Socialisation Flashcards


Barriers for disadvantaged people

  • Lack of disposable income——— less money to spend on gym membership or in sport equipment. Clothing like running shoes can be expensive, so decreased participation———- leisure centres could offer discounts during day time for unemployed people to increase their participation in sport. Also offer family discounts to make the participation even more appealing.
  • Lack of facilities——— some that are unemployed live in poorer neighbourhood that doesn’t offer many sport facilities. People unable to afford transport to get to sport facilities so decreased participation rates———— could find volunteers to run free sport classes or coaching lessons for those who can’t afford transport or pay in order to get into facilities. This could be clubs offering free classes in deprived areas.
  • Emotional well being——— could be depressed or stressed about looking for a job or worrying about unemployment. So lower self esteem might result in them not having time to participate due to looking for a job or not wanting to socialise with other people———— Local areas or government could sponsor sport facilities to promote the effects of sport on people and that it can relieve stress and improve mental health.
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