Palubicki APWH Unit 5 Flashcards


Abolition Movement


Def: a movement that ended the Atlantic slave trade as well as freeing enslaved people. The Slave trade was first banned which slowly led to slavery overall declining.
LO2: The enlightenment affected the abolition movement due to the fact that its ideas highlighted equality and freedom of all human beings. Slaves were not treated equally nor had any freedoms at all, therefore the enlightenment ideals had a huge effect on the abolition movement.

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Def: This is a belief that knowledge comes from experiences, what you observe or think throughout a specific experience. Francis Bacon based his findings on natural data rather than the rules and concepts of religion or traditions.
LO1: Francis was able to influence poeple to believe what they observe rather than what you are told to believe such as how many religions tell you what to belive rather than you observing yourself. However, many people decided to create argumenst and test different theories instead.

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Def: This was an intellectual movement that highlighted reason and individualism over tradition. Individualism, freedom, and self-determinism were some of the ideals that established the steps of revolution.
LO1: The American and French Resolutions were sparked by the ideas of enlightenment. During the American Revolution, Americans didn’t have the right to freedom of speech, religion, equality, etc., therefore they rebelled against England in order to obtain these things. Similarly, during the French Revolution, they dint have many rights or freedom and due to that they overthrew King Charles X

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Suffrage movement (Include Wollstonecraft and Seneca Falls)


Def: Was a movement that pushed for the right to vote or franchise. It mostly concerned women’s rights because at the time they didn’t have many. In Seneca falls activists gathered to promote women’s rights and suffrage. This convention was a huge mark in the women’s rights movement. Wollstonecraft published a book ( A Vindication of the Rights of Women) which argued how women should have the same rights and privileges as men, women eventually gained the full right to vote in 1928.
LO2: The enlightenment affected the suffrage movement over time because it focused on freedoms and how everyone should be treated equally. At the time women could not vote, get an education, own property, etc, however, the enlightenment ideals helped them get the rights they needed because men and women should be treated the same.

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American Revolution


Def: A revolution fought from 1775 to 1783 where British colonists rebelled against Great Britain. George Washington leads the colonists to declare independence. Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton were other leaders that helped as well. The battle of Lexington and Concord was a big battle that marked the start of the revolution, it led to more people joining in because they wanted independence. The declaration of independence, treaty of Paris, and articles of confederation were documents created because of this revolution. After many battles, the British colonists gained their freedom and the 13 colonies were created in the United States.
LO3: The cause of this revolution was that the British wanted independence from Great Britain and they were pushing to have more control. The effects of the revolution were that important documents were created that are still used today and that the British gained independence and the US was established.

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Bolivar Revolutions


Def: A revolution lead by Simon Bolivar which was fighting for political independence. Some of the important events that occured were the hidalgos provacative speech, the execution of miguel hildalgo, and the Battle of Rancagua. Imporatant documents signed were the Treaty of Cordoba.
LO3: The cause of this revolution was was because of Napoleans exploration fo spain which sparked conflcits and how they were somewhat inspired by the French and American revolution. The effect of this revolution was that mexico gained its indpendnce from spain and brazil gained its independence from portugal in a peaceful manner.

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Classical Liberalism


Def: The protection of individual rights and liberties by limiting the overall power of the government. This was created due to John Locke and his philosophy of how people’s rights should be protected by restricting the power of the government.
LO3: This was caused because people thought that people should be able to have freedom and not be controlled by the government. The effect of this was that society was able to advance by industrializing and urbanizing.

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French Revolution


Def: This revolution was a period of time where rulers and the people separated and the people wanted to redefine political power. It all started when Louis XVI summoned the estates general to vote on new taxes fot the nobles. the 3rd estate went to a dfferent room an declared themsleves a national asssebly, This later lead to the Declaration of Rights which highlighted ideas from the enlightenment. Eventually, Louis XVI and his wife, Marie, were imprisoned and later executed by the “killing machine”.
LO3: The causes of this revoltion ws the inequality among estates, the severe financial crisis, and the spread of enlightenment ideas which quetioned hereditary privledges. The effects were that diine right and noble privledge were challenged in Europe, fuedalism was removed form France, and the kings and nobles didnt have all the power so did the middle class(bourgeoisie).

