Module 3: Structures/Functions of Respiratory System Flashcards


Primary Purpose of System


Primary purpose: gas exchange
 Transfer of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2)
between atmosphere and blood
 Two parts
 Upper respiratory tract
 Lower respiratory tract
 Adequate O2 and a healthy, functioning respiratory system is necessary

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Diagram of System

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Upper Respiratory Track


Upper respiratory tract
 Nose
* Warm, filter, humidify
* Septum
* Turbinates
 Mouth
 Pharynx
* Nasopharynx
* Oropharynx
* Laryngopharynx
 Epiglottis
 Larynx
 Trachea
* 5” long X 1” wide
* Carina—bifurcation
* Angle of Louis
* Vigorous coughing
with suctioning

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Lower Respiratory Tract


Lower respiratory tract
 Bronchi
 Bronchioles
 Alveolar ducts
 Alveoli
Primary site for gas
exchange with
pulmonary capillaries
 Pores of Kohn
between alveoli
 Allow air to pass; also
 Lung lobes
* Right—3
* Left—2

* Entry of bronchi,
pulmonary vessels,
nerves into lungs
* R bronchus shorter,
wider, straighter than
* Aspiration more likely
in R lung
 Bronchoconstriction
 Bronchodilation

Trachea and bronchi—
anatomic dead space (VD);
no gas exchange
 Bronchioles—smooth
muscle constricts and
 Alveoli—end part of
respiratory tract; gases

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Lipoprotein secreted by alveoli when stretched
 Reduces surface tension to make alveoli less likely to
 A sigh (slightly larger breath) occurs every 5-6
breaths stretches alveoli, promotes surfactant

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Atelectasis—collapsed alveoli


Atelectasis refers to the collapse or closure of alveoli, which results in reduced gas exchange. It can occur in a part of the lung or the entire lung. This condition can be caused by various factors, such as blockage of the airways (e.g., by mucus or foreign bodies), pressure from outside the lung (e.g., tumor, fluid, or air in the pleural space), or lack of surfactant (as in neonatal respiratory distress syndrome). Atelectasis is common after surgery or in patients who have been bedridden for an extended period. It can lead to decreased oxygen levels in the blood and may predispose individuals to pneumonia.

Anesthesia: Anesthesia, particularly general anesthesia, can affect the respiratory system in several ways. During general anesthesia, patients are often unable to breathe on their own and require mechanical ventilation. Anesthesia can lead to a decrease in lung volume and a reduction in the natural surfactant production, which can predispose patients to atelectasis. Post-operative respiratory complications are common concerns, especially in surgeries involving the upper abdomen or thorax.

ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome): ARDS is a severe, life-threatening condition characterized by rapid onset of widespread inflammation in the lungs. It can be triggered by various factors, including severe infection (sepsis), trauma, pneumonia, and inhalation injuries. In ARDS, the alveolar-capillary barrier becomes damaged, leading to leakage of fluid into the alveoli, which impairs gas exchange and leads to decreased oxygen levels in the blood and difficulty breathing. ARDS is a medical emergency that requires hospitalization and often mechanical ventilation in an intensive care unit.

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Blood Supply


Pulmonary Circulation (Gas Exchange):

Artery (Pulmonary Artery): Deoxygenated blood is pumped from the right ventricle of the heart into the pulmonary artery. This is somewhat unique as most arteries carry oxygenated blood, but in this case, the pulmonary artery carries blood that’s low in oxygen to the lungs.

Capillaries in the Lungs: These small blood vessels surround the alveoli (air sacs in the lungs). Here, the critical exchange of gases occurs. Oxygen from the air within the alveoli diffuses into the blood in the capillaries, while carbon dioxide from the blood diffuses into the alveoli to be exhaled.

Veins (Pulmonary Veins): After oxygenation, the blood travels from the capillaries into the pulmonary veins. These veins carry oxygen-rich blood back to the left atrium of the heart. From there, it will be pumped into the systemic circulation to deliver oxygen to the rest of the body.

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Bronchial Circulation


Arteries (Bronchial Arteries): The bronchial arteries branch off from the aorta or other major arteries and provide oxygenated blood to the lung tissue itself, including the bronchi and bronchioles. Unlike pulmonary circulation, which is focused on gas exchange, bronchial circulation primarily supplies the lungs with nutrients and oxygen for their own metabolic needs.

Veins (Azygos Vein): Deoxygenated blood from the lung tissues is collected by the bronchial veins. Some of this blood drains into the pulmonary veins, but a significant portion also drains into the azygos vein. The azygos vein is a large vein running up the side of the thoracic spine, which ultimately empties into the superior vena cava. This returns the deoxygenated blood back to the heart, completing the circuit.

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Chest Wall


Ribs (24 total) and sternum
* Thoracic cage—protect lungs and heart
 Mediastinum
* Heart, aorta, and esophagus
 Pleura
* Parietal—lines chest cavity
* Visceral—lines lungs
* Intrapleural space: 10 to 20 mL fluid provides
lubrication; facilitates expansion
* Empyema – bacterial infection - accumulation of pus in the pleural space. Usually a complication of a bacterial infection, stemming from pneumonia

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Chest Wall


Chest wall
 Diaphragm—major muscle of respiration
* Inspiration—contracts toward abdomen; increases
intrathoracic volume
* Works with intercostal and scalene muscles
* Innervated by right and left phrenic nerves; arise from
cervical vertebrae 3 to 5
* Complete spinal cord injuries above level of C3 causes
total diaphragm paralysis, dependence on mechanical

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Physiology of Respiration


Oxygenation—O2 from atmosphere to organs and
* Oxygen dissolved in plasma = Partial pressure of
oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2); normal 80 to 100 mm
* Oxygen bound to hemoglobin = Arterial oxygen
saturation (SaO2); normal greater than 95%
 Diffusion—O2 and CO2 exchange at alveolar-capillary
membrane; move from high to low concentration until
equilibrium reached

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Physiology of Respiration


 Inspiration and expiration occur due to intrathoracic
pressure changes and muscle action
 Dyspnea causes activation of muscles to aid in
 Expiration—passive
* Elastic recoil—lungs return to original size after

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This is an active process initiated by the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles.
When you inhale, the diaphragm (a large muscle located at the base of the lungs) contracts and moves downward, increasing the space in the thoracic cavity.
Simultaneously, the external intercostal muscles (located between the ribs) contract, elevating the ribs and sternum, which further increases the volume of the thoracic cavity.
This expansion reduces the intrathoracic pressure (pressure within the thoracic cavity) below the atmospheric pressure.
Due to this pressure difference, air flows into the lungs, filling the alveoli, where gas exchange will occur.

