Socialisation 2 Flashcards


Evaluate impacts socialisation could have on Lauren choices. [8 marks]

  • Socialisation is a lifelong process where we learn norms, values and ideas in order to take place in society.
  • Primary socialisation occurs during early years years of childhood usually within family. For example how active Lauren’s parents or siblings were will have direct impact on how she views physical activities. She can also be influenced by sports they played and enjoyed watching. If her family have not been involved in sport then most likely Lauren wasn’t involved in sport from young age.
  • Secondary occurs during later years of childhood till the end and family is less involved and friends/colleges/people have more influence. For example if her peer group was more athletic she would be influenced to continue sports if friends not supportive then more likely to quit athletics.
  • Gender socialisation is the act of learning to conform gender roles. This could dedicate events Lauren took place in and could choose athletes due to less physically demanding activities. Less likely to choose boxing due to more strength demanding activities. More associations with men rather than women.
  • Social control refers to way in which people feeling appearance and behaviour is regulated in social systems.
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