Cardio cards stems Flashcards
Duke’s criteria? (BE TIMER)
Most common murmur?
BE (major) TIMER(minor)
Blood culture x2 12 hrs apart
Temp 38+
Immunological signs (roth spots, osler’s)
Embolic diease (conjuctivial,
DX: 2 major or 1 major+3minor or 3
Aortic regurg/ new murmur. early diastolic decrescendo murmur
Dressler’s syndrome?
2 -3 weeks post MI/ trauma. pericarditis (ST elevation and PR depression)- friction rub, low fever, pleuritic chest pain worse lying down, TX NAIDS/steroids.
Post MI complications?
structural ?
Arrhythmias (VT, VF, total AV block)
ISchaemia (CK-MB, recurrent chest pain)
LV dysfunction, heart failure - killip’s classifcation
Free wall rupture (bleeding into pericardium, tamponade)
Ventricle septal rupture (harsh pansystolic murmur left sternal edge, hypotension, shock, pulmonary oedema, do TOE)
Acute Mitral regurg (post infero-posterio MI, papillary muscle rupture/ necrosis)
Left ventricular outflow obstruction
dressler’s (2 to 4 weeks after)
DVT/PE (systemic)
RF for ventricle septal rupture/ free wall rupture post MI?
RF: female, non smoker, HTN, anterior infarction, first MI, 2-7 days after
HTN with t2DM first line drug?
after triple therapy?
already on ARB/ACIe and CCB and thiazide diuretic, give spironolactone if K <4.5 or alpha blocker/ BB if K5.5+
Hyperkalaemia ECG
Tall T waves, small p waves, wide QRS
Hypokalaemia ECg
small/ inverted T waves, U waves, long PR, depressed ST.
systolic murmur at apex of heart radiating to left axilla.
If person complains of dysopnoaa at rest?
MR, most common worldwide. LV blood backflows to LA
ACute MR (post MI/ rupture of chordae tendonae) presents as reduced CO, shock, dysopnoae at rest.
HF classification/ BNP values/ EF values?
TX summary?
BNP refer at: 2000 - 2ww, 400-2000 6ww. , <200 - not confirmed
EF - preserved 50+, <40 severe, 41-49 mild to mod.
TX: acei (ARB candesartan i not toelrate) (UEs at baseline and 1-2 weeks), BB, then spironolactone (U-Es at 7 days)
Others: ivabradine, SGLT2i, digoxin, hydralazine, nitrate, valsartan/ sacubritil
post MI drugs TX?
dual antiplatelet (aspirin lifelong, pasugrel P2Y12 i 12 months)
ACE i (lifelong, reduced cardiac vascular resistance and afterload, lower preload.
BB 12 months 9lfielong (LV EF reduced)
DVT/ PE TX summary?
Risks/ complications of DVT
wells<2 do dimer. 2+ do USS.
TX: LMWH 5/7 and then dabigatran (crcl 30+)/edoxaban
Crcl 15-50 - apixaban/riveroxaban
<15- LMWH/ UFH (Risk HIT)
warfarin - preferred if 120kg+/liver dysfunction/ egfr <30.
Risk: post thrombotic syndrome (chronic venous hypertension pain swelling, lipodermatosclerosis within 2 yrs)
Flash pulmonary oedema post MI?
Post MI/MR
Cx of Heart block?
2nd degree HB?
flecanaide, BB, digoxin,
High K, Mg, Addisons,
SLE, scleroderma, RF, sarcoid, endocarditis
Post cardiac cauterization complication?
femoral pseudoaneurysm: pulsatile mass, bruit, compromised distal pulses
CI to exercise stress testing?
MI in last 2 days, severe AS, uncontrolled angina/ arrhythmias, HF, acute PE/ pericarditis, acute dissection
Aortic dissection pain and areas association?
neck and jaw?
anterior chest pain?
intracapsular region?
jawand neck: aortic arch
anterior chest: aortic arch or aortic root
intracapsular: descending aorta,
DOAC not recommended in?
When would you use fondaparinux?
when would you use warfarin instead of DOAC?
If rapid reversal needed/ high risk of bleeding?
APLS, pregnancy, breastfeeding, liver impairment, prosthetic heart valves, <40kg/120kg+ (use LMWH/UHF)
riveroxaban has increased risk of GI bleed compared to warfarin
fondap - reserved for people with known HIT
wardarin - if GFR <30, liver dysfunction or 120kg+
high bleeding risk - IV UFH (short half life and reversed with protamine)
61 YO female collapses after 1st MI with distended neck veins
Left ventricular free wall rupture (cardiac tamponade - low bp, JVP distended, muffled HS)
High K drug causes?
ACEi, BB, ARB, trimethoprim, heparin, digoxin
elderly women, Crushing retrosternal chest painr adiating to jaw, intermittent for 3 yrs. normal cardio ix
Oesophageal spasm - corckscrew appearance on barium swallow.
How to hear pericardial friction rub?
Sat forward, left sternal border on expriation.
ACS contraindication to thrombolytic?
