This class was created by Brainscape user Hannah Simpson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Introduction to Aphasia
What is aphasia,
What type of disturbance does aph...,
Name the language modalities dist...
14  cards
propositional speech vs automatic speech
What speech is particularly affec...,
Define propositional speech,
What doe many pwa struggle with
10  cards
Aphasia classification and types.
When have classification systems ...,
What were classifications traditi...,
What is there overlap between
18  cards
Broca's aphasia
Fluent or non fluent,
Also known as
8  cards
Wernicke's aphasia
Fluent or non fluent,
Also known as
8  cards
Jargon Aphasia
What is jargon aphasia,
Verbal expression,
Auditory comprehension
18  cards
Conduction Aphasia
Fluent or non fluent,
Auditory conprehension
7  cards
Anomic aphasia
Fluent or non fluent,
Main feature
4  cards
Global aphasia
Fluent or non fluent,
Auditory comprehension
7  cards
transcortical aphasias
Transcortical motor aphasa,
Transortical sensory aphasia
2  cards
Best Practice Guidlines
What is the aim of best practice ...,
Who are best practice guidelines ...,
What is a best practice guideline
18  cards
What does the who icf model provide,
What sort of model is the icf,
Name the components of the icf
3  cards
Basic principles for intervention
What should we base intervention on,
Who should we involve,
What should be done before starti...
11  cards
Supported conversation
What is conversation,
Why is conversation so important,
In aphasia what do linguistic imp...
20  cards
Word retrieval difficulties
What is a word retrieval difficulty,
What is the term for word finding...,
What aphasia has most prevalent w...
5  cards
PALPA model
What does palpa stand for,
What does the model apply,
What is palpa based on the assump...
11  cards
Features of aphasia
Verbal paraphasia,
Semantic paraphasia,
Phonemic paraphasia
8  cards
Assessment- word retrieval
Assessment informal and formal,
Formal assessment of single word ...
4  cards
Intervention- word retrieval difficulties
Basic principles,
Name 5 different approaches used ...,
Facilitating cueing prompting spe...
13  cards
Assessment and intervention- Verbal Expression
How would you assess verbal expre...,
From the assessments what should ...,
Intervention for verbal expression
3  cards
Intervention- phonological errors and neologisms
Define phonemic paraphasia,
Where is the problem in terms of ...,
What is a neologism
18  cards
Define assessment,
Purpose of assessment,
What framework should we consider...
39  cards
Assessment continued
Activity limitation assessmentwha...,
Name formal assessments that meas...,
Participation qol assessmentwhat ...
11  cards
Speech comprehension difficulties
What is meant by speech comprehen...,
In aphasia speech comprehension i...,
What is the problem with comprehe...
8  cards
Speech Comprehension assessment and intervention
What is aim of assessment what do...,
Name the 3 levels of auditory com...,
Palpa bottom up model
21  cards
Social and emotional aspects
What do people with aphasia exper...,
Reactions of others,
Feelings reported by pwa
24  cards
SLT Role
Aim to facilitate,
Counselling for both,
What should be provided
7  cards
Recovery, Evidence and Prognosis
Approx how many people living in ...,
Recovery from aphasia,
When are improvements in language...
16  cards

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