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Dyspnea + Muscle Activation


Dyspnea, or difficulty breathing, can occur due to various reasons like respiratory diseases, strenuous exercise, or even anxiety.
In response to dyspnea, the body activates additional muscles (like the neck muscles) to aid in breathing. This is essentially an attempt to increase lung volume more effectively and improve air intake.
This is often seen as labored breathing and is a sign that the body requires more oxygen than the usual breathing mechanism can supply.

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Expiration (Exhalation)


Expiration under resting conditions is generally a passive process.
During expiration, the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles relax. This causes the thoracic cavity to decrease in volume.
As the volume decreases, the pressure within the thoracic cavity increases, becoming higher than the atmospheric pressure.
The increase in pressure forces air out of the lungs.
Elastic recoil of the lungs plays a crucial role here. The lungs have a natural tendency to recoil due to their elastic properties (just like a stretched rubber band returning to its original shape). This recoil helps in pushing the air out of the lungs during expiration.

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Compliance + Resistance


-Definition: Compliance in the context of lung physiology refers to the ease with which the lungs and chest wall can be expanded. Essentially, it’s a measure of the lung’s ability to stretch and expand.
-Factors Influencing Compliance: Two main factors influencing lung compliance are elasticity and elastic recoil of the lung tissue.
-Elasticity refers to the ability of the lung tissue to return to its original shape after being stretched.
-Elastic Recoil is the ability of the lungs to recoil or shrink back to their original size after being stretched or expanded.

Decreased Compliance: When lung compliance is decreased, the lungs are stiffer and harder to inflate. This can be due to factors like fibrosis, where the lung tissue becomes scarred and less elastic. Diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) can lead to decreased compliance.

Increased Compliance: Increased compliance means the lungs are too easy to inflate and have difficulty recoiling back. This can occur in conditions like emphysema, where the elastic tissue of the lungs is damaged, making it hard for the lungs to expel air effectively.

Definition: Resistance in respiratory physiology refers to the opposition to airflow during inspiration and expiration. It is largely determined by the diameter of the airways.
-Factors Influencing Resistance: The primary factor influencing airway resistance is the airway diameter. Resistance increases if the airways are narrowed.
-Causes of Increased Resistance:
-Airway Constriction: Conditions such as asthma involve the constriction of airway muscles, leading to narrower airways and increased resistance.
-Airway Secretions: Excessive mucus or secretions, as seen in chronic bronchitis or during respiratory infections, can also narrow the airways and increase resistance.

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Control of Respiration: Medulla


Medulla is respiratory center
The medulla oblongata is located in the lower part of the brainstem, just above the spinal cord. It’s a key area responsible for regulating various involuntary functions, including breathing.

The medulla contains neuron groups that are essential for the automatic control of breathing. These neurons generate rhythmic breathing patterns and adjust the rate and depth of breathing.

There are two main areas within the medulla that are involved in respiratory control: the dorsal respiratory group (DRG) and the ventral respiratory group (VRG). The DRG primarily controls the rhythm of quiet breathing, while the VRG is active during increased respiratory demand (like during exercise).

Response to Chemical and Mechanical Signals:
-The medulla’s respiratory centers are sensitive to chemical changes in the blood, such as the levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2), and the pH (acidity level).
-Chemoreceptors located in the medulla (central chemoreceptors) and in the carotid and aortic bodies (peripheral chemoreceptors) detect these changes and send signals to the medulla.
-An increase in CO2 or a decrease in pH (indicating acidity) in the blood stimulates the medulla to increase the rate and depth of breathing, thus enhancing the expulsion of CO2 and helping to regulate blood pH.
-The medulla also receives mechanical feedback from the lungs and chest wall, which helps coordinate the breathing process.

-Impulse Transmission to Respiratory Muscles:
The medulla sends nerve impulses down the spinal cord and through nerves like the phrenic nerve to the respiratory muscles.

-The phrenic nerve innervates the diaphragm, which is the primary muscle of respiration. When the medulla signals the diaphragm to contract, it moves downward, enlarging the thoracic cavity and causing inhalation.

-Other nerves control the intercostal muscles, which also play a role in expanding and contracting the chest cavity during breathing.

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Central Chemoreceptors


Chemoreceptors are specialized sensory receptors that respond to changes in the chemical composition of body fluids. In the context of respiratory physiology, they play a crucial role in monitoring the levels of carbon dioxide (PaCO2), hydrogen ion concentration (H+), and pH in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

Central Chemoreceptors in the Medulla:
-Central chemoreceptors are primarily located near the ventral surface of the medulla oblongata in the brainstem.

They are sensitive to changes in the pH and PaCO2 of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) surrounding the brain.

Response to Changes in H+ Concentration and pH:
-Acidosis (Increased H+ Concentration): When there is a high concentration of H+ ions in the blood, indicating acidosis, the central chemoreceptors stimulate an increase in respiratory rate (RR) and tidal volume (VT). This response enhances the exhalation of CO2, which is a key component of the body’s acid-base balance, helping to reduce the acidity of the blood.

