Palubicki APWH Unit 9 Flashcards


Martin Luther King Jr.


Def: This was an African America civil rights leader in the US. During the civil rights movemnet sourt decisions that were held such as the Brown v. Boaf of education of Topeka, Kansas. The court decision banned racial segregation of schools in the US. In addition, a boycott on public buses led to the ending of segregation in public transit. He also led marches for freedom and jobs. The civil rights movement was overall a hige success by all of the things it ended.
LO9: The reactions to all of his tactics for the civil rights movement was that discrimination decreased and people of color were given more rights.

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Nelson Mandela


Def: He was the leader of the African National Congress and helped lead them out of apartheid (system of racial segreagtin). There goals were to end the domination of whites adn create a space in South Africa that was multiracial, he led them to do this through peaceful protests. Eventually the apartheid ended and South Africa joined the UN. Later, Nelson became presisdent of South Afica.
LO9- Nelson Mandela was strongly against the aparthied that the white minority governnet was implementing. He responded by having peacful protests with the African NAtional Congress which led to violence when the government stepped in.

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New modes of communication


Def: A period where television and radio ads began to encourage the people to reach out to others now that phone calls were accessible. The use of media made it possible for individuals to create and spread information all around the world. Outrage broke out and racial profiling when there was videos taken on phones of the police. Social Media played huge role in the Arab spring which was a series of protests in North Africa and the Middle East. Although new communications helped people be in virtual touch it also caused a rise in violence as social media spread things quickly.
LO1: During the cold war communications began to develop because the US Defense Department needed the internet to communicate with each other, eventually the internet was available to the public and from there it continued to develop. The radio as well as television was able to communicate what was going on in the cold war to the people and give them updates.

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Green revolution


Def: This was created as a way to solve hunger around the world. Scientists made new varieties of wheat, rice, and other grains that had higher yields and would resist diseases, pest, and drought. These varieties were made by the scientists using crossbreeding, which was the breeding of two plants into one. They later used genetic engineering which allowed the scientists to change an organisms characteristics.
LO1- With the new technologies scientists were using such as genetic engineering and cross breeding they were able to create new crops/organisms with more desirable traits. In addition, fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation were used as a way to help produce more crops. Although the green revolution was beneficial to the large land owners, it caused small land owners a hard time because many of them couldn’t afford the new technology. This caused many of the small land owners to go out of business which led to the large land owners getting more land. This also caused less job opportunities because many of the equipment was mechanized and there was no need for workers.

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Medical Innovations (include vaccinations and antibiotics)


Def: Advances in medicine had a huge impact by increasing the lives of humans. In 1928, Alexander Fleming accidentally found that a particular fungus killed bacteria, this later became penicillin, the fist antibiotic. During world war 2 antibiotics became a huge factor and were sued by soldiers to help any minor wounds they got. Eventually, antibiotics spread to civilian use to fight off any of their illnesses. Vaccines were created in 1796 but were not put put into the world to use until the 1900s. Vaccines were able to lessen the amount of people infected with Polio and Measles. They also prevented mumps, measles, tetanus and other various diseases. Vaccines were able to prevent 3 milli0on deaths and with more vaccination coverage possibly 1.5 million more.
LO1: Medical innovations such as vaccinations and antibiotics were able to make such a huge impact because they could save so many lives. With these so many diseases and illnesses could be prevented or resolved. During the war antibiotics were a huge help as they could fix a small wound that would’ve caused death previously. With antibiotics, so many diseases were now preventable which helped people have longer lives.

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Covid 19 pandemic


Def: Coronavirus that spreads from person to person. It has caused over 900,000 deaths and has infected over 80 million people. It caused schools to shut down for months, many of the schools did virtual. There was a mask madate to prevent the disease from spreading and eventually a vaccine was made to prevent the spread and symtoms of the illness. Currently thousands of people are still getting sick but due to the vaccine the cases are less worse.
LO2- Envirnmental factors that contributed to this illness was mostly just the contact of one another in the environment. People are used to hanging around eachother and playing sports together, but this pandemic put a pause on all of that as more and more people got sick.

