Week 3: The Dark Triad Flashcards
What are the characteristics of narcissism?
Grandiosity, dominance, entitlement and egotism
What are the characteristics of machiavellianism?
Manipulation of others, cynicism, pragmatic morality
What are the characteristics of psychopathy?
Impulsivity, thrill seeking, lack of empathy or anxiety
How could the dark triad be evolutionary?
Exploiting other members of our group can help us to survive and attract mates. It’s adaptive in larger social groups that are loosly connected.
Are people high in the dark triad, high or low in k factor?
How is the dark triad negative frequency dependent?
Only has a positive effect if few people posess it, otherwise the group would fall apart due to lack of cooperation and cohesion
What kind of selection is used for the evolutionary basis of the dark triad?
Fluctuating selection
Where do people fall on the agency-communion scale if they are high in the dark triad?
High agency (dominant) and low communion (cold)
What traits in the big 5 correlate with narcissism and psychopathy?
High Extraversion and openness
What traits in the big 5 correlate with machiaevellianism and psychopathy?
Low conscientiousness
How is neuroticism linked to psychopathy?
Low neuroticism, high psychopathy
What traits in the big 5 correlate with the dark triad as a whole?
Low agreeableness and honesty
What is overclaiming measure?
Participants were asked to rate their familiarity with certain measures, 20% of which were made up. Narcists were likely to lie and rate themselves highly in everything
What is every day sadism?
Callousness, enjoying cruelty and seeking opportunities to cause suffering
What behaviours are predicted by everyday sadism?
Vandalism and online trolling