This class was created by Brainscape user Alanna Hayden. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

American Revolution
Learn off facts
33  cards
The Ulster Plantation
Learn the facts
39  cards
Martin Luther And The Reformation
Learn off the facts
38  cards
Life In Soviet Russia
1 what leader and who took over r...,
When stalin took over how long di...,
List features of the communist sy...
21  cards
Life In Nazi Germany
What was fascism,
Examples of dictatorships,
What were the main ideas of fascism
23  cards
The Holocaust
How many jews did the nazis kill ...,
What was the holocaust,
What caused the holocaust
9  cards
The Cold War
0  cards
The Drift To War
What were the causes of world war ii,
What was the treaty of versailles,
What were hitler s aims in foreig...
9  cards
World War II
The invasion of poland 1939,
How did the germans defeat poland,
What was the phoney war and when ...
21  cards
10 Week Test Section A Shorts Questions
Who was the cold war between,
Is germany fascist or communist d...,
What country was first invaded
11  cards
10 Week Tests Section B 3 Long Questions
Question one,
Question 2,
Question 3
6  cards
WWII Operation Overlord/ D-Day, June 1944
When was d day,
How did d day begin,
What was operation overlord
8  cards
How do archaeologists find sites ...,
How do archaeologists test the ev...,
How do archaeologists excavate si...
3  cards
The Reformation
What was christinaity in europe l...,
What role did religion play in pe...,
What was salvation
18  cards
Dictators in detail
Who was hitler,
How did hitler and the nazis gain...,
What were the causes of hitler s ...
8  cards
Middle ages/Medieval times daily life
When were the middle ages,
How were people divided,
What was the feudal system
23  cards
Renaissance & one artist in detail
What and when was the renaissance,
What do historians look at the re...,
What is humanism and how is it at...
21  cards
Results & Causes of WW||
List the terms of the treaty of v...,
What were the causes of ww1,
What was the weakness of the leag...
5  cards
Home Rule (reactions, causes, effects, results)
Explain the background of the hom...,
What was the parliament act in 1911,
When and what was the third home ...
19  cards
Industrial Revolution & the steam engine
What were the causes of the indus...,
What was the background of the in...,
Explain in a brief paragraph stea...
18  cards
Ancient Rome
What were wealthy romans called w...,
What did patricians live in,
Describe a domus in detail how wa...
19  cards
Early Christian Ireland
Explain the relationship between ...,
Explain the coming of christians ...,
Who was st patrick and what was h...
19  cards
Conquest and Colonisation
When did europeans begin to explo...,
What were the causes of the age o...,
What new ships and technology wer...
14  cards
The war of independence
How did the war of independence s...,
What were guerrilla war tactics w...,
What was the role of michael collins
18  cards
The Irish Civil War
What were the causes of the civil...,
How did the civil war begin,
How did the fighting in dublin begin
8  cards

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