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Diseases of poverty


Def: Poor housing, poor working conditions, contaminated water, and lack of health care are all factors that contribute to diseases in areas of poverty. Some common diseases in poverty include malaria, tuberculosis, cholera, and polio. Polio was a disease caused by water contaminated with a virus passed on by fecal matters. It resulted paralysis or even death, however eventually an injectable vaccine was put into place to help the disease and later an oral vaccine. Vaccines began to play a huge role in global pu8bliuc health to get rid of polio. Eventually, in less than 30 years, polio was gone in almost all countries but a few such as Pakistan and Afghanistan.
LO2- Contaminated water and poor housing was a big factor in causing many of these diseases in poverty. Polio as well as cholera were both caused by contaminated water, this was seen less in developed areas because most people had clean water. Poor housing also contributed to these diseases because there could be house leaks, mold, and poor ventilation that contribute to poor health.

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Diseases of longevity


Def: As people were able to get older they began to develop diseases such as Alzheimer’s and heart disease. Heart disease was first discovered when a heart transplant was performed. Another scientist was able to develop an artificial heart and soon they began to have certain procedures to reduce blood conditions that cause heart disease. Alzheimer’s develops as people get older and it causes them to lose memory, it eventually progresses so bad that they cannot remember their loved ones.
LO2: Environmental factors affected human populations over time because due to poor living conditions especially in developing countries they were not able to have the resources to protect themselves from bad weather such as tornadoes or even have clean water. Many times these factors could lead to disease, such as cholera which is caused by the contamination of water, that could lead to death.

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Causes of environmental change

Def: There have been environmental changes since the 1900s. Population growth has made a big impact, with the significant growth of 1.6 billion in the 1900s to 6.12 billion in the 2000s, there was been a great need for food. This has led to more croplands to grow agriculture, however, this has caused deforestation, soil erosion, and less land for habitats of animals. To add it has affected water resources due to the overfishing and oceans and excessive use of freshwater. In addition, urbanization has had a huge influence on the environment because the number and size of cities have significantly grown, and the cities produce lots of pollution to the water and just trash in general. Globalization and industrialization have also been a huge factor, they have been using energy and natural resources from reserves and in the industries, workers have increased the market to cars to the new middle class which has led to more pollution due to the metals being used.
Ded: The causes of environmental change have been population growth, urbanization, globalization, and industrialization. The causes o this have been a loss of land and resources, deforestation, pollution, and loss of water.
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Economic Liberalization


Def: As gloablization increased around the world interactions among governmnets, people, and companies increased. The term usually relates with the increased incorpoartion of a global ecnomy. For example, restrictions on trade were relazed in India and other countires after the cold war. This allowed for countries to open on and build up there economy.
LO4: The continuites this was gloablization, people, companies, and governments continued to interact like previously. However, the changes were that economy´s were able to open and and function more freely than before.

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Deng Xiaoping


Def: Was the leader when economic liberation reched china. The communist party switched from economic equality to more of economic growth. To open up the economy they got rid of communes and allwed peasant to have land to sell their own crops in market, this led to a surplus of food rather than the famine previously. The government also alled for factories to produce even more for their consumers and to pushed for foreign companies to have their factories in china in their economic zones. They also allowed for prvate ownership fo busnesses and reopened the shangai market.
LO4: The continuites of this were markets, communist party, and the use of factories. However, the changes were there was no longer a famine and instead a surplus of agriculture. China pushed more for economic growth rather than the previous economic equality.

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Knowledge economy


Def: A type of economy that creates, distributes, and uses there knowledge to create new ways for others to use their knowledge in technology, communication, innovation, and collaboration. Designers, engineers, and teachers are all jobs that use a knowledge economy. One example of this was in finland, after world war 2 the Soviet union collapsed which caused finland an economic crisis because the soviet union had been a main component in their economy. They decided to encourage competition and began the Science and Technology Policy Council to build economic growth through various innovations and technology. This was very successful and led to significant economic growth. They built industries that required educated workers and it helped them grow into a knowledge economy.
LO4: The continuitues of this were the workers in idustries however the changes of this were that they were highly educated people that were able to create new ways for others to collaborate in their industry to build it. It helped economies grow economically.

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World trade organization (include anti- WTO protests)


Def: Tok over GATTS operations and made rule to govern over 90% of international trade. Controversy arose as the organization gained so mcuh power, there rules favored the trade rather than any moral concerns. GATT was there as a way to help econmies howver people belived the WTO when WTO was put into place they cared less about welfare and soley on the trades they were making. The Battle of Seatle occured which was when 40,000 protestors interrupeted the WTO conference, it drew a lot of attention ot the new economy . There were many other anti- WTO people in other various contries. The protests were the start to the anto- globalization movement. Although these protetst occured, the WTO stayed powerfula nd eventually China stepped in.
LO4- The continuites of this was trade hwver there was major chnages in the public and orgaization. They began to focus just on trade rather than the correct moral and welfare. This caused people to dislike the organization, which led to protests.
LO7- The response to the new economy was angered people and protests. People such as labor unions, farmers, students, and environementalists participated in the Battle of Seattle, a protest against the new economy.

