers fueled the athlete’s determination to win.”
“Positive feedback can fuel a person’s drive to excel.”
-Her success story fueled my own motivation to pursue my dreams. (Câu chuyện thành công của cô ấy đã tiếp thêm động lực cho tôi theo đuổi ước mơ.)
The positive feedback from my teacher fueled my confidence. (Phản hồi tích cực từ giáo viên đã tiếp thêm lòng tin cho tôi.)
-He found the fuel he needed to overcome his challenges in his family’s support. (Anh ấy tìm thấy động lực để vượt qua những thách thức của mình trong sự ủng hộ của gia đình.)
A good night’s sleep can fuel your focus and productivity the next day. (Một giấc ngủ ngon có thể tiếp thêm năng lượng tập trung và hiệu quả cho bạn vào ngày hôm sau.)
Reading inspirational stories can fuel your creativity. (Đọc những câu chuyện truyền cảm hứng có thể tiếp thêm ngọn lửa sáng tạo cho bạn.)
-Let’s say that I have a lot of support and encouragement from my family members behind my back. Their beliefs are my fuel that keeps me going through something hard in my life.


Have what it take (Pharsal verb)

have got what it takes; be capable; be qualified; have the talent/skill

to have the qualities or ability that one needs to do something


Có đủ năng lực, có khả năng/ đủ tố chất
EX:-She definitely has what it takes to become a doctor. (Cô ấy chắc chắn có đủ tố chất để trở thành bác sĩ.)
-I believe in you, you have what it takes to achieve your dreams. (Tôi tin vào bạn, bạn có đủ khả năng để đạt được ước mơ của mình.)
-The final exam will test whether the students have what it takes to move on to the next level. (Bài kiểm tra cuối kỳ sẽ kiểm tra xem học sinh có đủ khả năng để lên cấp độ tiếp theo không.)
-Sometimes, all you need is a little bit of belief in yourself to know you have what it takes. (Đôi khi, tất cả những gì bạn cần là một chút niềm tin vào bản thân để biết rằng bạn có đủ khả năng.)
-Overcoming this obstacle will show if you have what it takes. (Vượt qua trở ngại này sẽ cho thấy bạn có đủ tố chất hay không.)
-Leading a company requires someone who has what it takes to make tough decisions. (Điều hành một công ty đòi hỏi một người có đủ khả năng để đưa ra những quyết định khó khăn.)


Possess (v)
Possession (n)

own, have, hold

to have or own something


Sở hữu;quyền sở hữu
EX: Do you possess any experience working with children? (Bạn có kinh nghiệm nào làm việc với trẻ em không?)
The book possesses valuable information about ancient history. (Quyển sách sở hữu những thông tin giá trị về lịch sử cổ đại.)
-I don’t possess any artistic talent, but I appreciate your work. (Tôi không sở hữu tài năng nghệ thuật nào, nhưng tôi đánh giá cao tác phẩm của bạn.)
-A good leader possesses qualities like decisiveness and empathy. (Một nhà lãnh đạo giỏi sở hữu những phẩm chất như quyết đoán và đồng cảm.)
-She possesses the key to the secret room. (Cô ấy sở hữu chìa khóa của căn phòng bí mật.)

Possess knowledge/skill/talent
Possess the qualities (Sở hữu những phẩm chất)
Possess an object (Sở hữu một vật)


Outage (n)

Breakdown,interruption, Descruption

a period of time when the supply of electricity, etc. is not working


Ngừng hoạt động, mất điện
-We were stuck in the elevator during the power outage. (Chúng tôi bị kẹt trong thang máy trong thời gian mất điện.)
-Make sure you have candles and flashlights in case of a power outage. (Hãy chắc chắn rằng bạn có nến và đèn pin trong trường hợp mất điện.)
-I couldn’t finish my online assignment because of the internet outage. (Tôi không thể hoàn thành bài tập online vì mất mạng.)
-We had to postpone laundry because of the unexpected water outage. (Chúng tôi phải hoãn giặt giũ vì mất nước đột xuất.)
-The bank experienced a temporary service outage, preventing access to online banking. (Ngân hàng gặp phải sự cố gián đoạn dịch vụ tạm thời, khiến việc truy cập ngân hàng trực tuyến bị gián đoạn.)
-Make sure you save your work frequently in case of a computer outage.

