Paeds MCQ Flashcards
Necrotising enterocolitis?
2-4 weks of life, FTT, vomit, lethargy, abdo distension. O/E bile vomit, blood stools, distended/ visable bowel, lactic acidosis, high CRP - complication of abscess/ stricure?
abdo XR - pneumonitis intestinalis, dilated gas filled loops,
TX: NBM, NG to decompress, surgery,
RF: mother chorioamnitis, HIV, drugd, premature, post natal complications
6 weeks milestones:
sound startles, smiles at 10, palmer graps, head control,
3 months milestones?
held sitting, head control, squeals, quietens to parent’s voice, reaches for object, follows things with eyes, bottle on hand when fed, not shy.
sit without support and put mouth to food? when to refer?
refer at 12 months if not sitting without support. 7-8 months puts mouth to food.
9 months milestones?
pulls to standing, mama/dada, crawls, points with finger, everything to mouth, understands no, plays peak a boo
12 months mile stones?
cruises, walks with 1 hand, pincer grip, bangs toys together, bye bye, drinks from cup, knows their name
when to refer if not walking?
milestones at 13-15 months?
refer when 18 months if not walking/ if not speaking
13-15: walks, hand preference (refer if <1), gets dressed/ undressed. looks at book when 15 and builds tower of 2
18 month milestones?
squats to pick up toy, tower of 3, scribbles, turn multiple pages, understands simple commands, uses spoon, takes off shoes
2YO milestones?
runs, jumps, tower of 6, turns one page at a time, goes upstairs with rail, 2 words combined,
250 words vocab at 2.5 yrs, points to parts of body, puts on hat/ shoes
3YO milestones?
tower of 9, copies circle, rides tricycle, stand on 1 leg, spoon and fork, plays with children, knows colours, short sentences, tells stories
4YO milestones
hops on 1 leg, draws square, and cross, why, when how qs, dresses alone except laces/ buttons, coutns to 10
5YO milestones?
skips, copies triangle, knife and fork, lists address
6 month milestones?
rolls front to back, held sitting back straight, pulls to sitting, pass objects between hands, palmer grasp, looks around everywhere,
paeds IX for asthma?
spirometry - if obstructive, test for reversibility. If no reversibility, then try FeNO levels - if 35ppb more, refer to specialist.
tests for oesinophilic inflamamtion/ atopy? - skin prick, blood IGe, eosinophils, FeNO
paeds TX asthma steps?
PRN SABA (only for short lived wheeze)
trial moderate ICS 8 weeks - if sx start 4 weeks of stopping then start low ICS. IF sx start after 4 weeks of stopping, repeat trial.
low ICS/ <5 trial LTRA
then if >5 add inhaled LABA/ LTRA
then consider increasing dose
drawing legs up, sausage mass, red current jelly stools 3-6 months boy?
intussusception - bile vomit, XR dilated bowel, USS - dohnut/ target sign. TX- barium enema, surgery if child < 3months, or 2YO +, peritonitis, dehydration
CMV features?
spread through direct body fluid contact, deafness, blueberry rash, chorioretinitis, seizures, microcephaly, intracranial manifestations
trepenoma pallidum features?
congenital syphillis - death, deafness, cranial manifestations,
toxoplasmosis features?
chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, intracranial calcifications, rash. CX: uncooked meats, cat faeces toxoplasma gondii
TX: pyrimethamine (antiparasytic,sulfadiane)
TORCH stands for?
other - VZV, trepenoma pallidum, parvovirus b19, HIV,
Rubella features?
blueberry rash, deafness, cataracts, cardiac defects,
mother: LN, arthitis, rash
2YO boy, palpable abdo mass iwth fever, HTN, anaemia, haematuria?
WIlm’s nephroblastoma (common intrabdo tumour)
painless rectal bleed <2YO
meckel’s diverticulum. remnant of the vitellointestinal duct.
pinworm infection tX
RDS infant RF?
premature, male, CS, hypothrmia, perinatal asyphixia, maternal diabetes, multipl, FH,
2-8YO, drooling, tripod position, muffled voice, cervical LN, odynophagia, stridor, no cough
epiglottitis. CX: haemophilus influenza b. group A strep.
thumbpring sign on XR lateral neck.
When to suspect coeliac disease?
FTT, diarrhoea, pain, FH, fatigue, anaemia, dermatitis herpetiformis, autoimmune thyroid, IBS, t1dm.
tTGA / anti endomesial antibodie - then do biopsy. confirm they have eaten atleast 2 meals a day for 6 weeks.
Complications of coeliac?
anameia, OP, fragility fracture, IUGR, BW, cancers (hodgkins and non hodgkins), chronic panc, sarcoid, autoimune, small bowel lymphoma,
stridor, steeple sign on XR,
croup - parainfluenza/ rare RSV
asylum seeker 14 YO pharyngitis, water nasal discharge then blood stained, enlarged cervical LN, bull’s neck, fever?
diptheria. vaccine in uk for kids. adults may need booster. antitoxin within 48 hrs and benpen 4 IV then oral for 10 days
HSP complications?
IGA immune complexes, palpable purpuric rash, joint pain, gi pain, complications: renal, MI, pleural effusion, gi bleed, pulmonary haemorrhage, testicular haemorrhage or torsion, seizures, IC heamorrhage
recurrent projectile vomits, 2-12 week infant, FTT, olive mass felt in RUQ
pyrloric stenosis. laprascopic pyrlorotomy, hypochloremia, hypokaelaemia met alkalosis
scaphoid abdomen, billous vomitting, USS double bubble sign?
duodenal atresia
lethargy, good baby, FTT, poor growth, hypotonic, large fontanelle, umbilical hernia?
congenital hypothyroid
child shorter than class, tall parents, baby face at 5/6YO, increased fat around trunk.
also delayed puberty/ small phallus. growth hormone delay, do insulin tolerance test and MRI.
physiological jaundice?
at day 2 of life, peaks at day 7-15 and then resolves 10.
breastmilk jaundice? - could be prolonged