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Multinational Corporations

Def: A corporation that is located in one country but sells there goods to one or more other countries. During imperialism many countries used these, they exported there goods to other various countires and made their profit at the home country/base. These corporations take advantage of knowledge economies as well as industrial economies. This economy is beneficial to both developing and developed countries. For example, in India, they opened a market and allowed for more imports. They had a large mount of educated worers that were able to help India become a software and information technology powerhouse. They had a successful consumer culture and were able to grow there middle class to be the largest in the world. 
LO4: The continuities fo this were trade, knowledge economies and industrial economies. However the changes include that goods were sold to various countries and the profit was made in the home country. Another change was that developing countries were able to use it and it was a huge benefit to them as well. India had the corporation, Mahindra an Mahindra which sold cars, far equipment, and miltiary vehincles were sold to many various countries and became one of the most trustworthy businesses in India.
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Def: Many countries joined this organization following world war 2. They signed the GATT which lifted restriction on trade. This helped to promote inernational trade and rebuild europe economically. This group joined the US to fight against global terrorism and were committed to economic and political help in southeastern asia.
LO4: The contuities of this was trade. However the changes were the lifted restrictions on trade which allowed for more trade internationally, causing europe and other nations to grow economically.

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UN Declaration of human rights


Def: Gave basic rights to and freedoms to all human beings. The UN promoted human rights and also created the UNICEF which provided food to children in Europe thay were still struggling post world war 2. The UN has helped to investagate various situations such as genocide, war crimes, governemnt oppression, and crimes against women, they have finalized there take on this and promote human rights.
LO5: With this declaration there was been a strong reality put out of human rights and freedoms. No one should be discrimnated against or treated unfairly and this truly declared that. The UN has taken part in this greatly and has helped wiht any situations that violated the declaration.


US Civil rights act 1965


Def: Banned discrimination based on color, race, religion, gender, or orgigin. African americans sought for equality in education as there was segregated schools. This helped resolve some of the problems, but in places like South Africa there was an Apartheid until around the 1990s when the south africans finally got freedom from the whites.
LO5: Overtime, african americans as well as other races have been discriminated and controlled for no reason, given no freedoms. Eventually, there was acts put into pplace such as this one that outlawed discrimination and finally allowed all races, gender, and religions to be free and do what they desire. They wouldnt be separated from others anymore and life would be more normal.


Green belt movement


Def: A direct response to the environmental damages, many rivers were drying up adn there food suppy wasnt stable. This led to a group of women, led by Wangari Maathai, to plant trees to help the soil and collect rain water. Not only did this help the envirnental damages, but it helped womens status as it showed they could make changes in the public with there participation.
LO5: This changed the status of women, it showed they had power to make change and didnt need anyone elses help. It helped grow there staus and show the public what they were capable of.




Def: A film industry in Bombay that makes indian musicals. It is a part of popular culture in the US and worldwide. It has a blend of various film styles, inda makes the most films than any other country worldwide.
LO6: Gloablization has led to many interactions all around the world, leading to the spread of culture. Pop culture particulary has been spread as people immirate and interact with other people. Things began to spread and become more and more popualr.


World cup soccer


Def: Soccer was a sport that could be played anywhere as it required very few equipment. This allowed it to grow to be popualr, so much that this was a competition in the olympics as a gloabl event.
LO6: Globalization has allowed for many interaction and ideas to spread, such as soccer. Soccer became a global sprt quickly as it was accessible and easy to learn. It was added to the olypics and is one of the most popular sports.


United nations


Def: An international organization that wants to maintain peace and security and promote human rights. They want to have good relationships with other countries and organizations. They adopted the declaration of human rights and heled to promote it. They conduct peacekeeping actions to help solve any problems in an peaceful manner.
LO8- Globalization has allowed for so many interactions. Altough some of these interactions are not always right or peaceful so organiazations such as the UN have deveoped to help maintain peace aong others and promote human rights.