Power Outage (Mất điện)
Internet Outage ( Mất điện)
Service Outage (gián đoạn dịch vụ)
Water outage/system outage


On- site (adj-adv)

In person, at the location

Nó thường được sử dụng để chỉ việc thực hiện hoặc cung cấp dịch vụ trực tiếp tại địa điểm cụ thể mà nó đề cập đến.

existing or happening in the place where people are working or involved in a particular activity
-available or happening in the place where people work, rather than somewhere else.


Tại chỗ; tại hiện trường; ngay lập tức,trực tiếp
EX:-I need to speak to the manager on-site. (Tôi cần
-The technician will be on-site to fix the problem. (Kỹ thuật viên sẽ đến tận nơi để sửa chữa vấn đề.)nói chuyện với quản lý ngay lập tức.)
-The company is offering on-site training for employees on the new software program. (Công ty đang cung cấp đào tạo trực tiếp cho nhân viên về chương trình phần mềm mới.)
We can provide on-site training for your team at your convenience. (Chúng tôi có thể cung cấp đào tạo trực tiếp cho nhóm của bạn theo sự thuận tiện của bạn.)
-It’s always helpful to have an on-site meeting to clarify any questions or concerns. (Luôn hữu ích khi có một cuộc họp trực tiếp để giải quyết bất kỳ câu hỏi hoặc lo ngại nào.)
-Please report any accidents or injuries to the on-site supervisor immediately.

Vui lòng báo cáo ngay cho giám sát viên tại chỗ nếu có bất kỳ tai nạn hoặc thương tích nào xảy ra.
-We offer on-site catering for events and parties.

Chúng tôi cung cấp dịch vụ phục vụ tại chỗ cho các sự kiện và buổi tiệc.
-We have added more on-site customer service representatives at airports in all of our destination cities to assist customers with their flights and information

On-site training (Đào tạo tại chỗ)
On-site facilities (Tiện nghi tại chỗ)
On-site meeting (Họp tại chỗ)
On-site inspection (Kiểm tra tại chỗ)
On-site support (Hỗ trợ tại chỗ)


Sizeable (adj)
Sizable (adj)


Fairly large


Có cỡ; khá lớn; đáng kể
-A sizeable crowd gathered for the concert. (Một đám đông đáng kể tập trung cho buổi hòa nhạc.)
-The new restaurant attracted a sizeable crowd on opening day. (Nhà hàng mới đã thu hút một đám đông đáng kể vào ngày khai trương.)
The protest drew a sizeable crowd of people. (Cuộc biểu tình thu hút một đám đông đáng kể người tham gia.)
- He made a sizeable investment in his education. (Anh ấy đã đầu tư đáng kể vào việc học hành.)
- -Sizeable difference (Sự khác biệt đáng kể)
- -There was a sizeable difference in opinion on the new policy. (Có sự khác biệt đáng kể về ý kiến ​​đối với chính sách mới.)
- -She lost a sizeable amount of weight after starting her new diet. (Cô ấy đã giảm được một lượng cân đáng kể sau khi bắt đầu chế độ ăn kiêng mới.)

a sizeable amount/area/house
Sizeable crowd (Đám đông đáng kể)
Sizeable investment (Sự đầu tư đáng kể)
Sizeable difference


Monorail (n)

skytrain ( Hệ thống đường sắt trên cao)

​[uncountable] a railway system in which trains travel along a track consisting of a single metal bar, usually one placed high above the ground


Đường ray đơn
EX;-The city is considering building a new monorail system to ease traffic congestion. (Thành phố đang cân nhắc xây dựng một hệ thống monorail mới để giảm tắc nghẽn giao thông.)
-The monorail train can get quite crowded during rush hour. (Tàu monorail có thể trở nên khá đông đúc vào giờ cao điểm.)
-he city plans to expand its monorail network to connect more neighborhoods.
-The first electric monorail was opened in Wüppertal in 1900.
-I think that we can help do this by having monorail systems between city centres and airports.
-Ottawa-based Saenger, Inc., has been selected by the city of Sudbury to build a monorail system that will connect the city’s commercial district to the airport.

