Module 29.5: Behavioral Psychological Interventions Flashcards
What are examples of behavioral psychological interventions?
- Exposure Treatment
- Systematic Desensitization
- Flooding (Implosive Therapy)
- Token Economy Programs
- Contingency Management
Exposure Treatment
behavior-focused intervention in which fearful people are repeatedly exposed to the objects they dread
What are the different exposure treatments?
- Virtual Therapy/Virtual Reality Treatment
- Prolonged Exposure
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
- Participant Modeling
- Interoceptive Exposure
Virtual Therapy/Virtual Reality Treatment
cognitive-behavioral intervention that uses VR as an exposure tool
Prolonged Exposure
clients confront not only trauma-related objects and situations, but also their painful memories of traumatic experiences
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
clients move their eyes in a rhythmic manner from side to side while flooding their minds with images of objects and situations they ordinarily avoid
Participant Modeling
therapist calmly models ways of interacting with the phobic stimulus or situation
Interoceptive Exposure
deliberate exposure to feared internal sensations
Systematic Desensitization
exposure therapy that uses relaxation training and a fear hierarchy to help clients with phobias react calmly to the objects or situations they dread
Flooding (Implosive Therapy)
exposure therapy in which clients are exposed repeatedly and intensively to a feared object and made to see that it is actually harmless
Token Economy Programs
behavior-focused program in which a person’s desirable behaviors are reinforced systematically throughout the day by the awarding of tokens that can be exchanged for goods or privileges
Contingency Management
an operant conditioning training program wherein clients are offered incentives that are contingent on the submission of drug-free urine specimens