Sauceda APWH Unit 7 Vocab Flashcards


Mexican Revolution 7.1


Def: Mexico in the 20th century was an independent nation under Porfirio Diaz. Diaz let foreign investors control their country’s resources which left peasants without any land. Diaz jailed the other candidate for president who was Francisco Madero. Diaz also had accommodation for foreign powers, opposition to land reform, and had his strong-armed policies. All of this led to the Mexican Revolution. Madero escaped and in El Paso Texas, he set up revolutionary offices. His troops were led by Francisco Villa and they defeated Diaz’s troops which led Diaz into exile. A process of redistributing land was started by Emiliano Zapata. Mexico suffered millions of deaths, political instability, and violence. A new constitution was put into place in 1917 to get land redistribution, public education, and universal suffrage. There was also the Institutional Revolutionary Party which dominated Mexican politics.
L.O. Diaz allowed foreign investors from the United States to control Mexico’s resources which left peasants without any land and the wealthy had control of over 95% of the countries land. After the Mexican Revolution, Mexico suffered politically and socially which led to processes to rebuild. There was a process to get land redistribution after Diaz was put into exile. There were also many other changes in Mexico’s government after the revolution which involved better education, universal suffrage, and a lot more. There was even the Institutional Revolutionary Party that took control of the countries politics.

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Russian Revolution 7.1


Def: Russia was behind other countries when it came to power and wealth. They were slow to industrialize and were behind in economic growth. They were slow to get education for peasants, didn’t build for their transportation networks, and didn’t support loaners and entrepreneurs in contracts and loans. Russian government resisted political reforms, didn’t allow citizens to get involved in the government, and didn’t recognize civil liberties. Russia couldn’t support its military so they lost many wars. The Bolsheviks were led by Vladimir Lenin and they set up a communist government and seized power. Communists had the belief that production should be owned by workers. They also have the belief that collective ownership would lead to a just society and collective prosperity. This group had many successes that involved giving peasants crops to feed urban workers, taking ownership of factories and industries, and getting rid of private trade. Many were surprised by the Bolshevik’s success as it was the first for communists to run a large country. This also led to the threat that communists put on other governments.
L.O. Russia was slow to industrialize and had other issues such as not getting peasant’s education, they didn’t have economic growth, there was no support for entrepreneurs and loaners when it came to loans and contracts, and they didn’t build parts for their transportation networks. The government failed to get Russian political reforms and let civilians be part of the government. The internal factors led to external ones because Russia didn’t have an economic base to support Russia’s military which caused Russia to lose many wars. These were all issues until the Bolsheviks decided to put in a new government for Russia under communism.

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Causes of WWI 7.2


Def: Gavrilo Princip of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated and this was the main cause of WWI. Princip was part of a group called the Black Hand and they wanted to not have Austro-Hungarians in the Balkans. Austro-Hungarians wanted to end agitation against Anit-Austrians in Serbia which led to a war against Serbia and Austria-Hungary because Serbia declined. Austria-Hungary wanted Germany as an ally and Serbia wanted Russia. Germany then declared war on Russia and then on France and then Britain declared war on Germany. Austria then declared war on Russia and then Japan joined in on all the chaos which turned this into a world war. There were other causes of the war such as imperialism because countries were taking over other people’s land and colonizing due to their strong nationalism, militarism which was countries wanting a strong military so they can prove their dominance by how much they invested in it, and alliances which were other countries allying with other countries in secret and both agreeing on protecting each other.
L.O. The assassination of Garvilo Princip was the main cause of WWI because he was part of a group called the Black Hand which was terrorists who tried to prevent Austro-Hungarians in the Balkins. Austro-Hungarians tried to prevent discrimination in Serbia and when they declined, Austro-Hungarians declared war on Serbia which got many other countries involved due to alliances that were formed and other countries starting wars with others. Other causes of the war are imperialism and militarism which were ways countries showed their dominance whether it was claiming land or building their military. Another cause was alliances that were formed in secret and countries agreed to protect one another. At the end of the war, Germany had to take full responsibility for the war even though it was started by Auestro-Hungarians. 4 monarchs had their downfalls such as Russia, the Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungary, and Germany. Maps were redrawn in Europe and the Middle East and Germany lost its overseas colonies. Colonialism had its end after the war.