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Haitian Revolution


Def: This reovlution began when slaves revolted against there white masters, killing and burning down there houses. A former slave, Toussaint L’Ouverue decided to join the revolt and became the leader of the rebellion against slavery. They were able to establish an independent government and produced a constituition that declared equality and citizenship to all residents.
LO3: The cause of this revolution was is that the slaves wanted freedoma. The effect of this is that they were able to create an independent government and constitution that declared equality and citizenship to all of the residents.

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Def: This is the love or devotion to a certain country. German revolutions occured as a result of nationalism because countries like Prussia and Austria wanted ndepndence. In addition, France got into a war with Austria beasue there leader Napolean III wanted italian unity and for them to have a central italian government. Lastly, Argentineans showed lots of nationalism when they wer e exposed to enlightenmnet and were able to spread there culture and really unify.
LO3: The caue of nationalism was becasue poeple didnt like foreign rule and wanted to be unified in there country. The effects of this is that the governments became stronger and the county overlal became a lot more unified.

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Causes of Industrialization


Def: One cause of the industrial revolution was the increased agricultural improvements. More people were needed to work, thus more people were available to work in the factories as well as providing a market for manufactured goods. In addition, they accumulated resources like coal and iron which were heavily needed in order to work the machines created while industrializing. There also was an increase in technology, they were able to create the spinning jenny and other things that sparked industrialization.
LO4: Environmental factors played a huge role in causing the industrial revolution. For example, Britain was lucky enough to be located right next to a coal deposit, this coal deposit did a lot for them as it allowed for them to power the steam engine and burn fossil fuels. In addition, if you could produce iron it was a huge benefit because that allows for the production of buildings, bridges, and bigger ships. If you were located by a river that was very helpful because it made it easier to transport raw materials to trade different places.

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Factory system


Def: These were used to mass-produce products. They contained many workers that worked 16+ hours a day in terrible conditions. Not only did adults work but so did kids, they were used because they had small hands that were able to get inside the machines. There were no safety regulations or fair play, women also worked long hours at the factories to fulfill traditional roles.
LO4: Working hours were no longer based on sunlight because the lightbulb was created so the people working in the factories worked very long hours. Coal and iron were commonly used within the factories and their production was crucial in order for the factory system to work. Iron was used on many of the machines and coal was used to power many of the machines.

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Def: This is a time period where new innovations were built, the society shifted from an agricultural-based economy to one based on manufacturing goods. Many new innovations were built to be used in factories such as the steam engine and spinning jenny.
LO5: Previous to the steam engine, factories had to be near rivers in order for the machines to be powered, however, once the steam engine was built things changed because the steam could now be used for industry and transportation, meaning factories could move away from the rivers. Also, the lightbulb was created which caused a huge change in what hours workers worked during the day. Due to the lightbulb, workers had to work very long shifts compared to before where they would work during the daylight.

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Fossil Fuels Revolution


Def: This was a time when the energy available to human societies was significantly increased. As machines developed, energy stored in fossil fuels such as coal or oil was taken advantage of.
LO6: Technology was a huge factor in shaping economic production. Inventions were built such as the flying shuttle, cotton gin, spinning jenny, etc. that helped us more efficiently produce products. With the help of these inventions, we could make clothing faster and it was more cost-efficient.

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Industrial Communication


Def: Over time communication around the world was increased due to new technology such as steamships, telegraphs, and railroads. The steamships provided a new way that was more cost and time-efficient. The telegraph was very helpful due to the fact that it could allow for immediate communication. Railroads such as the Transcontinental railroad helped the industrial growth of the US. They were able to transport resources like coal, oil, and iron in a way more efficient way.
LO6: With the help of these new technologies new parts of the world could be opened up to explore whereas before trade and migration were often located along with the coastal cities. The technologies helped shaped economic production because they made communications across the world easier and with the help of steamships and railroads, it was possible to transport resources in a more timely manner.

