the west: a narrative history

This class was created by Brainscape user Josh Barnett. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (37)

The Renaissance
What is the renaissance,
With whom did the renaissance begin,
What is humanism
13  cards
Voyages of Discovery
Ship technology,
Portuguese sailors,
Spanish sailors
9  cards
The Spanish Empire
How did spain unite in late 1400s,
Why did spanish regions unite,
What happened in 1496 that create...
9  cards
French Wars of Religion and Calvinism
Who is john calvin 1509 1564,
John knox,
Netherlands calvinists
11  cards
The English Reformation
What englishman was a precursor t...,
Who are the lollards,
The tudor dynasty
22  cards
The Swiss Reformation
What was the swiss reformation like,
Who is ulrich zwingli and what di...,
1529 meeting
4  cards
The Catholic Reformation
Is it a counter reformation,
Oratory of divine love,
What are renaissance popes like
8  cards
The Protestant Reformation
Martin luthers early life,
Why did luther become a monk,
Life as a monk
12  cards
The English Civil War and Absolutism Denied
Who is james i,
Whats up with parliament andjames i,
What did puritans think of james i
18  cards
Early Modern Europe
What is the period of social hist...,
What is aristocratic life like in...,
French taille and corvee
8  cards
Absolutism in France
Reign of louis xiii,
Who reigned in the youth of louis...,
Reign of louis xiv
6  cards
The 30 Years' War
Overview of 30 years war,
Origins of 30 years war,
What upset the bohemian calvinists
12  cards
Absolutism in Russia/Prussia
Who is ivan the terrible,
Who is michael,
Who is peter the great
6  cards
Decline of European Powers
What contributed to polish decline,
What happened to poland in 1795,
What was pre philip ii spanish go...
15  cards
The Scientific Revolution
What was the significance of the sr,
What was the medieval worldview like,
What contributions did the east m...
13  cards
The Age of Enlightenment/Reason
What was the philosophy of the ol...,
What is the age of enlightenment,
Where did people discuss stuff
22  cards
Colonial Rivalries
What were some early european set...,
Whats so great about that fur stuff,
What was the beaver wars about
10  cards
Causes of the French Revolution
What 4 categories of things cause...,
Social economic causes,
Financial causes
7  cards
The French Revolution
New government begins,
What happened following the forma...,
Spark of revolution
19  cards
Napoleon's Ascension and Rising Power
First two wars of the coalition,
What is the directory and how was...,
What is the coup of 18 brumaire
8  cards
Napoleon's Downfall
What is napoleons height,
What happened that made napoleon ...,
What began the war with russia in...
15  cards
Revolutionary ideas in Latin America
Haiti rebellion,
What made spanish colonies mad an...,
Who are creoles
7  cards
The Industrial Revolution
What is the ir,
What is now more important that h...,
Why did the ir start in the west ...
22  cards
European Politics in Revolt: 1815-1848
What did the congress of vienna d...,
Who was the austrian leader at th...,
What new boundaries appeared afte...
21  cards
Unification of Italy
What is italy like after the 1848...,
What city state takes the lead in...,
Who are the rulers of sardinia pi...
9  cards
Unification of Germany
Prussian rulers,
What is realpolitik,
What created tension between prus...
12  cards
Consolidation of France/Britain
Where is france in 1852,
What wars did france fight after ...,
Politics after loss to prussia ge...
6  cards
Decline of Empires pre-WWI
Who is the ruler of austria durin...,
Why is austria losing land,
Whats wrong with austria
15  cards
Imperialism and Global Empires before WWI
Who took a bunch of congo startin...,
What is the berlin conference,
What is a key result of the berli...
17  cards
Causes of World War I
Russo japanese war,
Socio political influences on wwi,
Tensions between lands
9  cards
World War I
Overview of the war,
Germanys plan and action,
Why did britain join the war
18  cards
The treaty,
How many showed up,
Big players
10  cards
Russia, 1917
Last romanov czar,
Why dont people like nicholas ii,
Ruling in place of the czar while...
14  cards
The Interwar Years
Postwar problems,
Spanish flu,
10  cards
Rise of Dictators
Rise of italian fascism,
Black shirts,
Mussolini settles with pope
15  cards
Rise of Nazi Germany
Adolf hitlers early life,
Growth of nazis,
Hitlers society
11  cards
World War II
Beginning of war,
Germany turns west
21  cards

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the west: a narrative history

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