Firearms #Police Powers and duties Flashcards


What is the process for revoking a firearms licence


1 If you suspect on reasonable grounds that a licence holder is no longer a fit and proper person to be in possession of a firearm, your first priority is to seize any firearms and firearms licence that are in the holder’s possession.
2 Present the facts to a Police employee at the level of inspector or above.
3 The inspector must then:
• decide whether to revoke the licence, by assessing the information you have on the holder and applying the criteria set out in section 27 and 27A of the Arms Act
• if a decision is made to revoke the licence, follow the process outlined in section 11 of the Arms Manual 2002.
4 The person must have the opportunity to make oral and/or written submissions.
5 Document every action taken.
6 After arresting a person for an offence, check if they have a firearms licence. If the suspect has a licence and is not, in your opinion, a ‘fit and proper person’ to do so, take action to revoke it. Notifying the local Arms Officer is a first step.
7 When you are on premises where firearms are stored, check firearms security. Consider seeking to revoke the licence if the conditions are breached.

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