Obs/ gyne take home Flashcards
safe antihypertensives?
Pre-existing HTN: stop aRB/ ACEi. labetolol/ nifedipine (asthmatics) and hydralizine
Postnatal HTN management?
enalapril / nifedipine/ amlodipine (in black) then labetolol
Test to rule out pre-eclampsia in weeks 20-35?
Placental growth factor (blood test). low is likely to be eclampsia
Definition of gestational hypertension
<20weeks 140/90 or increased of 15/30 from booking date.
After 20W - pregnancy induced.
Definition of eclampsia?
20w+ with 140/90 HTN and feature of proteunura/ organ dysfunction or placental dysfunction.
Eclampsia prophylaxis?
75mg Aspirin from 12 weeks if 1x high RF (CKD/DM/HTN/autoimmune) or 2 x moderate RF (FH/ multip/ first pregnancy/ 40+, BMI 35+, 10yrs+last pregnancy)
HIV positive pregnant woman care?
No breast feeding
Vaginal delivery if < 50 viral load
Offer antiretrovirals to everyone
If C/S - give antiretroviral IV 4 hrs before
Induction of labour summary?
BISHOP score factors?
BISHOP - includes cervical dilation, effacement, consistency (softness), position, fetal station.
<5 - unlikely to progress naturally. 9+ natural.
40-41w - do sweep
6 or less - vaginal E2 or misoprostol
6 or more can do amniotomy/ IV oxytocin infusion
Drugs to avoid breast feeding? (Avoid feeding chickens soup and let ami drive ben’s car)
antibiotics: ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, sulphonamides
psychiatric drugs: lithium, benzodiazepines
cytotoxic drugs
Down’s syndrome screening including nuchal scan (timeline)
Week 11-13+6
Early scan to confirm dates, exclude multiple pregnancy
Week 10-13+6
continuous abdominal pain
shock disproportionate to the amount of blood loss, uterus spasm firm or ‘woody’
the fetus hard to feel and auscultate
Plancental abruption
What situations to give anti D?
ectopic pregnancy managed medically?
Rh +ve infant delivered,
termiantion/miscarriage at 12 weeks+
ectopic pregnancy - surgical mx
antepartum haemorrhage
amniocentesis, CVS, fetal blood sampling
abdominal trauma
abdominal fullness, early satiety, 55+, increased urine urgency?
Commone types?
Ovarian cancer sus - if CA125 35+, refer for USS.
RF: nulip, early menarche, late menses, BRCA1,2
protective: COCP, diagnostic lap,
Common: epithelial, serous cystadenoma
COCP protective against and RF for?
coc goes on cervix and breast
RF for breast ca and cervical ca
Protective against endometrial and ovarian
Post menopausal bleed, dad has a history of Colorectal cancer.
Endometrial cancer
RF: Nulip, early menarch, late menopause, PCOS, DM, obese, HNPCC
Protective: smoking, COCP, IUS (mirena), cyclic progesterones, Multip
IX: USS endometrial thickness 4+ - do hysteroscopy and biopsy. FIGO staging, surgery +- radiotherapy
Black woman presents to fertility clinic with menorrhagia, deep dysparenuria?
Uterine fibroids:
SX tx: progesterone, COCP, mirena,
fertility protective: mymectomy
Pain 4 days before period is due at 30 YO, yrs after normal periods. cX?
Secondary dysmenorrhoea
adenomyosis -large, boggy uterus
pelvic inflammatory disease-fever cervix excitation, dysfunctional bleed
intrauterine devices*
fibroids-low fertility, deep pain
Ectopic pregnancy -when would you do medical management, what does it involve?
BHCG <1500, foetus <35mm, no heartbeat no risk of rupture, if no other intrauterine pregnancy. Give methotrexate and F/U.
when to manage ectopic pregnancy surgically?
35mm+, 5000+bHCG,
neural tube defects test?
test is USS not enough?
anencephaly form 12 w/ spina bifida 16-20 weeks
amnioscentesis to take aFP at 16 weeks
Down’s syndrome screen?
combined at 12 weeks
anomaly at 18-20+6
first dose of anti D for Rhesus negative women?
2nd dose?
28 weeks and 34 weeks
Secondary amenohrea cx?
no sx of androgen excess: hyperprolactinaemia: metoclopramide/ phenothiazines/
premature ovarian failure (FSH 20+), post pill amen
androgen excess: pcos (LH >FSH), cushings syndrome, pituitary failure (TSH low, t4 low)
tender tense utuers, PV bleed 32 w, fetal distress
placental abruption (2nd half pregnancy)
hx of fibroids, previous c-section, painfless vaginal bleed at 28 weeks?
placental previa
post AROM, PV bleed, fetal distress
vasa previa
smoking baby risks?
preterm labour, light for dates, reduced reading ability up to 11 YO,2x miscarriage, abnormal sperm
fetal alcohol syndrom head size?
Most common vaginal discharge cx?
candida and then trichomonas vaginalis (tx metronidazole, strawberry cervix)
Vaginal infections
gonorrhoea tx?
TV tx?
BV - metronidazole
gonorrhoea - cetriaxone/ oral ciproflox
TV - metronidazole
haem changes in rpegnancy?
low platelts, dilutional low Hb (larger volumne),, raised wcc lower iron and albumin, higher TIBC
lower U=Es
raised ALP. clotting same
TSH low in 1st, normal in 2nd and then high in 3rd trim
3rd trimester back pain cuased by?
muscle relaxation and pelvic ligament
common vaginal infections in pregnancy?
candida, then BV, then TV
hypermelanosis in sun exposed areas in pregnancy?
when would an OTC pregnancy test be positive?
9 days after intercourse until 20 weeks of pregnancy, 5 days after miscarriage and trophoblastic disease.
by 11 days, 98% detected
PCOS tx?
risks of pcos?
COC + medroxyprogesterone to induce periods every 3 months, orlistat, metformin
clomifene (fertility)
risks:endometrial cancer, GDM, t2DM
post D+C/ PROM amenohrrhea cx?
asherman’s syndrome (adhesions in uterus. dx hysteroscopy)e
sheehan’s syndrom sx?
failure of lactation, fatigue, failure to menstruate, loss of sexual hair, post pit - diabetes insipidus
prengant, central abdo pain 16 weeks, fever, guarding, leukocytes on blood, waied WCc?
pain: RLQ in 1st, central in 2nd, RUQ in 3rd trim
30 weeks gestation, RUQ pain after eating pizza, vomitting
acute cholecystitis - do USS
10 w pregnant, previous pelvic inflammatroy disease, abdo pain, hypotension, mass?
RF: PID,endometriosis, previous tubual, adhesions etc