Example Answers Flashcards


Abnormality can be defined as ‘the failure to function adequately’.
Outline and evaluate this definition of abnormality. (Total 6 marks)


Failure to Function adequately is when an individual’s behaviour interferes with their lives to the extent that they cannot meet day to day demands such as holding a job or personal hygiene. Rosenhan & Seligman (1989) created criteria to determine whether you are unable to function adequately, the more met the more abnormal the individual. The criteria were showing signs of distress, maladaptive behaviour, unconventional behaviour and causing observer discomfort. For example, someone with depression may not get out of bed or go to work. This definition gives us a sensible threshold for deciding when people are in need of professional help. When we see someone is unable to function adequately, we can target these people who need help the most. However, this definition only defines abnormality when a person fails to function adequately. Dr Harold Shipman for example was a respectable doctor and a father who killed 250 of his patients meaning the approach is not as useful as it ignores abnormal people who function well.

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