Alkalosis (Decreased H+ Concentration): In contrast, when there is a lower concentration of H+ ions, indicating alkalosis, the chemoreceptors will result in a decreased respiratory rate and tidal volume. This reduces the exhalation of CO2, allowing the body to retain more CO2 and thereby increase the acidity of the blood, balancing the pH.

-Response to Changes in PaCO2:

Increased PaCO2: An increase in PaCO2 (partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood) leads to an increase in the production of carbonic acid (H2CO3). This, in turn, lowers the pH of the CSF. The central chemoreceptors respond to this decrease in pH by stimulating the respiratory center to increase the respiratory rate. This helps to expel more CO2 from the body, thereby reducing the H2CO3 concentration and correcting the pH imbalance.

Decreased PaCO2: Conversely, a decrease in PaCO2 results in reduced production of carbonic acid, leading to an increase in the pH of the CSF. The central chemoreceptors respond by decreasing the respiratory rate, which helps to retain CO2 in the body, thereby reducing the pH to a more normal level.

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Peripheral Chemoreceptors


Peripheral chemoreceptors, specifically located in the carotid bodies and aortic bodies, play a critical role in respiratory control by sensing changes in the blood’s oxygen (PaO2), carbon dioxide (PaCO2), and pH levels. They complement the role of central chemoreceptors by providing additional regulatory mechanisms.

Peripheral Chemoreceptors - Carotid and Aortic Bodies:
Location: The carotid bodies are located near the bifurcation of the carotid arteries in the neck, while the aortic bodies are found along the aorta.

Function: These chemoreceptors are sensitive to changes in the arterial blood, particularly:

Decreased PaO2 (partial pressure of oxygen): They are primarily responsive to hypoxemia (low oxygen levels in the blood). When PaO2 falls, these receptors stimulate the respiratory center to increase the respiratory rate (RR), enhancing oxygen intake and carbon dioxide expulsion.

Decreased pH and Increased PaCO2: While less sensitive to changes in PaCO2 and pH compared to central chemoreceptors, peripheral chemoreceptors still respond to significant alterations in these parameters by increasing respiration

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COPD and Respiratory Drive:

Chronic CO2 Retention: In chronic respiratory conditions like COPD, patients often have persistently elevated PaCO2 levels due to impaired lung function. Over time, their bodies adapt to these higher levels.

Blunted Response to CO2: This adaptation leads to a blunted respiratory response to increased PaCO2. In other words, for these patients, an increase in PaCO2 does not trigger an increase in respiratory rate as effectively as it would in healthy individuals.

Hypoxic Drive: Consequently, in advanced COPD, the body may rely more on the hypoxic drive for respiratory stimulation. This means that it’s the low oxygen levels (hypoxemia), rather than the high CO2 levels, that predominantly stimulate breathing.

Risks of Oxygen Therapy: This shift to hypoxic drive is crucial when considering oxygen therapy for COPD patients. Over-oxygenation can reduce their respiratory drive, potentially leading to respiratory failure.
Therefore, oxygen therapy in these patients must be carefully monitored to maintain a balance—providing enough oxygen for tissue needs without suppressing their respiratory drive.

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Summary of Chemoreceptors/Role on O2


Mnemonic: “CAP HeRo, LOW”

**C - Central chemoreceptors:
A - Acid (High H+ concentration, Low pH): Respiratory Rate Increases.
P - PaCO2 (High Carbon Dioxide): Respiratory Rate Increases.
Low PaCO2 (Decreased Carbon Dioxide): Respiratory Rate Decreases.
**He - Peripheral chemoreceptors (Carotid and Aortic Bodies):
R - Reduced Oxygen (Low PaO2): Respiratory Rate Increases.
o - Other Factors (High PaCO2 and Low pH): Respiratory Rate Increases.
***LOW - Lowering Factors:
L - Low H+ concentration (High pH, Alkalosis): Respiratory Rate Decreases.
O - Over Oxygenation (High PaO2): In patients with chronic CO2 retention (like COPD), can lead to decreased respiratory drive.
W - Waning CO2 (Lower PaCO2 due to hyperventilation): Respiratory Rate Decreases.

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Mechanical Receptors: Types


Mechanical receptors in the respiratory system play a crucial role in responding to physical changes and environmental irritants. These receptors are located in various parts of the respiratory tract and lungs, including the conducting airways, chest wall, diaphragm, and alveolar capillaries. There are three primary types of mechanical receptors, each responding to different stimuli

Irritant, Stretch, and J-Receptors


Irritant Receptors


Irritant Receptors:
-Location: Primarily found in the epithelium of the conducting airways.
-Stimuli: Respond to irritants like smoke, dust, cold air, and chemical fumes.
-Response: Trigger reflexes such as coughing, bronchoconstriction (narrowing of the airways), and increased breathing rate. This helps to expel or avoid inhaling the irritant.


Stretch Receptors


Location: Located in the smooth muscles of the airways and in the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles.

Stimuli and Response - Hering-Breuer Reflex:
These receptors are activated when the lungs are inflated.

The Hering-Breuer reflex is triggered to prevent over-inflation of the lungs. When these stretch receptors are stimulated by significant lung expansion, they send signals to the respiratory center in the brainstem to inhibit further inhalation. This helps regulate the depth of breathing and maintain normal lung function.


J-Receptors (Juxtapacapillary Receptors)


-J-Receptors (Juxtapacapillary Receptors):
-Location: Found in the alveolar walls close to the capillaries (hence “juxta-“ meaning “near”).

Stimuli: These receptors are sensitive to increased pulmonary capillary pressure, which can occur in various conditions, such as pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs), pulmonary embolism, or lung injury.

Response: Activation of J-receptors can cause rapid, shallow breathing, a sensation of dyspnea (difficulty breathing), and cough. This response is thought to be a protective mechanism against fluid accumulation in the lungs.