Bleeding , recent haemorrhage, trauma, dental extraction, aortic Dissection, neoplasm (intracranial) HTN, stroke <3 months, pericarditis, dissection, endocarditis bacterial,
ST depression, V5, v6 inverted T waves?
digoxin toxicity
RAD, RBB, RV strain ECG signs?
St depression, t wave inversion
PE. RV strain - ST depression, T wave inversion on leads 1, 2, AVF, V1, V2
in PE. S1Q3T3 is rarer
Hypocalcaemia spot causes?
ECG features?
Acute panc, panc surgery, alkalosis (hyperventilation), rhabdomylisis, scepticaemia, osteolytic mets, Parathyroid gland surgery, bisphosponates, calcitonin, phenytoin, foscarnet, phosphate substitution
prolonged St and QT interval
Cardiac tamponade features?
Normal pericardial space- 20-50ml fluid
Beck’s triad - hypotension, distended JVP, muffled hs,
pulsus paradoxus
kussmal sign,
ewart/pin’s sign - bronchial sounds below angle of left scapula
CXR: bottle shaped heart.
RF: surggery, mets, end stage renal disease, trauma, TB
ALS: stable narrow complex, regular tachycardia?
likely SVT - trial vagal manouvers, then 6mg iv bolus adenosine, then 12mg, then 12mg, escalate
Stable patient, Broad complex, regular tachy?
IV amiodarone 300mg
Points when counselling on Af anticoagulation?
Do you offer anti-coagulation to <65YO with no other RF?
anticoagulation reduced risk by 2/3. Risk of stroke is x5 higher with AF and risk of severity is higher.
No dont offer if only score is for sex
Driving advice for Mi/ CABG/pacemaker/ angio?
no driving for 1 week after angio, pacemaker, successful angio
no driving for 4 weeks after STEMI/ NSTEMI/ CABG
Return to work within 2 months
no sex for 1 month
Cheyne stokes breathing?
progressively deeper and shallower in brainstem stroke/ raised ICP
30YO male south eastern patient with collapse? ECG shows?
Brugada sign - ST elevation 2mm+ in V1-3 and T wave negative
pansystolic murmur post MI?
Mitral regurg (damage to papillary muscle) - can be 3-5 days after/ VSD - can present1-2 weeks post mi
Features of mitral stenosis?
rumbling mis-diastolic murmur loud on expiration with patient on left side., malar flush, AF, fatiuge, SOB, palpatations
Causes of IE?
Staph A
Staph A (coagulase negative)
Streptococci (viridans, subacute)
Group D streptococcus (acutre and subacute)
strept intermedius
A, C, G - acute, high mortality
GBS - pregnancy, elderly
ECG: J waves, long PR, long QRS, long QT, AF
24 YO footballer, LAD, sinus brady, LVH, SOB, chest pain, dizziness after training, systolic murmur on left sternal edge
Hypertrophic cardiomyopahty
AUtosomal D,exercsie testing to see severity,
Digoxin contraindicated in aF, anticoagulate, counsel, amiodarone for arrhythmias,
outflow obstruction - BB/verapamil. prophylactic abx bc raised risk of IE/
pulseless paradoxus seen in?
12+ raise in BP on inspiration (abnormal)
PE, constrictive pericarditis, rapid and laboured breathing, RV infarction with shock, restrictive cardiomyopathy, severe obstructive pulmonary disease,
Lone AF?
AF in <60 with no evidence of cardiac conditon
Advice to give when someone has 1st degree HB?
reassure, caution when using BB/ diltiazem, digoxin, declare on driving/ health insurance. small risk of aF developing.
Angina TX?
If using CCB with BB/ ivabradine?
1) BB or CCB (DHP, rate limiting verapamil/ diltiazem) if CI
2) Beta blocker + CCB (non-DHP - amlodipine/felodipine/nifedipine)
3) Add nitrate, ivabradine, nicorandil (ulceration risk) or ranolazine
Amlodipine can be used if HF
Verpamil and BB = very bad
Post Mi complications timing of conditions?
0-4hrs - Cardiogenic Shock, CHF, arrhythmia
4-24hrs - Arrhythmia
1-3 days - Pericarditis
4-7 days - Rupture of ventricular free wall, interventricular septum, or papillary muscle
Months - Dressler syndrome, aneurysm, mural thrombus
67 YO man, home BP is 145/95, QRISK is 8%. MX?
what if BP is 150/100?
stage 1 HTN - treat if end organ damage/ QRISK 10%, known CVD/DM.
If stage 2 treat regardless of age. (150/95+ at home)
PERC rule to rule out PE?
if all abscent can rule out:
age 50+, HR100+, unilateral swelling, on HRT/ COCP, o2<94, previous DVT/PEsurgery/ trauma in 4 weeks, haemoptysis
75 nocturnal sob, occasional palpitations and tight chest pain. collapsing pulse and a laterally shifted apex beat. head bobs in time with his pulse
Quincke’s sign (nailbed pulsation)
De Musset’s sign (head bobbing)
Aortic regurgitation, early diastolic murmur increased when squeezing hand.
(backflow during ventricular diastole)