Sauceda APWH Unit 8 Vocab Flashcards


Cold War 8.1


Def: A conflict between the US and the Soviet Union that didn’t involve confrontation from the military. Their conflicts started after World War II and both sides wanted to have dominance around the world for their philosophies, the US being capitalism and the Soviet Union being communism. This rivalry led to them taking opposite sides in other wars that they didn’t have involvement in and turning those small civil wars into greater ones. Between the US and the USSR, they ideologically fought each other using propaganda, secret operations, and an arms race.
L.O. After World War II a conflict began between the US and the USSR for their philosophies to become a dominant figure across the globe. The US believed in capitalism and the USSR believed in communism and this conflict began a cold war. There was never any direct conflict between both sides and it was mostly ideological.

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Non-Aligned Movement 8.2


Def: A conference that was held in Indonesia known as the Bandung Conference which led many countries to come together to form the Non-Aligned Movement. These were the countries that weren’t aligned with any big superpowers and countries that would protect one another. They faced challenges such as member states becoming more closely aligned with one of the superpowers and member states combing for support for strong international institutions to advance themselves.
L.O. Since the US and the USSR were fighting for more power across the world, it led to smaller countries not wanting any involvement in their feud since World War II had just come to an end, so the Non-Aligned Movement was started for the smaller countries who weren’t aligned with any of the big superpowers and they came together to protect one another.

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Kwame Nkrumah 8.2/8.5


Def: Kwame Nkrumah was one of the main leaders fighting for Ghana’s independence from Britain. Kwame was also one of the main leaders of the Non-Aligned Movement. He became president in 1960 and began many nationalistic traditions to represent Ghanaian nationalism. Kwame built up Ghana after decolonization and made it a stronger nation. Since people believed Kwame was running the country into debt, he claimed dictatorial powers after his voters agreed on a one-party state. Kwame Nkrumah founded the Organization of African Unity which under Africans from all over the country.
L.O. Kwame Nkrumah was one of the leaders of the Non-Aligned movement which was a movement that gathered smaller countries together to discuss them protecting one another and not having any involvement in any of the big superpowers. Kwame Nkrumah gained Ghana’s independence after negotiating and with the help of the United Nations. Kwame also started the Organization of African Unity which unified Africans from across the country. He built up Ghana after decolonization until he was shown as a dictator and his voters voted for a one-party state.

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Proxy Wars 8.3


Def: Proxy wars were the smaller countries becoming stand-ins for the US and the USSR. These wars happened in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean and were based on issues such as land reform, colonialism, and the spread of communism. After World War II, the Korean Peninsula was divided and the Soviets occupied the north while the US occupied the south. North Korea invaded the south in an attempt to reunite Korea which began the Korean War. The United Nations stood with the south and protected them militarily. The Soviet Union didn’t send any troops to the north but they sent money and weapons. The UN began to push the north across the inter-Korean border and then pushed towards the north’s border with China. This led China to believe the UN was trying to invade them so they joined the fight against the US. The Korean War was fought for 3 years until it ended in a stalemate and both sides stayed divided. After the Portuguese colony of Anglo won its independence, they had to face other ethnic conflicts. Their borders were sent by European colonial powers with no regard for traditional regions so it led to ethnic groups having a rivalry and being thrown under one government. The USSR and Cuba supported the Mbundu tribe, South Africa supported the Ovimbundu tribe, and The US supported the Bakongo tribe. After 27 years of fighting, the war ended after a ceasefire but their threats of violence against each other stayed.
L.O. The US and USSR maintained their influence by bringing themselves into wars they had no involvement in. They both aligned themselves on a side in these wars which were called Proxy Wars. During the Korean War, the US aligned with South Korea and the USSR aligned with North Korea. In the Angolan Civil War, the USSR aligned with the Mbundu tribe while the US aligned with the Bankongo tribe.

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Communist Revolution in China 8.4


Def: Communists and Nationalists were fighting for control in China until the Japanese invaded which led both sides to make an agreement to have their focus on fighting Japan and not each other. After Japan was defeated, this conflict contained. Mao Zedong led the Communists and they won popular support since they redistributed land to peasents, punished soldiers that mistreated civilians, and opened up schools and hospitals. The Communists ended up defeating the Nationalist and they began to set up the People’s Republic of China. Zedong began 5 Year Plans in China which emphasized heavy industry of consumer goods.
L.O. After the Communist Party defeated the Nationalists, Mao Zedong started the Cultural Revolution which silenced Mao’s critics and held his power. The Red Guards seized teachers, governments officials, and more. They were sent to the countryside where they would work in hard labor and attend meetings. Many people died going since they went against Zedong’s ways and a lot of China’s culture was gone.

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Great Leap Forward 8.4


Def: The Great Leap Forward led to more land reforms in China. Land owned by peasants was put into communes which were large agricultural communities where the state has ownership of their land. Anyone who went against Mao Zedong’s policy was either killed or sent to reduction camps. Failed harvests would cause food shortages which led to a famine but China still exported grain to Cuba and Africa.
L.O. After Mao Zedong and the Communist Party defeated the Nationalists, Mao Zedong came into power and started the Great Leap Forward which put the peasant’s land in the holding of the state. China still exported grains to Africa and Cuba even though their failed harvest led to severe food shortages. A famine broke out and anyone who went against Mao would be killed.