Respiratory Defense Mechanisms


The lungs have several defense mechanisms to protect themselves from harmful substances and maintain respiratory health. These protective systems work together to filter air, remove foreign particles, and prevent respiratory infections.

Filtration of Air:

Sedimentation from Slowing of Airflow Velocity: As air travels through the nasal passages and the respiratory tract, its velocity decreases. This slowdown allows for the sedimentation of particles, especially those in the size range of 1 to 5 micrometers. These particles settle out of the airflow and stick to the mucus lining the airways, preventing them from reaching the delicate alveoli.

Mucociliary Clearance System or Mucociliary Escalator:
This system is a primary defense mechanism in the respiratory tract.

The airways are lined with cilia (tiny hair-like structures) and mucus. The mucus traps inhaled particles such as dust, bacteria, and other foreign substances.
The cilia continuously beat in a coordinated fashion, moving the mucus layer upwards towards the throat, where it can be swallowed or expelled. This process effectively cleans the airways and prevents the buildup of harmful substances.

Cough Reflex:
The cough reflex is a rapid expulsion of air from the lungs, typically triggered by an irritant in the airways.
It serves as an emergency response to quickly clear the airways of foreign particles, excessive secretions, or irritants that have bypassed the upper respiratory defenses.

Reflex Bronchoconstriction:
This reflex involves the narrowing of the bronchial airways in response to irritants, allergens, or other harmful stimuli.

Bronchoconstriction reduces the flow of potentially harmful substances deeper into the lungs and minimizes the exposure of sensitive alveolar tissue to these irritants.

Alveolar Macrophages:
These are immune cells located in the alveoli, the tiny air sacs where gas exchange occurs. Alveolar macrophages play a crucial role in the immune defense of the lungs. They engulf and digest microorganisms, particles, and cellular debris. They also play a role in initiating an immune response when necessary, helping to protect the lungs from infection and inflammation.


Aging Effects on Respiratory System


Structural changes
 Reduced chest expansion and functional alveoli

 Defense mechanisms
Reduced immune function

Respiratory control
 More gradual responses to changes in O2 and CO2


Genetic Risk Alert for Assessment


Cystic fibrosis, COPD, asthma


Physical Exam Respiratory Data


Physical examination
 VS with pulse oximetry
 Nose
* Patency, inflammation, deformity, symmetry, discharge
 Mouth and pharynx
* Color lesions, masses, gums, dentition, bleeding
 Neck
* Symmetry, tenderness, swollen nodes
Physical examination
 Thorax and lungs
* Inspection (check skin and nails for cyanosis and clubbing)
* Palpation
* Percussion
* Auscultation
 Use imaginary lines to
describe location of


Kussmaul Breathing


Kussmaul Breathing:
Description: Kussmaul breathing is characterized by deep, labored breathing. It’s often quite rapid and may appear almost gasping in nature.

Associated Conditions: It is commonly associated with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), a serious complication of diabetes mellitus, but can also be seen in other metabolic acidosis conditions (e.g., kidney failure).

Underlying Mechanism: This breathing pattern is the body’s response to severe acidosis. Deep and rapid breathing helps to expel more carbon dioxide, which is an acidic compound, thereby reducing the acidity of the blood.


Cheyne-Stokes Respiration


Description: Cheyne-Stokes respiration is a pattern of periodic breathing characterized by a gradual increase in the depth of respirations, followed by a gradual decrease and then a temporary stop in breathing (apnea). The cycle then repeats.

Associated Conditions: It’s often seen in patients with heart failure, stroke, traumatic brain injuries, or in those at end-of-life stages.

Underlying Mechanism: This pattern may result from impaired blood flow to the brainstem, which regulates breathing, or from heart failure where the altered blood flow affects the respiratory center.


Blot’s Respiration


Description: Biot’s respiration consists of groups of quick, shallow breaths followed by periods of regular breathing or apnea (absence of breathing). Unlike Cheyne-Stokes, the depth of breaths in Biot’s respiration is generally consistent.

Associated Conditions: Biot’s respiration is often associated with increased intracranial pressure, brain trauma, or meningitis. It can also be seen in patients with respiratory distress or failure.

Underlying Mechanism: This breathing pattern is thought to be due to damage or pressure on the medulla in the brainstem, which controls the respiratory rhythm.


Percussion of Lungs


Used to assess density or aeration of the lungs
 Start above clavicles; percuss downward, intercostal
space by intercostal space, with patient in semi-sitting
or supine position

 On posterior chest have patient sit leaning forward
with arms folded


Three Spots of Auscultation for Lungs


Adventitious/Abnormal Breath Sounds


Fine Crackles/Rales: These are soft, high-pitched, and very brief. They sound like the noise made by rubbing hair between fingers. They are commonly heard in conditions like pulmonary fibrosis, congestive heart failure, and pneumonia.

Coarse Crackles: These are louder, lower in pitch, and last longer than fine crackles. They resemble the sound of Velcro being pulled apart and are typically heard in conditions such as bronchitis, pneumonia, or pulmonary edema.

These are high-pitched, musical sounds, often heard during expiration. Wheezes are commonly associated with asthma, COPD, or bronchiolitis and indicate narrowed airways.

This is a high-pitched, loud breathing sound that is most prominent during inspiration. It suggests upper airway obstruction (such as by a foreign body, swelling, or tumor) and requires immediate medical attention.

Pleural Friction Rub:
This sound is similar to the noise made by walking on fresh snow. It is a creaking or grating sound heard during both inspiration and expiration, indicating inflammation of the pleural surfaces, as seen in pleurisy or after a pulmonary infarction.


Abnormal Voice Sounds


When the patient says “E” and it sounds like “A” during auscultation, it indicates egophony. This change in sound is typically heard over areas of lung consolidation, such as in pneumonia.