Monorail system
Monorail Station:
Monorail network


Under control ( adj phrase)

In hand

being dealt with or limited successfully:


Kiểm soát; nắm quyền
EX:-She always seems to have her life under control. (Cô ấy dường như luôn kiểm soát được cuộc sống của mình.)
-The CEO has the entire company under control. (Giám đốc điều hành nắm quyền kiểm soát toàn bộ công ty.)
-He kept his cool and kept the situation under control. (Anh ấy giữ bình tĩnh và kiểm soát tình hình.)
-It’s important to keep your weight under control for good health. (Giữ cân nặng trong tầm kiểm soát là điều quan trọng đối với sức khỏe tốt.)
-In the past, I seemed to keep everything under control.
-Parents need to keep their children’s screen time under control. (Cha mẹ cần kiểm soát thời gian sử dụng màn hình của con cái.)
- My emotions were finally under control after the initial shock. (Cảm xúc của tôi cuối cùng đã được kiểm soát sau cú sốc ban đầu.)
-Traffic flow is under control despite the accident. (Lưu lượng giao thông vẫn được kiểm soát mặc dù có tai nạn.)
- Don’t worry, I can get this situation under control. (Đừng lo lắng, tôi có thể kiểm soát tình hình này.)
- The doctor was able to bring her fever under control. (Bác sĩ đã có thể kiểm soát cơn sốt của cô ấy.)
-They finally brought the situation under control.

-Have something under control (Nắm quyền kiểm soát cái gì)
-. Keep under control (Giữ … trong tầm kiểm soát)
-Be under control (Được kiểm soát)
-. Get under control (Kiểm soát) - Process of achieving control
-Bring under control (Kiểm soát) - Achievement of control


Stick by something/someone
(Phrasal verb)
(1/2 meanings)

be loyal to; stand by, stick, adhere

to continue to support somebody, especially in a difficult situation;
to support or be loyal to (a person); to continue to support something or someone, especially in a difficult situation:

-to continue to support someone, or to not change your mind about something: (2)to do what you promised or planned to do -KIÊN ĐỊNH


Ở bên; sát cánh; trung thành; Hỗ trợ ai đó khi họ gặp khó khăn
EX:-My friends stuck by me through my toughest times.
-Parents should stick by their children during their teenage
-It was a difficult time but my friends stuck by me.
-You can count on me to stick by you. (Bạn có thể tin tưởng rằng tôi sẽ luôn ở bên bạn.)
-It’s important to stick by your loved ones during difficult times.
- No one STUCK BY him when the scandal became public.
Không ai hỗ trợ anh ấy khi vụ bê bối được công bố.
-I love him and, whatever happens, I’ll stick by him.

-They stuck by their decision.
Once you make a decision, stick by it. (Một khi bạn đã đưa ra quyết định, hãy kiên định với nó.)
I stuck by my decision to quit my job and travel the world. (Tôi đã kiên định với quyết định nghỉ việc và đi du lịch vòng quanh thế giới.)
It’s okay to change your mind sometimes, but it’s also important to stick by your convictions. (Đôi khi thay đổi quyết định là điều được, nhưng kiên định với niềm tin của mình cũng rất quan trọng.)
Don’t let others pressure you into changing your mind if you’ve already decided on something. Stick by your guns! (Đừng để người khác hối thúc bạn thay đổi suy nghĩ nếu bạn đã quyết định điều gì đó. Hãy kiên định với lập trường của mình!)


Go well ( verb phrase)

work out;Progress smoothly

“Go well” is a phrase typically used to wish someone success, good fortune, or a positive outcome in a particular endeavor or situation. It’s a concise and friendly way to express goodwill towards someone before they embark on a task, journey, or experience. It implies a hope that everything proceeds smoothly and positively.


Diễn ra suông sẻ, diễn ra tốt đẹp
EX:-I hope your presentation goes well for you today. (Tôi hy vọng bài thuyết trình của bạn diễn ra suôn sẻ cho bạn ngày hôm nay.)
-The exam didn’t go well for me, but I’ll try again next time.
-I’m happy to hear things are going well for you. (Tôi vui mừng khi biết mọi việc đang diễn ra suôn sẻ với bạn.)
Despite the challenges, things are still going well overall. (Bất chấp những thách thức, nhìn chung mọi việc vẫn đang diễn ra suôn sẻ.)
-Good communication can help make things go well in a team. (Giao tiếp tốt có thể giúp mọi việc diễn ra suôn sẻ trong một nhóm.)
A little planning can make things go well on your trip. (Một chút lên kế hoạch có thể giúp mọi việc diễn ra suôn sẻ trong chuyến đi của bạn.)