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Communist Revolution for Vietnamese Independence 8.4


Def: Japan occupied Vietnam in World War II. France still had control of Vietnam as a colony and after World War II, Vietnam gained its independence from both Japan and France. Vietnam took on communism and the Communists vowed many policies such as deciding to seize land from large landowners and distribute it to the peasents. They went by their policies in violent ways when they took their power in the north but in the south, they had a government that was behind in implementing land reform.
L.O. In North Vietnam, land reforms such as distributing land to peasents were put in place easily but in the south, they were behind on placing land reforms so these ideas became unpopular and it took the south way longer to adapt to these reforms.

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Decolonization 8.5


Def: Countries took their opportunity after World War II to gain their independence since many countries left the war weak. Decolonization is colonized nations fighting for their independence or to be released from colonization.
L.O. Kwame Nkrumah gained Ghana’s independence through negotiating with Britain with the help of the United Nations but in the Angolan Civil War, independence was gained for Angola through fighting for it in battle.

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Indian National Congress 8.5


Def: The Indian National Congress was founded in South Asia which had Hindus and Muslims grouping together to fight for Independence from British rule. In Amritsar, a massacre occurred after a protest began during a Sikh festival which led to many dead and injured. This led to the Indian National Congress wanting India’s independence even more. They were led by Mohandas Gandhi led the Indian National Congress and had his campaign based on civil disobedience. Indians were encouraged to go to jail for breaking unjust laws. Gandhi also led many protests and boycotts that will lead to India’s independence in 1947.
L.O. The Indian National Congress gained its independence through peaceful protest and boycotts. They were led by Mohandas Gandhi and his ideals and he used civil disobedience to help in the fight for India’s independence from Britain. India finally gained their independence in 1947.

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Muslim League 8.5


Def: The Muslim League was founded after the Indian National Congress but had the same goal of gaining India’s independence from Britain. They were a separate nation for Indian Muslims but not all Indian leaders agreed with Gandhi’s ways. They put everything aside during World War II until the war ended and they began to fight for independence again.
L.O. Similar to the Indian National Congress, the Muslim League had the goal to gain India’s independence from Britain but this group was for Indian Muslims. Independence for India was gained in 1947 with the leadership of Mohandas Gandhi.

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Partition of India 8.6


Def: After India’s independence was gained in 1947, India was divided into 2 separate countries. One country was a mostly Hindu India and another was mostly Muslim Pakistan. Partitioning India led to chaos with violence breaking out along religious lines. Hindus began to flee Pakistan and went to India and Muslims fled India and went to Pakistan. There were around 10 million people who fled their country which led to around 1 million people dying due to the political turmoil. Tension stayed between India and Pakistan with religious movements opposing the other country and the Kashmir Conflict. The Kashmir Conflict was the fight for Kasmir which was a region that bordered the north. People in Kasmir were mostly Muslims but they were led by a Hindu which made Kashmir owned by both Pakistan and India. Armed conflict struck which led both sides to develop weaponry. At the end of their conflict, 45 percent of Kashmir was controlled by India, 35 percent was controlled by Pakistan, and 20 percent was controlled by China.
L.O. India was divided into 2 different countries, one being India and one being Pakistan. Thus divide led to many conflicts due to religion which led to 10 million people fleeing their countries and 500,000 to 1 million people dying. After these deaths, both sides had their conflicts and one of those main conflicts was the Kasmir Conflict. Both sides wanted a claim over Kasmir so they fought for it but ended up where Kasmir was divided into 3 different parts.

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Creation of Israel 8.6


Def: Zionist wanted their state to be formed in Palestine since that was where their ancestors lived and Jews wanted to have their own country for protection. Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire which some of its inhabitants were Arabs practicing Islam. The British declared that Palestine would be a national home for Jewish people and they also had promised Arabs an independent state. Since many Zionist began to migrate into Palestine and Jews immigrated after the Holocaust (they also had global sympathy), Britain put everything in the hands of the United Nations which divided Palestine into 2 different sections. One section was Arab and the other was Jewish and the Jews made that section into their own country called Isreal. Even after the divide, many conflicts started to occur between Palestine and Isreal.
L.O. Due to the Zionist wanting their own independent state and the Jews wanting a place of protection, they both began to seek Palestine. The Zionists sought Palestine since their ancestors once lived there. After Jews and Arabs started to immigrate to Palestine, it led to the United Nations dividing Palestine into 2 sections, one section being Arab and the other Jewish. The Jews made their section a new country called Isreal and after the divide, conflicts rose between Palestine and Isreal.

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Metropole 8.6


Def: A metropole is a big city that was formally ruled by a colonial power. Refugees and immigrants moved to London (which was a Metropole) from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. People would migrate to these cities and found work in the medical field and worked on railroads, boundaries, and airports. This was to keep colonial power and newly independent countries strong.
L.O. Cities that were metropoles were rapidly growing cities due to many people that migrated there settling in these kinds of cities. People would find work in many different fields which led to these cities’ economies growing.