This refers to the increased clarity and loudness of spoken words, such as “ninety-nine,” heard through the stethoscope. It often suggests lung consolidation.

Whispered Pectoriloquy:
This involves hearing whispered words clearly and distinctly through the stethoscope. Like bronchophony, it is often indicative of lung consolidation.

***Lung consolidation refers to a condition in which the air that usually fills the small airways in your lungs is replaced with something else. This “something else” can vary but typically includes fluids (such as pus, blood, or water), cells (such as inflammatory cells), or other substances. Consolidation is a term often used in the context of pneumonia, where the alveoli (tiny air sacs in the lungs responsible for gas exchange) become filled with fluid and cellular debris due to infection.


Ways to Assess for Hypoxia: Pulse Oximetry


Assessing for hypoxia, which is a state of insufficient oxygen reaching the tissues, and hypercapnia, the excess of carbon dioxide in the blood, is critical in managing many respiratory and cardiac conditions.

Oximetry (Pulse Oximetry):
Function: This non-invasive method measures the oxygen saturation level (SpO2) of the blood.
Process: A pulse oximeter, usually placed on a fingertip, earlobe, or toe, uses light absorption through pulsing blood to estimate the percentage of hemoglobin saturated with oxygen.
Normal Values: Normal SpO2 values range from 95% to 100%.
Limitations: It can be affected by factors like poor circulation, skin pigmentation, thick skin, or the use of nail polish.


Assessing for Hypoxia: Arterial Blood Gas (ABG)


Function: ABG is a more invasive test that measures oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in arterial blood, along with pH, bicarbonate, and base excess.
**More precise measurements

Pulse oximeters are generally accurate within a 2-4% range when SpO2 is above 70%. However, their accuracy tends to diminish when SpO2 falls below 70%, making ABG analysis more reliable in severely hypoxic patients.

PaO2 (Partial Pressure of Oxygen): Reflects how well oxygen is able to move from the lungs to the blood. Normal range is typically 75-100 mmHg.

SaO2 (Oxygen Saturation): The percentage of oxygen-saturated hemoglobin relative to total hemoglobin in the blood. Normally above 95%.

Advantages: Provides a more accurate and comprehensive picture of respiratory efficiency and gas exchange.

Influence of Hemoglobin Variants:
Presence of HGB Variants: Conditions like carbon monoxide poisoning, which increases carboxyhemoglobin, or methemoglobinemia, can lead to inaccurate SpO2 readings. These hemoglobin variants alter the way hemoglobin absorbs light, thus affecting the oximeter’s ability to accurately measure oxygen saturation.

Factors Altering Readings:
External Factors: The presence of motion, cold extremities, and bright fluorescent lights can interfere with the oximeter sensor’s ability to accurately detect blood flow and oxygen saturation.

Physiological Factors: Conditions like anemia (low hemoglobin levels) can affect accuracy, as the oximeter measures the percentage of hemoglobin saturated with oxygen, not the total amount of oxygen in the blood.

Interference by Substances: Certain intravenous dyes used in medical imaging and thick acrylic nails can also affect readings. Additionally, while most modern pulse oximeters are designed to compensate for varying skin tones, extremely dark skin pigmentation may occasionally affect accuracy.

Difficulty in Obtaining Reliable Readings:
Challenging Clinical Situations: Patients who are hypothermic, receiving intravenous vasopressor therapy, or who have conditions leading to hypoperfusion or vasoconstriction (narrowing of the blood vessels) can present challenges in obtaining accurate pulse oximetry readings. In such cases, peripheral vasoconstriction can reduce blood flow to the extremities, where oximeters are typically placed, leading to less reliable readings.


Assessing for Hypoxia: CO2 Monitoring


Capnography: Measures the amount of carbon dioxide in exhaled air, thereby providing an indirect way of measuring CO2 levels in the blood.

Transcutaneous Capnography (PtCO2):
Method: Involves placing an electrode on the skin, typically the earlobe or fingertip.
Function: The electrode measures the partial pressure of CO2 (PtCO2) that diffuses through the skin. It provides an estimation of arterial CO2 levels, which is particularly useful in neonates and patients with difficult arterial access.
Applications: Widely used in neonatal and pediatric care for continuous monitoring of ventilation status.

End-Tidal Capnography (PetCO2):
Method: Uses a sensor placed in the patient’s breathing circuit or at the end of an endotracheal tube to analyze the CO2 concentration in exhaled air.
Function: It measures the end-tidal CO2 (PetCO2), which is the maximum concentration of CO2 at the end of exhalation. PetCO2 is a close approximation of arterial CO2 in most patients, making it a valuable tool for assessing ventilation.
Applications: Commonly used during anesthesia, in emergency settings, and for patients on mechanical ventilation. It is critical for verifying endotracheal tube placement and monitoring ventilation status.

Graphical Representation:
Capnography is usually presented as a waveform graph, known as a capnogram, which plots the concentration of CO2 against time throughout the respiratory cycle.
The shape of the capnogram provides valuable information about the patient’s respiratory status, including respiratory rate, the presence of any abnormal breathing patterns, and the effectiveness of ventilation.

Clinical Significance:
Capnography is crucial for early detection of respiratory distress and failure. It helps in assessing the effectiveness of CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation), monitoring sedated patients, and detecting adverse respiratory events during procedures.
Changes in the capnogram can indicate various conditions such as hypoventilation, hyperventilation, airway obstruction, and problems with the ventilation equipment.

Importance for Hypercapnia: Elevated CO2 levels can be indicative of respiratory depression or failure, and capnography is crucial for early detection.


Assessing for Hypoxia: Assessing for Venous O2 Saturation


ScvO2 (Central Venous Oxygen Saturation): This measures the oxygen level in the blood returning to the heart and can be an indicator of how much oxygen the body is using.