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Total War 7.3


Def: A nation’s population and military have a commitment to winning a war. Civilians would work in factories to create war materials for the military and since there were labor shortages in France, Britain, and Russia, Chinese workers were imported to help those countries. Governments would also get prepared for war by creating planning boards that would help with rationing food, setting quotas, and having control on price and wage. Many nations put all of their resources into an effort to win the war.
L.O. The government put effort to strengthen their military and have people work in factories to make materials for the military so they can be ready for war. Governments would put in place boards that dealt with food, trade, and money. The government was also in charge of wartime propaganda so that they can get more soldiers to fight in the war. During WWI, many nations wanted to prepare to not only fight in the war but to win the war.

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Great Depression 7.4


Def: Many nations had many deaths to their soldiers and civilians after the war and they lost a lot of money because of international conflict. Germany had to pay billions for the war under the Treaty of Versailles. Since Germany had to print more paper money, it caused inflation. Since the stock market crashed and the agricultural overproduction in the United States led to the economy going downhill. Money that was put into German banks by American investors was taken out because of the stock market crash and German banks began to fail. Many other economies around the world suffered such as Asia, Africa, and Latin America due to them being dependent on other nations. Foreign trade was also a big part of the depression because Japan relied on it.
L.O. John Maynard Keynes said that having an intentional government could improve the economy. He also said that using deficit spending, cutting taxes, and increasing spending could grow an economy. Franklin Roosevelt used this idea and created the New Deal to recover, relieve, and reform to get the country out of the depression.

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New Deal 7.4


Def: The New Deal was started by Franklin Roosevelt and was inspired by John Keynes’s beliefs in ways to grow a government economically due to the Great Depression. The New Deal was to recover, reform, and relief. Rosevelt wanted to relieve the citizens, recover from the Great Depression and reform the government to prevent something happening like the Great Depression again. Production rose and unemployment decreased due to Keynes’s beliefs. His beliefs were also helping other governments. All was going well for the United States until Rosevelt changed his course and unemployment grew again and it took longer for the Great Depression to end.
L.O. Roosevelt’s way to respond to the Great Depression in the United States was starting the New Deal to relieve citizens that were poor people, farmers, the unemployed, minorities, and women. He also wanted to recover from the Great Depression as well as building up a strong government to prevent other situations.

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Five Year Plans (Soviet Union) 7.4


Def: After Joseph Stalin was put into power, he put into place 5 Year Plans to build up the Soviet Union. A big part of this 5-year plan was to start industrializing Russia since they were behind other countries. He wanted to have farmland be sent to collectives from private owners so they can manage it and this process was called collective agriculture. Peasents had to be forced to work on certain collectives by the state and they had specific plans to follow. 5 Year plans failed as well as succeeded because peasents ended up starving to death and collectivization ended up being a failure. Consumer goods were also short on supply but many jobs in factories were available. Heavy industry also grew during 5 Year Plans.
L.O. Joseph Stalin decided to take out Lenin’s New Economic Plan and put in 5 Year Plans to build up the Soviet Union. This 5-year plan was used to change their nation from agricultural to industrialized as the other nations have done during the Industrial Revolution. He started collectivized agriculture and had peasents work on certain lands and they were forced by the state to accomplish the government’s goals. 5 Year Plans went good and bad because many peasents died and collectivization agriculture failed, but many jobs in factories were available and heavy industry grew.

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Fascist Corporatist Economy 7.4


Def: Fascism was a new political system and many countries turned to it including Germany. Italy took fascism and saw that it came from the term fasces which is a bundle of sticks around an ax and it came from a Roman symbol that meant authority. The Roman symbol shaped Italy’s government into a fascist one and their state was based on corporatism. Corporatism was a theory that sectors of the employers, trade economy and state officials were in the same body but were separate. Each part had the right to support themselves in whatever way they need, but it had to benefit the body as a whole. They made their government a totalitarian state which made it where the government had full control of what a person did.
L.O. Benito Mussolini took fascism and used it to shape Italy’s government and based it on corporatism. Corporatism was the theory that sectors in society were separate but all were in the same body. Each sector could support themselves in whatever way they need to but it needed to impact the whole body until they made their state a totalitarian state.

