psychology biop 4 markers

This class was created by Brainscape user Kirandeep Kaur. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

6.1: The central nervous system (CNS)
Martha was telling her friend san...,
Martha was telling her friend san...,
Martha was telling her friend san...
5  cards
6.1: The peripheral nervous system (PNS)
Identify the two components of th...,
Identify the two components of th...,
You are walking home at night it ...
7  cards
6.2: The process of synaptic transmission
Explain the process of synaptic t...,
Explain the process of synaptic t...,
Explain the process of synaptic t...
11  cards
6.3: The influence of neurochemistry on behaviour: The function of the endocrine system
Using an example describe the fun...,
Using an example describe the fun...,
Using an example describe the fun...
6  cards
6.4: The fight-or-flight response, including the role of adrenaline
Paul does not like rollercoasters...,
Paul does not like rollercoasters...,
Paul does not like rollercoasters...
18  cards
6.5: Localisation of function in the brain
Lotta s grandmother suffered a st...,
Lotta s grandmother suffered a st...,
Lotta s grandmother suffered a st...
8  cards
6.5: Split-brain research
Outline two findings from split b...,
Outline two findings from split b...,
Outline two findings from split b...
4  cards
6.5: Plasticity and functional recovery of the brain after trauma
Joanne is an amateur boxer and ha...,
Joanne is an amateur boxer and ha...,
Joanne is an amateur boxer and ha...
20  cards
6.6: Electroencephalogram (EEG) and event-related potentials (ERPs)
Researchers decided to compare th...,
Researchers decided to compare th...,
Researchers decided to compare th...
4  cards
6.6: Post-mortem examinations
Explain two issues with using pos...,
Explain two issues with using pos...
2  cards
6.7: Endogenous pacemakers and the sleep/wake cycle
Sam is a police officer she has j...,
Sam is a police officer she has j...,
Sam is a police officer she has j...
5  cards

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psychology biop 4 markers

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