4.4 And 4.5 Coasts Flashcards
How does costal management affect a coastlines down drift?
Costal management e.g. using groynes effects down drift as it moves sediment into a concentrated location which can sometimes form a beach
How does dredging effect the coastline
Beach dredging comes with a long list of environmental problems as it destroys Sensitive coral reefs become blanketed with mucks Cutter-head dredges grind up the animals as they sweep through sediment where turtles have embedded themselves. When turtles seek a beach to lay eggs, they are drawn to wide, freshly dredged beaches.
How does industry affect the coastline
Industries near coastlines sometimes pump out their waste into the sea which destroys the environment and it affects the cleanliness of the air
How does development impact the coastline
It adds pressure to costal ecosystems and it can also cause dirty water costal development effects the environment in many ways
How is Swanage coastline affected by physical processes
Swanage bay is constantly retreating the coast may deepen
How is Swanage coastline affected by human processes
Swanage bay is constantly retreating the coast may deepen
Why is sea level rising
Sea level is rising because the polar ice caps are melting, thermal expansion and glaciers are melting
How bad will sea level rise get and how will it affect certain places around the world
Their is a block of ice in Antartica and if this ice cap where to melt then the sea level will rise by 61 meters. An area that would be affected by this is the Maldives as on average the islands are 1.2 meters above sea level
How will climate change affect erosion
Causes global sea level to rise
How will climate change affect storm frequency intensity and storm surges
Climate change affects this as you get hotter weather and calmer seas which leads to hurricanes
How will storm surges affect people and the environment
Storm surges affect people as they are sometimes deadly and they effect peoples businesses and homes storm surges have an environmental impact as they can destroy eco systems and effect on reefs etc.
How do groynes and sea walls work
Groynes are relatively soft hard engineering techniques. They’re low lying wooden walls that extend out to sea. The idea of groynes is to capture sand that moves down the beach via longshore drift and help build up a larger section of beach in front of an area that’s experiencing coastal erosion
Explain how beach replenishment works
Beach replenishment works by dumping sediment on a former beach to rebuild it it is soft engineering and is extremely expensive and doesn’t last very long
What are the advantages and disadvantages for each management type
Soft engineering is usually not very expensive
Hard engineering lasts for a long time