Cognitive Flashcards


Explain how principles that define the cognitive level of analysis can be demopnstrated in research


p1: cloa studies the mental processes involeved in memory, thinking and language and it is based on two principles
1) mental processes guide behaviour: mind seen as a information processing model, therefore the brain is the software ad the behaviour is the output of it. GLANZER AND CUTNIZ, the mental process of recall ahs to ocurr in order to make people memorise a list of words. In fact in the IFR condition participants were able to recall the first and last words as they were the only one that they could recall, whilist in DFR just the first words were racalled as they recalled was limited by counting back in 3s from 30.
2) congitive processes can and should be studied scientifically: the information processing model arises theories that can be tested scientifically. MEGUIRE tested the biological correlation between london taxi drivers and theirextensive memory after two years spent memoriseing all London streets. It was found that they had stronger neurons and an increse of grey matter.

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