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Internal Combustion Engine


Def: This was a type of engine that was able to create power by the burning of resources such as gasoline or oil. This engine was able to power railroads, ships, and factories. Overall, it helped increase the distribution of goods and access to other resources.
LO6: This was a huge factor in shaping economic production. It was able to power railroads which helped transport resources and trading across the world. It also helped ower ships which also helped us trade and transport resources to help build up our economy. To add, it helped power factories which made clothing and other items that we could sell for profit.


Second Industrial revolution


Def: A time in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when there was development in steel, chemicals, precision machinery, and electronics. During this time steel developed into becoming the backbone of the industrial society with the help of Bessemer’s Process. These advancements were able to later lead to engineering and medicine fields.
LO6: This revolution was able to shape economic production and improve the earlier technologies created. For example, during this time a new reined voice transmitter was created by Thomas Edison and it was way for practical than the previous telephone because it was better quality compared to before. Also, they discovered petroleum when mining for oil and that has led to other machinery such as the internal combustion engine which has greatly improved the world economically.


Steam Engine


Def: An invention made by James Watt which provided an inexpensive way to gather coal to create steam. This steam was used to power machinery in factories as well as trains later on.
LO6: This invention allowed for more production in the factories as well as transportation. This in turn helped shape economic production. When more clothing and textiles could be made more quickly in factories it helped society grow econoically. To add, when transportation was quicker meaning we could trade and gather resources more efficiently that also helped society increase on an economic scale.


Meiji Restoration


Def: Japanese thought that Japan should adopt western technology so they could protect their traditional culture. In order to do this, they overthrew the shogun and brought back the power to the emperor. This helped westernize ad industrialize Japan, they built railways and steamships.
LO7: Some causes of this were that there were internal conflicts occurring in Japan that made it very hard to rule over the country. In addition, their feudal system was declining and there was pressure coming from foreigners telling them they needed to modernize quicker. This all lead to Japan having a bureaucratic, centralized government, japan industrializing by building railways and steamships, and the people were ow allowed to follow opportunities that they have wanted.


Muhammad Ali


Def: Rose to power and was selected by local leaders to become the new governor of Egypt. In Egypt, he created his own reforms. He began to redo the military base of the Europeans, established schools, sent the military to France to be further educated, and started a newspaper.
LO7: As Muhammad began to gain control of Egypt he ended the Mamluk rule and really gained the people’s trust there (cause). Because of this he was asked to be the governor of Egypt and while there we helped Egypt industrialize and he helped build the Suez canal which helped boost their economy (effects). Because of all of this he is now known as the 1st modern ruler of egypt.




Def: An economic system based on open competition within a free market. This means that people operate for profit and own their production. Adam Smith helped shape the industrial age by arguing how humans are transactions, he proved his point by supporting the idea of capitalism and the creation of entrepreneurship.
LO8: This idea created by Adam Smith really helped shape the industrial age. He basically is explaining how humans create business and are prone to selling and buying things just like trade. Capitalism was in his argument and really proves his point because that is a system where humans are selling something for profit.


Stock Market


Def: Involves the selling and buying of stock shares tied to a specific company. Within a stock market, there are stockholders which are people who buy partial ownership of a company, when the corporation makes profit the stockholder will make some of that, however, if the company doesn’t make any money or goes bankrupt, the stockholder basically just loses all the money they originally put into it.
LO8: This contributed to change from the time period because now you didn’t have to come up with a whole entire new corporation to receive money, you could just buy part of the stock market. It was something new to the world because before you couldn’t buy part of a business or corporation.


Transnational Business


Def: A business located in 2 or more countries that sell and produce products in many countries around the world. For example, HSBC is one of the largest banking companies that have over 40 million customers all over the world. In addition, there is the United Fruit Company which is an international corporation that trades tropical fruit (usually bananas) grown in Latin American plantations but sold mostly in the United States and Europe.
LO8: This system has contributed to change because now businesses are selling their products all over the world whereas before it wasn’t as easy and the business was usually only in one spot. It has also allowed more places to grow economically because they can make more profit than ever before.