ScvO2 (Central Venous Oxygen Saturation) and SvO2 (Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation) are valuable clinical measurements for assessing the balance between oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption in the body.

Use in Cardiac Output Assessment: In cases of impaired cardiac output or hemodynamic instability, ScvO2 can help assess whether the heart is pumping enough blood to meet the body’s demands.

Method: It is typically measured via a catheter placed in a large central vein.

Central Venous Catheter (CVC) Central venous O2
saturation (ScvO2) primarily from Superior Vena Cava

 Mixed Venous O2 Saturation (SvO2) from Pulmonary
Artery (PA) which is a mixture of blood from the SVC, IVC
and coronary return

ScvO2 and SvO2 as Indicators:
Both ScvO2 and SvO2 provide insights into the global oxygen supply-demand balance. They reflect how much oxygen is left in the blood after it has circulated through the body and returned to the heart.

ScvO2 is measured from the superior vena cava, while SvO2 is measured from the pulmonary artery.

Normal Values at Rest:
The normal range for both ScvO2 and SvO2 at rest is typically between 60% and 80%. This indicates that tissues are extracting the necessary amount of oxygen from the blood without any indication of oxygen deprivation or excess.

Sustained Decreases (<60%):
Causes of Decreased Values:
Decreased Arterial Oxygenation: This could be due to lung problems such as pneumonia or ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome).
Low Cardiac Output (CO): Heart conditions that reduce the heart’s pumping efficiency can lead to decreased ScvO2/SvO2.
Low Hemoglobin (HGB): Anemia or significant blood loss can reduce oxygen carrying capacity.
Clinical Manifestations: These might include changes in mental status, weakness, changes in the quality of peripheral pulses, prolonged capillary refill time, reduced urine output, changes in skin color, and alterations in skin temperature.
Increased O2 Consumption or Extraction: Situations like increased metabolic rate (due to fever, shivering, pain, or movement) can also lead to a decrease in ScvO2/SvO2.

Increased Values (>80%):
While increased values can sometimes indicate clinical improvement (such as better oxygen delivery or reduced oxygen demand), they can also signal problems.
In conditions like sepsis, there may be a mismatch in oxygen delivery and utilization at the tissue level, leading to higher than normal ScvO2/SvO2 values despite the presence of critical illness.


Components of ABG


Arterial Blood Gases (ABG) analysis is a crucial diagnostic tool in medicine, primarily used to assess oxygenation status and acid-base balance in the blood. It provides detailed information about the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in arterial blood, as well as the acid-base status, which is essential for diagnosing and managing a wide range of medical conditions.

Arterial Blood Gases (ABG) analysis is a crucial diagnostic tool in medicine, primarily used to assess oxygenation status and acid-base balance in the blood. It provides detailed information about the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in arterial blood, as well as the acid-base status, which is essential for diagnosing and managing a wide range of medical conditions. Here’s a breakdown of the key components of an ABG and some important considerations:

Components of an ABG:
**PaO2 (Partial Pressure of Oxygen): Measures the pressure of oxygen dissolved in the arterial blood and indicates how well oxygen is being transferred from the lungs to the blood. Normal values usually range from 75 to 100 mmHg.
**PaCO2 (Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide): Reflects the pressure of CO2 dissolved in arterial blood and is an important indicator of respiratory function. Normal values are typically between 35 and 45 mmHg.
**pH: Indicates the acidity or alkalinity of the blood. The normal range is between 7.35 and 7.45.
**HCO3− (Bicarbonate): Represents the metabolic component of acid-base balance. Normal values are usually between 22 and 26 mEq/L.
**SaO2 (Oxygen Saturation): The percentage of available hemoglobin that is saturated with oxygen. Normal values are typically over 95%.

Sample Collection:
ABG analysis requires blood drawn from an artery. It is often obtained through an arterial puncture, commonly at the wrist (radial artery), but can also be drawn from other arteries or through an indwelling arterial catheter.

Effect of Age and Altitude on PaO2: The normal range for PaO2 can vary based on age and the altitude at which a person lives. Generally, PaO2 decreases with age. Higher altitudes, where the air contains less oxygen, can also result in lower PaO2 levels.

Interpretation: ABG results must be interpreted in the context of the patient’s overall clinical condition, as various factors like age, underlying health conditions, and environmental circumstances can affect the results.

Clinical Use:
ABGs are used in a variety of clinical settings, including respiratory, cardiac, metabolic, and renal disorders. They are particularly important in critical care and emergency medicine for patients with life-threatening conditions.


Sputum Studies


Sputum studies are an important diagnostic tool in respiratory medicine. They involve analyzing a patient’s sputum (mucus that is coughed up from the lower airways) to help diagnose and manage respiratory conditions. Various aspects of the sputum, such as its color, volume, viscosity, and presence of blood, can provide valuable insights into the underlying lung pathology.

Characteristics of Sputum:
Color: The color of sputum can indicate specific conditions. For instance, yellow or green sputum often suggests infection, while brown or black sputum might be seen in smokers or those exposed to certain pollutants. Pink and frothy sputum can be a sign of pulmonary edema.

Volume: Large quantities of sputum can be produced in conditions such as chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, or lung abscess.

Viscosity: Thick, tenacious sputum may be seen in conditions like cystic fibrosis or dehydration.

Blood (Hemoptysis): The presence of blood in sputum can range from small streaks to frank bleeding and can be a sign of conditions like bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, or lung cancer.

Methods for Obtaining Sputum Samples:
Expectoration: The simplest method, where the patient coughs up sputum into a sterile container. This is typically done in the morning, as sputum accumulates during the night.

Suctioning: Used for patients who cannot cough up sputum on their own, such as those on mechanical ventilation or with weakened respiratory muscles. Suctioning involves using a catheter to collect sputum from the airways.

