RE Assessment 4 Flashcards


Two contrasting ways a muslim performs salah


One contrasting way a Muslim performs salah is the times of day when they do it. Sunni Muslims are required to pray five times a day, each time worked from the times of sunrise until sunset meaning that each day the times can slightly alternate. Contrastingly, Shia Muslims combine midday and afternoon prayers as well as the sunset and night prayers meaning they only have to pray three times a day.

Another way Muslims perform salah is the ritual they are required to do before praying. Wudu is a spiritual cleanse before they pray. This is achieved by a thorough washing with water before prayer however if water is not available, for example one who may be in a desert, some Muslims will use sand or dust for a dry form of washing simply meaning physical cleanliness is not required but spiritually instead.

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Explain two ways how Shia Muslims practice the ten obligatory acts


One way Shia Muslims practice the ten obligatory acts is by giving Zakah. Zakah is when a Muslim gives 2.5% of their savings to charity. In the Quran is says “Zakah expenditures…an obligation imposed by Allah” meaning Muslims would give zakah as they are fulfilling a duty imposed by Allah. Zakah teaches Muslims not to be greedy and show gratitude for the money and valuables they possess. This is also a good way to create a relationship between the rich and the poor through people helping the local community.

Another way Shia Muslims practice the ten obligatory acts is through Sawm meaning fasting. Muslims will usually practice sawm during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar also known as Ramada where they will fast during daylight hours. Muslims do this to build a better understanding how poor people feel all the time as they can’t afford luxuries or food like some more fortunate people. This aims to inspire them to find ways to help the poor.

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12 marker


- some muslims would agree as it helps muslims acknowledge that everything comes from god and belongs to him. in the Quran it says “when allah blesses you financially, dont raise your standards of living, raise your standards of giving.” this says to muslims that they should use their wealth to give to those in need instead of keeping it for themselves because that was not gods intention.

-some muslims would agree with this statement and argue that as although not all muslims are able to give zakah, there are alternatives that still class as almsgiving for those less fortunate. Sadaqa is where muslims who cannot afford to give 2.5% of their savings to charity, they instead can give up their own time dedicating it to helping others eg work in local food banks. some would argue this is the best way to understand poverty because anyone can do it.

- some muslims would disagree and argue that sawm is the best way top understand poverty. this is because during Ramadan muslims have to fast during daylight hours which serves a reminder that the poor feel this way constantly. this greater awareness inspires many muslims to help the poor in different ways such as… so therefore muslims would disagree with this statement as sawm helps muslims feel empathetic towards poverty instead of just giving.

some would argue to disagree as not every muslim can give zakah. it is compulsory for muslims to give 2.5% of their wages to charity if they earn a specific amount. this would help muslims argue that although there is alternatives, alsmsgivningbis not because not everyone can afford to give.

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