America as a World Power Flashcards
American efforts to remain neutral in World War I, the subsequent involvement of the U.S. in European affairs, and the failure of Wilson’s efforts to get Senate approval for the League of Nations are the focus of this deck.
During the first few years of World War I, which nations were the primary Allied Powers?
At the War’s outbreak in 1914, the primary Allied Powers were France, Great Britain, and Russia, known as the Triple Entente. Italy joined the alliance in 1915.
The alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria was known by what name?
The Central Powers
The principle by which a country favors neither side in a conflict. At the outbreak of World War I, the U.S. declared it was officially neutral.
The vigorous expansion of the U.S. armed forces in anticipation of eventual involvement in World War I was known as _____.
A German submarine sank the British passenger ship ________ in 1915, killing over 100 Americans, and turning American opinion against Germany.
What was the Zimmermann Telegram?
The Zimmermann Telegram was an intercepted communication between Germany and Mexico, with the Germans asking for Mexican assistance in the event of an American declaration of war against Germany.
What was Woodrow Wilson’s campaign slogan in 1916?
“He kept us out of the War.”
Wilson’s campaign reaffirmed his commitment to neutrality, although at his request, Congress had already expanded the Navy and increased the size of the Army.
Propaganda is the presentation of information artificially skewed to persuade the audience of a certain viewpoint.
British propaganda helped propel the United States towards war with the Central Powers by portraying the Germans in a negative light.
What was the final justification for the United States’ declaration of war in 1917?
Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war when Germany reinstituted unrestricted submarine warfare; Germany vowed to sink every ship in the waters around Great Britain. This violated the principle of freedom of the seas.
The process of readying a nation for war is known as _____.
During the later part of 1916 and the beginning of 1917, the United States began preparing for war by increasing the Army and ordering new armaments.
How did the United States government prepare the economy for war?
The United States government established various War Agencies to manage the economy and prepare U.S. industry and agriculture for the increased demands of military production.
As a result of the Russian Revolution, which branch of the Communist Party seized power?
The Bolsheviks seized power in Russia in 1917. Originally under the control of Vladimir Lenin, the Bolsheviks were led by Joseph Stalin after Lenin’s death in 1924.
What nation surrendered to the Germans in 1917, freeing the Germans to concentrate their efforts against France and Great Britain?
In 1917, after years of defeat, Russia underwent two revolutions. Communists eventually seized control and signed a treaty with Germany.
What was the purpose of the Selective Service Act, enacted during the First World War?
In the Selective Service Act, Congress used a lottery system to ensure that all segments of the population were democratically drafted into the Army.
American Expeditionary Force (AEF)
The American Expeditionary Force was the name given to American Army units serving in France. The AEF was under the command of General Jack Pershing.