# Limitations Flashcards
Runway slope
Maximum operating altitude
Maximum takeoff and landing altitude 767-300
Maximum takeoff and landing tailwind component
± 2%
43,100 feet pressure altitude
8,400 feet pressure altitude
767-300 10 knots
Severe turbulent air penetration speed is:
290 KIAS/.78 Mach, whichever is lower
Do not operate HF radios
during refueling operations
Do not use FLCH below ?
below 1000 feet AFE on final approach
Maximum pitch up
25 degrees, regardless of flight director commands. This limitations does not apply to abnormal or emergency situations such as windshear escape maneuvers
Pegasus FMC does not support operations at what latitude ?
Greater than 87 north or south
Avoid weather radar operation when ? How about testing the radar ?
In a hangar, or within 50 feet of fueling operations or a fuel spill. Also avoid around ground personnel.
Note: The hangar recommendation dues not apply to weather radar test mode.
RVSM Altimeter Cross Check Limits in flight?
Between captain and F/O difference Sea level, up to 5000ft and up 10,000 ft ?
Between any altimeter and field elevation ?
Maximum allowable inflight difference for RVSM is 200 feet
40 feet ,45 feet , 50 feet
75 feet
Max taxi
Max takeoff
Max landing weight
Max zero fuel weight
Note: Minimum inflight weight does not include usable fuel.
After takeoff, the autopilot must not be engaged below
200 feet AGL
Minimum altitude for the use of autopilot enroute
1000 feet AGL (except for approaches)
The autopilot must be disconnected no later than on approaches
50 feet below DDA/DA(H) and at or above 50 feet AGL on all approaches.
Can we perform AUTOLANDs at any airport ?
Automatic landing systems must be authorized in an operations specification issued to AJT ops specs
Use of aileron trim with the autopilot engaged
Company policy prohibits engaging the autopilot after takeoff prior to the selection of a
Vertical mode
Autoland wind limitations
Head 25 crosswind 25 tailwind 10
Maximum allowable crosswind when landing weather minima are predicated on CAT II or III autoland operations.
15 knots
Voice communication with ATC via the SATCOM system is prohibited. Use of the SATCOM system during approach and landing is prohibited.
VHF limitation
Do not use the center VHF for ATC communication with ACARS operational.
When can we deviate a ATC clearance ?
Pilots are authorized to deviate from their current ATC clearance to the extent necessary to comply with a TCAS II resolution advisory.
APU starter duty limitation
The starter duty cycle is a maximum of 3 consecutive starts or attempts within 60 minute period with a 5 minute cooling period between attempts.
EICAS display limitation
Flight crew shall not blank engine vibration display during takeoff.