Def: Founded by Karl Marx, this is a political system in which the government practically controls all aspects of the society’s life including all property. Karl Marx shifted from the idea of capitalism to solely socialism. He believed that capitalism was an advance from feudalism.
LO9: The cause for Karl Marx’s actions was due to his thought that they wanted to shift to a society with public ownership and control over the major production units (like factories), and the natural resources of the society such as coal and iron. The effect of communism was that people loss many of there rights such as freedom of speech, religion, and property rights.


Labor Unions


Def: These were a group of pople that worked together in factories. However, they did implement child labor laws, limit on the working hours during the day, and the 2 day weekend.
LO9: One cause of this is that previously there were factory systems which had terrible working conditions, no child labor laws, or any limit on the total amount of working hours. Due to this, these were created, they were similar to before in how they mass prouced items and orked in a group of people, but they did have chid laor las, limit on working hours, and thy added in a 2 day weekend.


Self- Strengthening Movement


Def: This was developed as a way to resovle many of the internal and external problems of china. They took what the Europeans did like there education and applied it to China. They abolished the CSE and brought in education reforms. Once china got a stable government they were able to repay debts and participate in trade.
LO9: The cause of this was because China felt pressure to modernize under the Qing Rule. So, they tried to take what Europe has doen and apply it to them. This did work for an aount of time, however it was eventuly undone beace they imprisoned China’s emperor.



Def: A theory of social organization that supports how the community should own and regulate production, exchange, and distribution. Karl Marx, the founder, argued for this rather than communism. 
LO9: This was caused by the age of enlightenment because people wanted more freedoms as well as the industrial revolution because people started to use machines to produce and distribute products for profit. The effect of this was better use of land, resources, an labor because the government was in control of most of society's functions. It also changed the big gap within the working class and middle classes because work started to even out more and the middle class wasn't given a big advantage anymore.

Taiping Rebellion


Def: This was a huge rebellion in China during the Qing dynaty. It amassed a million men army and they were amost able to overthrow the qing. It lasted for about 14 years and caused almost 20 million deaths.
LO9: This rebellion was caused because China had a huge population however they had a very poor economic lookout. It also was caused due to the fact that they lacked strong central control over such a big terrioty. Hong Xiuquan led the war against the ruling of the Qing dynsaty. The effect of this rebellion is that China was left in very poor condtion, people were devasted, and almost 20 million people were killed.


Tanzimat Reforms


Def: This was created as a way for the ottoman empire to modernize/industrilize and to claim territory. The ottomans used the laws to udpate their legal system. The reforms helepd to mke all men equal and regulate mlles which is an indeoendent government court.
LO9: These refomrs were based off the enlightenment, they were created as a way to remove capitalutions and make different codes for ther legal system. The reforms were bale to change politically by improving the view of the non-muslim. TO add, they made it so Muslims were given equality amd they ensured loyalty to the divere ethnic and religous groups within the empire.


Cult of Domesticity

Def: This idealized women in being the homemaker. There were pamphlets given out that showed middle class women how to raise children, take care of your hmoe, and to be polite in society. They encourged and urged women to be oure, submissive, domestic, and pious.
LO10: As industriization occured it increased feminism because men would leave there community to find another job and that would open up space for women to take that job. However the cult of somesticity gave women the reputation of being stay at home moms when that wasnt the case. Women that worked had to manage being taxed more than the men and taking care of their household and taking care of their children.

New social classes

Def: At the bottom of the new social class was the working class, this consisted of people who worked in factories and coal mines. A new middle class was created which contained factory and office managers, bussiness owners, and professionals. At the top of the new social heirarchy was the industrialists and owners of large corporations.
LO10: Compaered to before there was a big shft in the social heirarchies. Before the Industrial Revolution the heirarchy mostly consisted of peasants and farmers, however once factories opened up there was a shift. There were different levels of work in the factories that put you into each different category.



Def: As popualtions began to grow so did the cities. Jobs began to open up because poeple needed to work in order to live in the cities, so they would take the factory jobs.
LO10: As industrilization occured, factory jobs opened up and many places grew because they were urbanizing. This changed the standard of living because those who could find a good factory job or owned the factory would most likely be able to find a better place to live compared to those still in rural areas.