Chapter 1 US History Review Flashcards
The rulebook for America’s government and how it works
Right claimed by the Supreme Court in Marbury vs Madison, it set the precedent that the Court gets to interpret our laws before they get carried out
Judicial Review
Roger Sherman’s brilliant idea to combine the New Jersey and Virginia plans into our Constitution
Great Compromise
Document signed in 1215 that limited King John’s powers. it later inspired our separation of powers in our national government
Magna Carta
A change to our Constitution, we currently have 27
President #5, he spoke out to the world about interfering in our neighborhood
James Monroe
Someone who supported the US Constitution and believed in a strong central government to keep the new USA together
List of natural rights included in our Constitution to convince the Anti-Federalists to go along and ratify
Bill of Rights
Author of the Virginia Plan and Constitution and the President #4
James Madison
1776 statement, issued by the Second Continental Congress, explaining why the colonies wanted independence from Britain.
Declaration of Independence
Explorer who traveled through Suwannee Country
Hernando de Soto
Route across Atlantic used to bring slaves from Africa to the Americas
Middle Passage
First attempt at creating a national government
Articles of Confederation
writer of the Declaration, 1st Secretary of State, President #3
Thomas Jefferson
Territory in North America formerly held by France, it’s greatest real estate deal in history
Louisiana Purchase