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Mohandas Gandhi 8.7


Def: Mohandas Gandhi was the leader of the Indian National Congress which fought for India’s independence from Britain. Gandhi based his movement on civil disobedience and he would encourage Indians to go to jail for breaking unjust laws. He wanted to expose the British imperial system and became known as the Indians Mahatma. Gandhi led boycotts and even wore rational cotton instead of the western style suits so he could protest against the British fabrics. Gandhi led a campaign called the Salt March after Britain made it illegal for Indians to produce sea salt for themselves. Gandhi brought Indians to the Arabian Sea where they would pick up grains of salt to protest this British law. Mohandas Gandhi was known for leading this congress in nonviolent ways.
L.O. Britain had power over India and Mohandas Gandhi led the Indian Nation Congress to gain their independence. He was known for doing it peacefully through civil disobedience, boycotting, and his campaign called the Salt March. The Salt March occurred after the British put in place that Indians couldn’t produce their own sea salt so Gandhi gathered Indians to go to the Arabian Sea and pick up grains of salt to protest against Britain.

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Martin Luther King Jr 8.7


Def: Martin Luther King Jr was one of the main leaders during the Civil Rights Movement. The Civil Rights Movement fought to gain equal rights for African Americans and fought to get rid of segregation and discrimination against African Americans. Martin Luther King is most famous for his “I Have A Dream” speech and spoke about many others issues in the world until he was assassinated in 1968.
L.O. Martin Luther King Jr’s speeches touched the world through the words he said to fight with the Civil Rights Movement. Many effects came from this movement such as boycotting public buses that ended segregation, marches were led to gaining freedom and jobs, and court cases that ended segregation.

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Nelson Mandela 8.7


Def: Nelson Mandela led a black resistance movement against apartheid, which was a system of racial segregation that was put into place by a white minority government. He led the African National Congress and was going to prison for going against apartheid. ANC had the goal of eliminating segregation, ending white domination, and making it to where South Africa was multiracial. While Mandela was in prison, it started a global movement against abolishing apartheid. Protest began and made South Africa look bad in the world’s eyes. While Mandela was in prison, he started to negotiate with the government until F. W. de Klerk released him from prison. After his release, apartheid was still a law until reforms ended apartheid and free elections were held. In 1994, Nelson Mandela became the first black leader and president.
L.O. While Nelson Mandela was in prison, it began many protests to end apartheid. The African National Congress also fought to get rid of apartheid and also fought with Mandela to end white domination and to make South Africa multiracial. When F. W. de Klerk was elected president, he believed keeping Mandela in prison was wrong so he was released from prison. Even though Mandela was released, it did not end the issue of apartheid since it was still in place as a law. Many more protests began until elections were put into place which elected Nelson Mandela as president in 1994. This made him the first black president and leader in South Africa.


Francisco Franco 8.7


Def: Francisco Franco ruled Spain and came into power by overthrowing a government that was popularly elected. He was a dictator and he was an ally of the US because of his servant anti-communism. Many political dissenters were sent into labor camps, executed, or imprisoned under Franco’s government. After Franco’s death, Spain moved towards democracy.
L.O. Spain shifting into democracy was because of Franco’s cruel ruling. He caused many deaths toward political dissenters and was a dictator in Spain. He was also an ally in the US since he was against communism which the United States looked passed him being a dictator and took him in as an ally with no care at all for who he was.


Shining Path 8.7


Def: The Shining Path was begun by Abimael Guzman and was a revolutionary organization that was based on Mao Zedong’s ideals, and Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge. The Shining Path began bombings and assassinations in Peru so that they can overthrow its existing government and replace it with communism. 37,000 deaths were caused by the Shining Path’s terrorism and Guzman was arrested and sentenced to life. The Shining Path’s attacks continued until 2011 when one of their leaders admitted to defeat.
L.O. To overthrow Peru’s government, the Shining Path took the approach of terrorism where they would bomb and assassinate thousands of people in Peru. 37,000 people ended up being killed and Guzman was sentenced to life in prison.


Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan 8.8


Def: The Soviets wanted to prop up Afghanistan’s communist government against Muslim fighters so the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. Civilians in Afghanistan had around 562,000 to 2 million deaths. People from Afghanistan would flee to Pakistan and Iran to escape the invasion. The Soviet Army ended up withdrawing after not being able to conquer the guerrilla groups, the Soviet legitimacy was being undermined, and Afghanistan had new forms of political participation developed. Civil War continued in Afghanistan and the Afghan War began. This war left the Soviet Union with stress because of their economy and their leadership was left vulnerable to reform.
L.O. The Soviet Union began to become weak and lose its power which led to the end of the Cold War. The Cold War was between the US and the Soviet Union and it was based on which side’s philosophies were better. Since the Cold War was only between the US and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union become weak which led to there being no need for the continuity of the Cold War.