Bronchoscopy: A more invasive procedure where a bronchoscope (a thin, flexible tube with a light and camera) is inserted into the airways. This allows for direct visualization of the airways and collection of sputum or tissue samples.

Sputum Induction: Involves having the patient inhale a hypertonic saline aerosol, which irritates the airways and stimulates coughing, thereby producing sputum. This is often used when spontaneous expectoration is not successful.

The collected sputum can be analyzed in various ways, including:
**Microscopy: To look for the presence of bacteria, fungi, or cells that indicate inflammation or cancer.
**Culture: To grow and identify bacteria or fungi that may be causing an infection.
**Cytology: To examine cells for signs of cancer or other conditions.


Skin Tests


Skin tests are a commonly used diagnostic tool to assess allergies and exposure to certain infectious agents like tuberculosis (TB) bacilli or fungi. These tests involve the intradermal injection of specific antigens and observation of the skin’s reaction to these substances.

Testing for Allergies:
Procedure: Small amounts of suspected allergens are injected just under the skin or applied via a small puncture.
Response: A positive reaction, typically a raised, red bump (wheal) and surrounding redness (flare), indicates that the person has IgE antibodies to the allergen, suggesting an allergic response.
Use: Allergy skin testing is widely used to identify triggers for allergic reactions, including environmental allergens (like pollen, dust mites, pet dander), food allergies, and reactions to insect stings.

Testing for Tuberculosis (TB):
Mantoux Test: The standard method for detecting TB exposure is the Mantoux tuberculin skin test.
Procedure: A small amount of tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) is injected into the skin.
Response: The test is read 48 to 72 hours after injection. A raised, hardened area or swelling at the injection site indicates exposure to TB bacteria.
Interpretation: The size of the induration (hardened area) is measured. A specific size cutoff, depending on the person’s risk factors and health status, is used to determine a positive result.

Testing for Fungal Infections:
Similar to TB testing, specific antigens for certain fungi can be injected to check for exposure or immune response to fungal infections.
Results Interpretation:
Positive Result: Indicates that the person has been exposed to the antigen and their immune system has produced a response. It doesn’t necessarily mean active disease; for instance, a positive TB skin test indicates TB exposure, not necessarily active tuberculosis.

Negative Result: May mean no exposure to the antigen. However, in some cases, a negative result can occur despite exposure. This can happen if the immune system is compromised or suppressed, as in HIV infection or in individuals taking certain immunosuppressive drugs.

Limitations and Considerations:
False Positives/Negatives: Both false positive and false negative results are possible. For allergies, cross-reactivity with other substances can cause false positives. For TB, recent vaccination with the BCG vaccine can cause a false positive.

Further Testing: Especially in the case of TB, a positive skin test is usually followed by additional tests, such as a chest X-ray or a sputum test, to determine if the person has active tuberculosis.


Preventing False Negative Skin Test Reactions


Correct Injection Technique: Ensure the injection is intradermal, not subcutaneous. The intradermal injection should create a small bleb or raised area on the skin, indicating that the antigen has been correctly placed in the dermis layer of the skin.

Marking the Site: After the injection, circle the test site with a pen and instruct the patient not to wash off or remove the mark. This helps in precisely locating the site when reading the results.

Record Keeping: Draw and label a diagram of the test site in the patient’s health record. Include details such as the date, time, and specific antigen used.

Lot Numbers and Expiry Dates: Record the lot number and expiry date of the antigen solution used, as this information can be crucial in case of any queries or discrepancies in results.

Reading Results:
Timing: Read the test 48 to 72 hours after administration for TB skin tests (timing may vary for other types of skin tests). Reading the result too early or too late can lead to inaccurate interpretation.
Good Lighting: Use adequate lighting to clearly see the reaction on the skin.

Measurement Technique: Measure the induration (the raised, hardened area) in millimeters, not the erythema (reddened area). Use a ruler for accuracy. The size of the induration is what determines a positive or negative result.

Interpretation: Be aware of the criteria for interpreting the results, which can vary based on the patient’s risk factors and the specific antigen used.




Direct visualization of the bronchi through a scope, known as bronchoscopy, is a valuable diagnostic and therapeutic procedure in respiratory medicine. This procedure allows a doctor to examine the inside of the airways using a bronchoscope - a flexible or rigid tube equipped with a light and camera.

Obtaining Specimens:
Biopsies: Tissue samples can be taken from the lung or airway walls to diagnose conditions like cancer, infections, or inflammatory diseases.

Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL): This involves washing a segment of the lung with a sterile solution to collect cells and other components from the lower respiratory tract, useful for diagnosing infections or lung diseases.

Removing Mucus Plugs or Foreign Bodies:
Mucus Plugs: Bronchoscopy can be used to clear mucus plugs that are obstructing the airways, especially in conditions like cystic fibrosis or during severe respiratory infections.

Foreign Bodies: It is a critical tool for removing foreign bodies from the airways, especially in emergency situations where the foreign object is causing airway obstruction.

Achieving Patency of Obstructed Airways:
Laser Therapy: Used to remove obstructions or tumors from the airways. Laser therapy can vaporize or cut through the tissue, opening up the blocked area.

Electrocautery: Similar to laser therapy, it uses electrical current to burn and remove obstructive tissue.

Cryotherapy: This involves freezing the abnormal tissues. It’s used for treating certain types of lung lesions or to reduce airway inflammation.

Stent Placement: Bronchoscopic stent placement can be used to keep airways open in cases of obstruction due to tumors or other structural abnormalities. Stents are small tubes that are inserted into the narrowed area to help maintain airway patency.

Other Applications:
Therapeutic Applications: Beyond diagnostics, bronchoscopy can be used for treating bleeding within the airways, applying topical medications, and in procedures like thermoplasty for severe asthma.

Assessment of Airway Anatomy: It allows for the detailed examination of airway anatomy, which is crucial before certain surgeries or in the assessment of airway diseases.