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Mandates 7.5


Def: The fallen Ottoman Empire fought with Allies in return for self-rule but the Allies forgot about their promises and established a mandate system through the League of Nations. This mandate system was used to rule territories and colonies of the Central Powers.
L.O. WWI had to deal with land that was taken over and mandate systems were used to stop fighting over this land by governing and appropriating the land from the former Ottoman Empire and colonies that were located in Germany.

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Causes of WWII 7.6


Def: There were many causes of the war but most involve Germany. After the Treaty of Versailles was put into place, Germany was impacted the most out of any county due to some of their colonies being distributed and being turned into countries. Germany as well had to pay a lot of money for the war which destroyed them. The Treaty still left things unresolved and caused even more conflict. Adolf Hitler had extreme views and had a vision of German civilization. This all led him to kill minorities and Jews and seize land. The Nazis then came into power in the government which gave Hitler an opening to take over Germany. Under Hitler, many deaths were caused and fear was spread to the people of Germany. Under the Treaty of Versailles, land in Rhineland was set between Germany and France and made it so Germany couldn’t set up troops there. Hitler broke the rules and he sent troops there, but Britain and France protested but never took any real action to stop him. Britain knew Hitler was a powerful leader and followed appeasement and gave in to all of Germany’s demands. No one did anything about Hitler’s rule which caused him to cause chaos around Europe and begin WWII.
L.O. Nations didn’t do anything to stop Hitler’s ruling in Germany and let him have full control of the government. Germany was left in many consequences after WWI which made them weak until Hitler came and changed everything. The Nazi party took over and millions of people died (mainly Jews) under Hitler’s rule. Germany was left in fear due to what Hitler was doing to the minorities. WWII ended with over 75 million deaths, a change in views on racism, international relations, and colonial empires, and it led to an ideological battle between the Soviet Union and the United States which shaped global affairs for many decades.

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New Military Tech 7.7


Def: Many technologies were used during WWII such as radars, computers, aircraft carriers, and mainly atomic bombs. Radars were mainly used on ships and they would detect enemy ships and it would also guide ships throughout the night. Radars also aimed at anti-aircraft guns and searchlights. Computers were mainly used for calculations. Aircraft carriers were used to allow air support for battleships, increased the range and flexibility of naval forces, and have planes take off and land on their decks at sea. Atomic bombs were deadly during WWII and caused destruction to cities and death to many people that were in the range they were dropped in.
L.O. Technologies were used by all the countries that were involved in the war. Atomic bombs were first dropped by the US which started the nuclear age. Other countries used radars and computers which was the tech that helped detect incoming enemies. There were also aircraft carriers that were used to raid their enemies.

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Holocaust 7.8


Def: After Hitler took over Germany, Slavic people were removed from their homes. 7 million residents that were from conquered territories were forced to work in labor camps. Nazis also sent gays, people with disabilities, opponents, and Jews to labor camps. Hitler put in the Nuremberg Laws that banned Jews from going to certain schools and having certain jobs. The discrimination towards Jews turned into mass murder and Hitler had the goal to kill all of the Jews in Europe which was called the Final Solution. They would shoot Jews and send them to death camps to gas them and by the end of the war, 6 million Jews were killed and this genocide was known as the Holocaust.
L.O. After Hitler was able to take over Germany and put all of Germany in fear, he was able to set a government based on his beliefs. He wanted to kill all of the Jews in Europe and wanted them to suffer so he made them go into labor and death camps to work until they died or kill them himself. Jews would be gassed, hung, and more, and by the end of WWII, 6 million Jews were dead.

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Ukrainian Genocide 7.8


Def: Stalin’s collectivization of agriculture was resited by peasents. Peasents killed their livestock and destroyed their crops instead of giving them to the state so they could control them. Famines from human contact were the effect of this and caused devastation in Ukraine. These famines cause millions of deaths to peasents across Ukraine. Since the governments took their crops to feed industrial workers, it grew their industry.
L.O. Since the peasents wanted to resist Stalin’s form of government, they decided to resist and destroy their crops which cause famines to spread and kill millions of peasents. Governments decided to take their crops and fees industrial workers so even though millions of peasents died, the industry grew.

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