Go well for (Diễn ra suôn sẻ cho)
Things are going well (Mọi việc đang diễn ra suôn sẻ)
Make things go well (Làm cho mọi việc diễn ra suôn sẻ)


In- between ( phrase)

midpoint; among

in the middle between two points, sizes, periods of time etc
-between two clear or accepted stages or states, and therefore difficult to describe or know exactly:
-having the qualities of two different things:


ở giữa, phân vân; kẹt
EX:-I usually grab a snack in between classes. (Tôi thường ăn nhẹ giữa các tiết học.)
-Can we meet in between your second and third class? (Chúng ta có thể gặp nhau giữa tiết hai và ba của bạn không?)
-We need more information before we can make a final decision, so we’re still in between options. (Chúng tôi cần thêm thông tin trước khi đưa ra quyết định cuối cùng, vì vậy chúng tôi vẫn đang phân vân giữa các lựa chọn.)
-I’m still in between decisions about what color to paint the living room. (Tôi vẫn đang phân vân giữa các lựa chọn về màu sơn cho phòng khách.)
-The small village was located in between the mountains and the sea. (Ngôi làng nhỏ nằm giữa núi và biển.)
-They weren’t close friends, but they weren’t enemies either - they were just in between. (Họ không phải bạn thân, nhưng cũng không phải kẻ thù - họ chỉ ở giữa.)
-The train station is located in between the airport and the city center. (Ga tàu nằm giữa sân bay và trung tâm thành phố.)
-She was sitting in between two friends during the movie.
(Cô ấy ngồi giữa hai người bạn trong suốt bộ phim.)
- He knows quite a lot of French, but he’s at an in-between stage and not fluent yet.
- This suit isn’t gray or blue, it’s in-between.

In between classes (Giữa các tiết học)
In between decisions (Giữa các quyết định)
In between friends (Giữa những người bạn)
In between places (Giữa các địa điểm)
In between two things:


Bond (n)

Relationship; connection; link

a close connection joining two or more people:
RELATIONSHIP something that unites two or more people or groups, such as love, or a shared interest or idea → tie


Mối quan hệ; mối ràng buộc
EX:-The dog formed a close bond with its new owner. (Chú chó hình thành một mối liên hệ chặt chẽ với chủ nhân mới của nó.)
The team’s success was built on a foundation of trust and close bonds between the players. (Thành công của đội bóng được xây dựng dựa trên nền tảng của sự tin tưởng và mối quan hệ chặt chẽ giữa các cầu thủ.)
-There was a special bond between the twins that no one else could understand. (Giữa hai đứa trẻ sinh đôi có một mối liên hệ đặc biệt mà không ai khác có thể hiểu được.)
-The movie explored the emotional bond between a mother and her child. (Bộ phim khai thác về mối liên hệ tình cảm giữa người mẹ và con cái.)
-Spending quality time together can strengthen the bond between parents and children. (Dành thời gian chất lượng cho nhau có thể củng cố mối quan hệ giữa cha mẹ và con cái.)

Close bond (mối liên hệ chặt chẽ)
Special bond ( mối liên kết đặc biệt)
Emotional Bond (Mối liên hệ tình cảm)

Strengthen/Weaken the Bond (Củng cố/Làm yếu đi mối liên hệ)
Lasting bond ( mối quan hệ lâu dài)


Handcrafted (adj)


made using the hands rather than a machine:


Nghề thủ công
EX:-You can find unique handcrafted furniture pieces at craft fairs. (Bạn có thể tìm thấy những đồ nội thất thủ công độc đáo tại các hội chợ thủ công mỹ nghệ.)
-We bought a beautiful handcrafted dining table at the market. (Chúng tôi đã mua một chiếc bàn ăn thủ công tuyệt đẹp ở chợ.)
-I prefer handcrafted jewelry over mass-produced pieces. (Tôi thích trang sức thủ công hơn những món đồ được sản xuất hàng loạt.)
-Handcrafted gifts are a thoughtful and unique way to show someone you care. (Quà tặng thủ công là một cách chu đáo và độc đáo để thể hiện sự quan tâm của bạn.)
-I gave my mom a handcrafted scarf for Mother’s Day. (Tôi đã tặng mẹ tôi một chiếc khăn quàng cổ thủ công vào Ngày của Mẹ.)
-We bought some handcrafted souvenirs from the local market.
-These handcrafted wooden toys are so much more durable than plastic ones.

Handcrated sourvenir
Handcrafted furniture (Đồ nội thất thủ công)
Handcrafted jewelry (Trang sức thủ công)
Handcrafted gifts (Quà tặng thủ công)