GO 300-28 Use of Intoxicants Flashcards


Employees shall not:


a. Consume any alcoholic beverage or other intoxicant regardless of assignment (plainclothes or uniformed) while on duty (see section 3).
b. Report for or stay on duty while under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicant.
c. Bring an alcoholic beverage into any police facility (unless it has been confiscated for destruction or evidence, or is intended to be used as a prop for undercover operations).
d. Allow an alcoholic beverage container in any City vehicle (unless it is being confiscated for destruction or evidence, or is being used or transported as a prop for undercover operations).
e. Purchase an alcoholic beverage while on duty unless it is intended to be used as a prop for undercover operations.
f. Enter or visit an alcoholic beverage establishment as defined in General Order 300-14, Extra Employment, while on duty unless the purpose of the visit is to perform official duties (see General Order 600-24, Deconflicting Covert and Narcotics Related Operations.)

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