Outpatient procedure room, surgery, at bedside
 Patient supine, low-Fowler’s or seated position
 Bronchoscope inserted through nose or mouth after
local anesthetic spray is used
 Scope coated with water-soluble lubricant and
inserted into airways

**Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) is a diagnostic procedure that is often performed during a bronchoscopy to collect samples from the lower respiratory tract, specifically the alveoli and bronchioles. The process involves injecting sterile saline into a section of the lung and then withdrawing it to obtain cells, microorganisms, and other components from the lung’s airspaces.


Transbrochial Biopsy


Procedure: This is done during a bronchoscopy. A biopsy forceps or needle is passed through the bronchoscope to take small tissue samples from the lung.

Uses: It’s often used to diagnose infections, rejection in lung transplant patients, or interstitial lung disease.


Percutaneous/Transthoracic Needle Aspiration (TTNA)


Procedure: A needle is inserted through the chest wall directly into the lung under guidance, typically using CT or ultrasound.

Uses: TTNA is particularly useful for sampling lesions or abnormalities that are near the pleura (lung lining) or outside the central airways.


Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery (VATS)


Procedure: A minimally invasive surgical technique where a small video camera and surgical tools are inserted into the chest through small incisions.

Uses: VATS can be used for diagnosing and treating various lung conditions, including lung biopsies, lobectomy (removal of a lobe of the lung), or removal of lung nodules.


Open Lung Biopsy


Procedure: A more invasive surgery where a larger incision is made in the chest to access the lung directly.

Uses: This is typically reserved for situations where other less invasive methods are not possible or haven’t provided sufficient information.


Nursing Care Post Biopsy


Monitoring for Distress:
Observation: Continuously monitor the patient for signs of respiratory distress, which may include difficulty breathing, rapid breathing, increased heart rate, or a drop in oxygen saturation.
Intervention: Be prepared to provide oxygen therapy or other interventions as prescribed and necessary.

Checking for Pneumothorax:
Signs: Watch for symptoms indicative of pneumothorax, such as sudden chest pain and difficulty breathing.
Chest X-ray: An X-ray is often performed post-biopsy to rule out pneumothorax, especially after procedures like TTNA or VATS.

Monitoring for Bleeding:
External Bleeding: Check the biopsy site for any signs of external bleeding.
Internal Bleeding: Be alert for signs of internal bleeding, including sudden chest pain, dizziness, rapid heart rate, or low blood pressure.

Incision or Chest Tube Care:
Incision Care: If an incision was made, ensure it’s kept clean and dry to prevent infection. Monitor the site for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or drainage.
Chest Tube Management: If a chest tube is placed, ensure it is functioning correctly, monitor the drainage, and maintain the chest tube system as per hospital protocol.

Monitoring Breath Sounds:
Auscultation: Regularly listen to lung sounds with a stethoscope to detect any abnormalities, such as diminished or absent breath sounds, which could indicate complications like pneumothorax or hemothorax (blood in the chest cavity).

Encouraging Deep Breathing:

Exercises: Encourage the patient to perform deep breathing exercises to help expand the lungs and prevent atelectasis.

Incentive Spirometry: Instruct and assist the patient in using an incentive spirometer if prescribed.

Pain Management:
Medication: Administer pain medication as prescribed to ensure the patient’s comfort.

Assessment: Regularly assess the patient’s pain level and the effectiveness of pain management strategies.

General Support and Education:
Patient Education: Inform the patient about what to expect after the biopsy, signs of complications to watch for, and how to care for themselves at home.

Support: Provide emotional support and reassurance, as undergoing a biopsy can be stressful for patients.




 Needle inserted through
chest wall to obtain
specimens, remove pleural
fluid, or instill medication

 Nursing
-Before—verify consent,
explain procedure
-During—position and
-After—monitor breath
sounds and for hypoxia and
pneumothorax; chest tube


Pulmonary Function Tests


Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs) are key diagnostic tools used to measure lung volumes and airflow, helping in the diagnosis, monitoring of disease progression, evaluation of treatment response, and determination of disability in various lung conditions. These tests are performed using a spirometer, often in conjunction with a computer that calculates various lung function values.

Purpose of Pulmonary Function Tests:
Diagnosis: PFTs are used to diagnose conditions like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and restrictive lung diseases.

Monitoring Disease Progression: They help in assessing the progression of lung diseases over time.
Evaluating Treatment Response: PFTs are used to evaluate how well a patient responds to treatments, such as bronchodilators, steroids, or other lung therapies.

Determining Disability: They can be used to assess the level of impairment or disability in patients with chronic lung conditions.


Spirometer and Calculations


Spirometer and Calculations:
Spirometer: This device measures the volume of air a patient can inhale and exhale, as well as the speed of the airflow during breathing.

Computer Analysis: The spirometer is connected to a computer that calculates various values and produces a graph or spirometry report.

Trained Personnel and Coaching:
Proper technique is crucial for accurate results. Patients are coached by trained personnel on how to breathe in and out correctly during the test.

Normal Values:
Normal spirometry values are typically between 80-120% of the predicted value for a person’s age, gender, race, and height.

These predicted values are based on population studies and provide a standard against which the patient’s results are compared.

Interpreting Results - Positive Bronchodilator Response:
In conditions like asthma, PFTs are performed before and after administering a bronchodilator medication.
A positive response to bronchodilators is typically defined as an increase of more than 200 mL or 12% in Forced Expiratory Volume in the first second (FEV1).
This significant improvement post-bronchodilator indicates reversible airway obstruction, commonly seen in asthma.

Key Measurements in PFTs:
FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in One Second): The amount of air a person can forcibly exhale in one second.

FVC (Forced Vital Capacity): The total volume of air that can be forcibly exhaled after full inhalation.

FEV1/FVC Ratio: Used to differentiate between obstructive and restrictive lung diseases.